Closed And Yet Another Evening (Litani) (Complete)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 21st, 2013, 6:04 am

His brow wiggled with interest as the Konti spoke, her modesty unsurprising to him given the relative social intolerance towards narcissistic or overly prideful behavior. But he knew she wouldn't want to hear his redundant, eccentric observations on the more shorter lived races, or races in general. His grin faded into a smirk, and then a lax smile. His eyes followed her movements along the river as he sat their casually, "Next to them? Why, it depends on the herb." He nodded, inclining his head in a slightly tilted agreement, "I can't say I know much about them, but I'm not going to be a fool and say they don't seem like a very flexible habit. If my ignorance proves otherwise some herbs are used in healing potions, and useful assortments like that, they might even help an Akalak warrior flex out his muscular, manly muscles to impress a Konti near the Bluevein River."

The way in which he said that was in such obvious jest, and combined with a slight bit of flirtation he was afraid the Konti would called him a weirdo or some manner of unpleasant. Yet there was a smirk on his face, still holding back a chuckle after his savvy joke about Akalak masculinity, and his try at flirtation.
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Litani on June 22nd, 2013, 1:15 pm

Litani blinked, looking up from her chadast plants to awkwardly meet his gaze. She smirked a little and an eyebrow twitched; I... I actually think I'm being flirted with...! She shook her head slightly in disbelief and looked back down, reminded herself that she was working, reminding herself to take care of the plants in her hands. He was young. Her gift told her that easily. No doubt he saw the scales and it probably didn't go much beyond that. Still, he seemed nice enough.

"The plants have a soul of their own," she said quietly. "It's much more subtle, much harder to see at first but...if you know what to do with them, there's no end to what they can give you." Like people. Like what I...

She found her thoughts flying back for half an instant but stopped herself. That time was no more. Syliras was over there, and she was here. I am here, now. A slow breath pushed itself out of her lungs in a deep, yet controlled sigh. The lingering memories of her past made her brows furrow together slightly but she turned the contemplative expression to gathering the plants, laying them all gently together in the same direction, plucking off damaged leaves and tucking them into her pack.

She must've realized she'd been quiet for a few moments because she looked up then, flushing slightly, knowing he was still watching her. She smiled faintly, a reflexive yet kind expression. It was getting late and she glanced at the sky as if to indicate as much. "
You'll be tired from your run, I imagine...?" she asked in her low tone, "Evening is upon us. I don't wish to keep you from rest and recovery."

Flowing to her feet, the tall Konti tilted her head as she looked down to Lydan. With herself at full height and he seated, she was still not that much taller than he, and the lack of difference made her chuckle quietly. "
It was a pleasure to meet you, Lydan," she said with a gentle, respectful nod of her head toward him. "Perhaps Fate will see fit to cause our paths to cross again."
Last edited by Litani on July 28th, 2013, 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 22nd, 2013, 5:07 pm

Lydan's lips thinned out into a smile, cheek bones raised in the genuine expression. The man was not ignoring her muttering, but a subtle sign with his eyes and face that he was indeed willing to listen. But he was counting on absolutely no response or acknowledgement, if the woman noticed his subtle signs or was willing to speak to begin with a random stranger she met at a riverside. He took the final gulp from his waterskin, turning the cap back upon it and sticking it on. As for his age, well the Akalak was hardly young, varying between your definitions of youth. By his society's standards, he was a full grown Akalak man.

But, he decided to abandon subtly, and simply went for a straight forward approach. "If there's something you need off your chest, let me know, I tend to not be a very judgmental person, and sharing a woman's secret is something Akalak men are beaten for over here." He tilted his head at her after she spoke, "I tend to stay up late into the evening, and I'll be fine. In fact I think conversation with a beautiful Konti would help me catch some of my breath, no?" His brows lowered in a modest expression, he did not seem necessarily happy, but calm and gentle. Perhaps arguably enlightened, judging from his Monk-like expression. "Off so soon, Miss Litani? I was going to ask if I could purchase you a drink some time."
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Litani on June 22nd, 2013, 11:15 pm

Litani blinked, startled.

Secrets?! I pick a few plants, try to make polite conversation, and he wants secrets?

The woman all but laughed, shaking her head. She stepped back noticeably and squared her frame, facing him almost as if she felt threatened. The posture was subtle, however, and she covered it with a congenial smile that tried to hide the ice of her eyes.

"I have no secrets, Lydan," she said evenly. Perhaps too evenly. "I thank you for the compliment... for your kind inquiry, and for the invitation." Her head raised now and she carried herself almost proudly, defiant. Clearly, he'd struck a nerve, and probably without meaning to, but the nerve was struck all the same. "If you want secrets, however, I would suggest asking another woman." With this, she bowed softly in an attempt to end the conversation on a polite note, then turned and began to walk away.
Last edited by Litani on July 28th, 2013, 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Lydan Verdjak on June 22nd, 2013, 11:39 pm

"I was not asking for that, I was asking if there was something you wanted to bicker about." He adjusted against the rock bed he sat on, before standing up and eyeing her apologetically. Noticing her threatened stance, her clear offense, his eyes were perhaps taking it a bit too seriously, arguably. "Perhaps you have something on your mind that is to personal to mention, it is my utter and stupid mistake to ask you of such personal problems, I know we have only met at this river." He kept his head down, "I am an idiot, forgive me for trying so pettily to hit on you." The man truly sounded like he was defacing himself, a defeatist attitude.

His body language didn't lie either, he was really playing the gentleman's role without any misogynistic or objectification attitudes attached, his head was lowered to her in a way of declaring that she had nothing to be defiant towards, but his own stance was defensive.
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani)

Postby Litani on June 23rd, 2013, 2:09 am

Litani sighed heavily. She'd followed the most of his words and manner, but he'd traipsed across a raw nerve and she'd barked back. And now she felt like she'd kicked an injured wolf. She hated feeling that way.

She paused and turned around, eyeing him in frustration. She'd thought the brief meeting was over and now she had no idea what to do - her defenses were raised and she was very aware that he was not the full reason. Still, she thought she'd made herself clear. She tried again. Calmly, as patiently as she could, she tried to explain.

"Lydan, I... have just come to Riverfall. I have just come here, and I am still learning whom to trust. Your question struck me as personal and while I'm sure you didn't mean it, I am not... exactly companion material, just now. Please forgive me."

With that, she all but fled back up the riverbank towards Sanctuary. He'd gotten too familiar too quickly and spooked her; right or wrong, given her recent experiences, she was not being a fool. If anything, she was starting to learn.
Last edited by Litani on July 28th, 2013, 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And Yet Another Evening (Litani) (Complete)

Postby Magpie on June 30th, 2013, 6:25 pm

Lydan :
Observation +5
Socialization +2
Flirting +2

Litani: Herbalist
A Gentleman's Flirting
Flirting: Moving too Fast
Backing Down After Causing Offense

Additional: You're getting around all over the place! Remember, there are no "minutes" in Mizahar, only "chimes". Your posts are starting to get longer here, which I'm glad to see.

Litani :
Observation +5
Socialization +5
Herbalism +2

Trying to Trust Akalaks
Lydan: Used the River in his Rite of Trial
Continuing a Conversation after Awkwardness
Keeping a Conversation Alive
Rebuffing a Too-Personal Inquiry
Learning When (And When Not) To Trust

Notes :
Cute little thread here, that didn't end nearly as I thought it would. Hope I get to see you guys cross paths again!

If you have any questions or concerns about what was awarded, please don't hesitate to PM me.
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