The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Annalisa Marin on June 18th, 2013, 5:44 pm

Hmm... well isn't this odd?

I wasn't initially going to get around to making one of these, didn't really care to. A whim and a bit of writer's block hit me though so here I am.

For those of you unfamiliar with my PC Annalisa Marin I'll give the simple description and save you a trip to my Character Sheet, she is a selfish, arrogant, and narcissistic wizard. A normal average girl corrupted and changed drastically by magic and the desire to be something more, pretty standard stuff really. I didn't want to give her some long overly dramatic backstory that took up five pages, or just give her magic for no reason. I wanted magic to be part of her concept, but I wanted it to fit the character.

There you have it, the short and sweet version. The long and stupid version is in my character sheet. If you don't value your sanity go ahead and take a look.

Since I don't want to talk about Anna for my entire first post here I'll move on to a subject beyond her; the person behind the monitor.

I'm more than a little... uncomfortable with sharing anything about me over the internet, it seems rather unwise to me. However I like the friendly atmosphere here so I'll try.

I'm an eighteen year old male from Stafford, Virginia. I go by my middle name Joseph. I am a great lover of writing and psychology. I always enjoy a good villain done right over a hero that saves the day every time. I'm a total geek. I've watched every season of every Star Trek and every Stargate multiple times. I also collect old vintage video games from the 80's and 90's.

Those are only small parts of the whole but I figure they might explain a thing or two about me. Again, I'm not very good at this sort of thing.

Now then, I welcome any and all comments in regards to, well anything. A discussion about a certain video game? Sure. A friendly and civil debate over the nature of morality and how it applies ICly? I'd love it. Joking around about most anything? Without a doubt.

I will also most likely post any ideas I have for the shaping of Anna's personality as she progresses here. As well as any travel plans for her and recent developments in her life that possess some relevance.
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Anna and Oscar

Postby Annalisa Marin on June 24th, 2013, 3:37 am

Huh, I've been doing a lot of thinking regarding the duality of playing Oscar and Anna lately. One is a kind and caring healer of Rak'keli while the other is an ambitious wizard and a Chaon of Rhysol. They are on the exact opposite ends of the spectrum of morality but I have to wonder if the terms good and evil can apply here when referring to them. Certainly Oscar possesses many goodly qualities about him and Anna possesses many qualities one would consider evil but I find it difficult to call them one way or the other.

At the end of the day they actually both possess negative and positive qualities about them. Oscar might seem to be a saint but looking closer to him I noticed that not all was as it seemed. So I'll be putting up an analyses of what I see from either character personally and what I feel they are truly like below the surface.


I have something of a long story to tell about Anna.

Anna is something of an oddity to me, I wasn't going to make her initially as I wanted to focus on Oscar and his struggle with the situation in Kalinor. I was also afraid that I would follow in my brothers path on this site and create too many PCs, just to retire them when I grew bored. I wanted to put meaning into my PCs and flesh them out as they went forward on their paths.

I will not lie, initially I just wanted to make a wizard. I looked around at a number of people playing them and noted they all seemed to be rather unchanged by their magic. Magic Mizahar always has fascinated me as the system was extremely well fleshed out, far more than my own attempts had been. So I set out to create a wizard, one who had been warped and shaped by the magic she used. One who went from common nobody to (hopefully) the dazzling heights of a master wizard.

As for her personality I wanted her to be an example of one changed permanently by her magic, to show just how much magic could change a person. Some might call her evil but I don't see her as purely evil.

She is definitely arrogant and very mean, I mean she worships Rhysol so obviously she far from being a moral individual. However something I have noticed when writing her is that she seems to encourage others to better themselves. She believes that one must make their way in the world through the strength they themselves earn. In her eyes, even the weakest most pathetic beggar can become great, the only thing holding them back is themselves.

While she might be possessed of a dark personality and definitely has a number of negative personality traits, Anna is also proactive and always ready to seek new solutions and new mysteries.


Oscar, while he is technically not my first character (I'll into more detail about that in a future Scrap) is definitely my first serious one. Before I even made my first character on Miz I did much extensive research on the site. My brother, now bored of it, mentioned it to me and I looked up. I was completely blown away by it all and would spend hours looking over the lore, immersing myself in this world. By the time I actually started playing I felt as though I had been on here for months. If only my writing had shown that, I suppose I was what you would call an arrogant newb. I was so confident that just reading the lore made me an instant expert, boy was I in for a shock.

Anyway, skip ahead past a couple of extremely embarrassing misadventures and you have Oscar.

As a person I see him as the kind friend who always has a nice word to say and a comforting smile ready. As an archetype he is very much the compassionate healer, but unfortunately you also have something of a martyrdom complex there as well.

This is where things get even more strange, Oscar by his very nature is also a conformist. He might have issues with how a society is run but at the end of the day he won't be starting any uprisings to change the social order of his own volition. He also does not particularly feel strongly about people bettering themselves, he would rather them live nice and quiet lives. He also believes in the idea of community cohesion and will most certainly be the first one to keep people from fighting.

So, a kind and caring healer? Yes.

A Martyr who puts the safety and well being of others miles before his own? Also yes.

A Conformist who would rather a person stay on their social lot and believes that ANY conflict is terrible? So it would appear.

Those are just my thoughts on the matter anyway. Who knows? Over the course of play they might change thousands of times. Because at the end of the day I want them both to just be human in how they act and interact.
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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on July 2nd, 2013, 2:49 pm

Woot! I love Anna's new Ava! So badass! Now that's my evil professor/wizard! :D :thumbsup:

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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 2nd, 2013, 3:02 pm

I believe you are actually the first one to comment on the change, Kouri. Thank you! :D

Also I noticed you started a Dhani reimancer that looks pretty awesome. I was also saddened to note that she was all the way in Zinrah, it brought bitter tears to my eyes. :(

However that is actually close to my healer's current location, he is in Kalinor at the moment. Though Oscar might be travelling elsewhere at some point soon... not sure where I want to take the poor guy after Kalinor. And I also have a new PC in Syliras, Matheld.
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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on July 2nd, 2013, 3:12 pm

You're very welcome! :D

Yeah! Soshakuakamamushi (I know it's a mouthful, but aren't most Dhani's name like that? :lol: ) She's a gullible, easily-taunted Viper Dhani. I decided to place her in Zinrah because I like the prospect of playing a David among Goliaths :lol: !

Oh, I hope Aka and Oscar could meet someday, hopefully... :) If Aka ever comes to Zeltiva (or Anna comes to Zinrah) perhaps Anna could teach Aka a thing or two about Reimancy! :D I bet Anna will view Aka as a spoiled-complaining-little-snake. :lol:

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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 2nd, 2013, 3:23 pm

Ah, you torture me Kouri. Making another reimancer so far away that could potentially serve as Anna's sla- I mean student? So very cruel. Oh well, I'll have to wait. I've got the coup and Anna... plans for it to keep her busy, and of course that Voiding initiation.

How go your (Mis)adventures in Syliras? I can't imagine too many people are lining up to try and fight a ghost with near master level skills despite the bounty. I considered trying to get Matheld in on that but it just didn't seem like his scene, that and you would probably turn him into swiss cheese.
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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on July 2nd, 2013, 3:36 pm

:P Aka would make a great slave actually. :lol: If you don't mind a whiny one, but it seemed Mamoru has beaten you to it.

Believe it or not, a player PM-ed me about taking the job and thread with me about his char capturing Kouri. Unfortunately, with the player's mostly competent/novice skill level, Kouri would butcher him IC. :(

Ehm, pssst... *whispers* do you want to make Mathed take the job? If you don't mind Kouri grinding him into swiss cheese that is... :lol:

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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Fubuki Kouri on July 2nd, 2013, 3:53 pm

Oh wow... :o I didn't really think you would actually accept! :retard: O... okay... *gulp* I'll PM you on your Matheld account... oh gosh... I'm nervous.

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The Evil Professor Is In. (Anna's Scrapbook)

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 2nd, 2013, 3:59 pm

I'm pretty open to character death as long as it isn't on someone I've got a huge investment in. If it was Anna? Definitely not because I want to drive her to the brink of insanity and have a lot more fun with her. Oscar? I think he might be someone to keep around as well. Any of my other alts are fair game. Matheld's an okay concept, but I'm not going to shed any tears if he dies. ;)
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