The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 4th, 2010, 5:36 pm

She looked at him quizzically and said in a mysterious voice “The future is nothing but past to another me”

She smiled and answered “No one should care or could care much I suppose”

But his last question left her unbalanced, she bit her lip slightly a slim fingered hand brushing her hair absentmindedly back from her face.
She would have suspected turmoil to break in her head, but there was silence, there as nothingness. Her brain had stopped, she looked down and tried to concentrate on the cobblestones, trying to make herself think, trying…she parted her lips “To go on”
The unexpected question had left her somewhat shaken, she touched where she had bitten her lip, it stung. Her mouth formed a hard bitter line as she opened her mouth to say something but only air came out, in her head a white fuzziness settled down.
She stayed there like a goldfish, eyes barred and not blinking.

ooc: my turn to whimp ;)
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 4th, 2010, 6:16 pm

What she said made sence, but somehow, there was not much that could have been done to evade, correct, mend, or do any form of a deed to the words once already spoken and once already heard. He was somewhat entertained by the look in her eyes, yet he was seriously worried by the changes on her face, it was as if she was.... afraid? No... Maybe?

Her wish was simple, yet while seing her face, one would wonder is that really all there was to it? Did she really bit her lip just now? That would explain the expression on her face somewhat, after all being as curious as he always was worked against him now, as he had no concrete reasons, no real answers.

The feeling of unknown spreading around him, it gave him an uneasy mass of slashes around his mind, in his thoughts. He spoke only as softly with some concern in his voice: "Are you sure you are ok?" he was too curious to let a question like this pass up after her face becoming so.... so different.

OOC: do your best, after all he does owe her big time xD
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 5th, 2010, 7:42 am

She half heard him her mind still felt like stuffy white cotton.
She took a slow breath and spoke “Are you sure the sky is blue? Are you sure about the cobblestones you walk on? Are you sure about the food you have eaten? Are you sure about me? Are you sure? Is anyone sure about anything?” Her voice trailed off into silence but she continued “Should anyone be sure about anything?” She frowned then her face relaxed completely.

She sighed and looked up for the first time and said louder “Yep, I’m okay, it was just an unexpected question” Fade was given to sudden mood jumps after all she could pass from any two emotive opposites in a blink of an eye, opposites touch after all.

She looked at him then she looked up at the dark sky and smiled gesturing ahead saying in an oddly clear almost watery voice "Lets go"
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 7th, 2010, 2:54 am

He litsened intently to her words, even tho they made no real sence to him, and they were all mixed up and confusing. It took him a fair bit of time before all the information started sinking in. He opened his mout some silence escaping them before he spoke in a cheerfull tone: Yea, it` kinda dark now, but it is blue. Yea, im pretty sure in those guys under my feet. Actually i have not eaten in a while. Yep, i`m sure about you, and i`m pretty sure there is someone out there sure about something, and they should, it is indeed a good thing to be" it was an array of answers, they were all unneeded, but it was a reflex reaction none the less.

He started laughing at his foolish thoughts that went all out through his treacherous lips, before calming down a bit and whispering: "I`m glad you are feeling well" there was not much more to say as he finaly resumed walking through the shadowy street unsure of her reacion, maybe even fearfull, but he knew better than to question himself up at this point.
Last edited by Elliot Skythorn on July 10th, 2010, 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"there" most everything is nothin'
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 7th, 2010, 11:11 am

She hadn’t expected the stream of answers he gave her after a pause, she smiled and did not speak.
She walked next to him, mirroring his steps, her eyes fixed ahead, in the moonlight their icy blue colour became a milky white.
She stayed in silence for some time then she said simply “Being sure leads to arrogance and rash presumptions.” Then she closed her mouth and then asked quietly in the still night “Aren’t you tired?” She paused then asked “And what are you doing here?” Maybe she had already asked him but she thought not.

The shadows and moonlight created shapes of their own, reflected on the street it was quite beautiful, a cloud passed obscuring the moon and the street became a darker grey then started to lighten up again, slowly as the dark cloud passed.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 10th, 2010, 3:21 pm

Yea, her words sounded as much cold as they always did, maybe cold was a too harsh expression, more like absent, or lost, or both. He looked at her eyes, which looked as if they were shifting colours and gave off a faint smile while doing so. He spoke slowly as ever, tho it was somewhat louder than his usual whispery tone: "Yea, maybe it does, but being unsure all of the time leads to nothing but fear" he paused for a moment to give himself time for a few breaths before continuing: "No, not really, it takes a bit more than this to get me tired" he stopped talking while laughing at his own dumb remark, or however inappropriate it may sound to a bystander, to her.

The last question really got him wondering, what was he doing there? It took him a fair bit of time to respond to the last question, but when he did, his words flowed out simply, and for the first time he was sure he said exactly what he wanted to: "I have no idea" he than paused for some time, and after a rather loud sigh he asked: "And why is my purpose here so important to you? Why are you here?" he always was a curious one so he had no problem saying what he was curious about now.

He started grinning almost psychoticaly as the moon disappeared, but soon the wind moved the clouds away, bringing the moonlight back. Zulrav made it happen, he did it, he made it happen, and that sheer beauty of the night was one more reason for favouring a god like that.
"there" most everything is nothin'
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 12th, 2010, 8:07 am

She tilted her head and replied “Well, it’s better to fear than to not fear”
She waited for him to answer her last question even though she sincerely doubted she would get a real answer out of a childish question.
But when he did speak the words tumbled out, questioning more than answering. She walked in silence and then said abruptly “I’m here because I have no where to go, I’m here to walk down this street with you. And your purpose is important to me, but it could not be…” She trailed off, two separate silver lines of thoughts had clashed in her last comment leaving her a bit confused, she wished her gift could be used on herself.

She watched him grin at the disappearing moon, then watched the street light up slowly as the dark cloud moved on. She walked just on the edge of the retreating shadows and then stopped.
Last edited by Fade on July 14th, 2010, 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 14th, 2010, 12:08 am

He litsened to her arguments again, but he was still unable to absorb them, as they were all so illogical to him. Looking a bit longer at her than usual, he spoke silently: "Fear is but a double edged sword, and it can never be truly a friend as much as it can be the enemy" even tho his words were unclear to some extent, he was still sure that they made more sense to him than they did to her, therefore he sighsed while smiling, and just continued: "You always have somewhere to go, even when everyone else tells you otherwise, there always is a beginning and a start to every tale" he paused for no aparent reason, than he spoke again: "All you can do is keep looking back, or keep moving forward..... the choice is yours" he smiled as he had but one last question to ask, and it was somehow picking at him.

"Why is my purpose important?" he probbably already knew the answer, but there were so many things he wanted to hear, so there was no ill side to trying and figure all the messed up thought out.
"there" most everything is nothin'
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Fade on July 14th, 2010, 8:23 am

She accepted his words in silence, in a very weird way they were saying the same thing.
His last repeated question caught her, she paused never moving her eyes unblinking. She stayed there then opened her mouth and recited in a low hollow voice:

“A stronger impulse sinks more deep
And the sky grows white above us
Our love a fact
Like any other
Like a muscle pulsing in a seabird's wing
These welcoming doors close above us”

She fell silent remembering the words, remembering her friend. She had learned to mourn him as if he had died, but he hadn’t. She shook her head pushing the memories back, these moments were not theirs to reign over,they were her's

Silver lines of thought flowed through her mind all in contrast with each other, all contradicting themselves. She tried to abate the silver storm in her head by pushing it away it took all her attention.
After some time she realized what she had just said she grinned. In the nights silence her pure laughter rang in the street.

ooc: Evaporation by Shriekback lyrics
Last edited by Fade on July 15th, 2010, 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The market [Closed - Grandfathered]

Postby Elliot Skythorn on July 15th, 2010, 11:08 am

Elliot was about to say something, but as her sweet lips parted, he completely lost track of where he was standing, even more so as the words kept moving on. He guessed that they were not for him, yet they really made him feel like he was standing on shaky ground before he opened his mouth to say in a numb tone: "That was.... i mean.... wow" he scratched his head in confussion as he now understood how it was to be left speechless all over again.

It took him some time to gather his broken thoughts back together, and speak silently: "That thing before, what was that? Were you the one who created those words?" he truly was curious as he was trying to keep himself together in order to break the cycle of silence

He was trying hard to speak, but somehow the right to speak, the very will to do it was evading him, and than her laugh made him wonder, why was she so happy, yet so sad?

OOC: wow.... again
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