Amelia was glad to hear that the woman was interested in sharing the knowledge about her kind, it made her happy. She didn’t get a lot of chances to study other cultures and races, she didn’t travel as far as she’d like to. So the stories that other tell her, was as close as she could get to the rumored places of the world, like Wind Reach and Alvadas. But she didn’t openly state her thoughts, as she just simply nodded her head.
She saw The girl move her lips, it was unusual, some noises…not really, maybe just some that Amelia imagined would come rolling down her lips. She felt quite awkward once she explained that there would be no way of her learning their language. It was a shame, but she understood. ”Irriari? That’s quite unusual, but I assume it’s common for…was it..Zith?” she questioned, afraid to get it wrong ”I’m Amelia, Amelia Cross” She introduced herself in return.
”Don’t worry, I’d be more than simply ignorant, to try and anger someone who studies poison and has claws” she slightly chuckled. ”I think we could work that out latter, maybe you could teach me how to fight, after all I’m close to nothing in combat” she explained, still cheerful in her tone, as her father and mother never really thought it would be proper for her to learn it, probably since she was a ‘girl’.
She patted her pale finger against her chin. Wondering where and how to exactly begin teaching her how to read and write. She needed some paper and ink, but she hadn’t taken any with her today as she didn’t expect she will have the need for them, after all, she was prepared for some more practical lessons. ”Well, the first step in teaching you how to read, would be teaching you the alphabet, but…It isn’t quite easy since I don’t have paper or ink with me today”
Amelia was really worried, and she wasn’t sure what to do. ”Maybe, if you are ok with it, we could meet up here, tomorrow? I could bring paper and ink with me?” was the best she could offer.