Completed Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Sayren meets Savio. A rivalry?

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 15th, 2013, 7:29 am


50th of Summer, Late Afternoon.

Was another long and hot day in Nyka. Sayren just finished doing a few training routines for the morning. She was hoping to catch Ximal, but he had apparently left the school without her notice. Which wasn't difficult to do when Sayren isn't completely focused on trying to find the man. He was probably out finding more apprentices to take under his wing. She swore that anyone actually looking for the man would never find them, only have him find you. But she supposed it would be for the best for the time being.

The down time from training would give her a chance to go see Garel and tend to him for a little bit. She had time to tend to his necessary needs but she was missing the large amounts of time she would spend riding her strider out in the fields. For now, there won't be much of that. However, she will see him as often as she could. She stepped outside and noticed Ximal had returned, escorting a man behind him. The next novice she supposed, and she continued off to her strider. Seeing that she hasn't been in the school for that long, she took to the thought that watching Ximal's new confrontation would yield some new input. Maybe even some new tactics. Sayren glanced at the man, he honestly didn't look like much, but then again, neither did she when had waltzed right up to the gate.

"What do you think, Garel? Maybe he'll last 5 chimes?" The stallion leaned up from where he was resting, gazing out to this newcomer. He quickly shook his head and laid down once more. Sayren smiled, "I don't think so either...he doesn't seem like he really wants to be here. There's nothing to fuel his strength. Or-" The stallion gave off a loud snore, telling her he had already lost interest and fell asleep. Sayren narrowed her eyes at her close companion, "Thanks for the input..." Garel seemed to have chuckled for a moment, then returned to his snoring. She shook her head with a smile and laid down on him as she watched the master beat up the new novice.

There was just no chance when Ximal's eyes went into their djed form. Whatever this novice did, it really infuriated Ximal. The confrontation lasted for almost four chimes. He fought well...but walking out with that-accepted? Ximal accepted him? Wow...the other students were right. He was being nice to some of the newcomers. Not that she had much room to speak...her skill at the beginning was...lacking. Alright, she was terrible, the only reason Ximal accepted her was because she had fire in her eyes. Determination to overcome the lack of skill. But this man, he had no fire, and almost the same amount of skill at that. Unlike her though, Ximal told this man to walk into his own room. Poor fellow...he took a nice hit to the leg too. Seeing that Garel had fallen asleep on her, she figured she'd go greet this newcomer. Possibly even train with him and maybe learn some of those strange techniques he was using against Ximal. It was always good to mix up your style, to keep the enemy guessing.

As the man crashed down onto a bed in what she suspected would be "his room". She stepped up to the entrance way and knocked on the trim, "Hey, you alright there stranger?"

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on August 11th, 2013, 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Savio on June 17th, 2013, 2:48 am


Savio flinched as the loudness of the feminine voice assaulted his aching brain. With a loud groan Savio rolled over onto his back and looked up at the lovely young woman standing in his doorway. She seemed energetic and friendly enough, but Savio was in pain.

“Could you please lower your voice? I took a rather hard hit to the head and your voice is making the pain all the more excruciating.” His voice was just barely above a whisper as he lightly rested his hand over his eyes to block out the sun light. He had a horrible pain tolerance when it came to headaches.


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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 17th, 2013, 7:18 pm


Sayren gave him a gentle smile and sat down at the desk across from the bed, she remembered that Ximal gave him quite the headache, so she tried to lower her tone a little, "I guess Ximal gave you quite the thrashing...I watched you take his exam outside." He was definitely going to need some healing ailment of some sort. Or else his headache is going to last for days. Then a thought came to her mind, were there any other students? She knew her and Ximal had a bunch of solo trainings but she just figured that was cause she was so behind...and the other rooms were oddly bare...she gave a deep sigh, she should really pay attention to things more. She looked at the odd man before her, "Would you like to get some healing ailments?"

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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Savio on June 18th, 2013, 8:23 pm


Savio felt bad for snapping at her, she really did seem like a nice young woman. She really was quite pretty, from what Savi could see through the cracks of his fingers. Then he groaned again when she mentioned the beating he had gotten. “That was… Ugh… A man that large should not be that fast. That was humiliating.”

The woman took on the look of concentration. Her attention span was quite… Short to say the least. When she finally managed to snap out of her daze, she offered a small smile to Savio and mentioned something about healing ailments. “That would be a gods send right about now.” Savio murmured softly. But he was torn from staying in the quite room and suffering, or venturing outside and dealing with the noise and the brightness of the sun to get relief.


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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 19th, 2013, 9:32 am


She gave a quiet giggle, being mindful of his current headache, she continued in a quiet whisper, "It's alright, I'll help you to the outside and my Strider may carry you the rest of the way if he likes you. C'mon." She then offered her hand out to him, giving a bright smile, "My name is Sayren. Sayren WindDancer of the Diamond Clan." Depending on if he accepts her hand or not, she will pull him up and place his arm around his shoulder, attempting to be his cane for walking. If not and he thinks he can man it out, she'll simply just walk beside him and keep a cautious eye on him to make sure he doesn't fall or collapse. But either way, she knew he won't last long and will need the help of her Strider to get him towards the merchant. "And what's your name?"

Last edited by Sayren WindDancer on June 24th, 2013, 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Savio on June 20th, 2013, 10:30 pm


Savio gratefully took her hand, allowing himself to be hauled out of bed but as she moved to place his arm over her shoulder he stepped away with a small smile. His pride was already damaged enough; allowing such a small woman to help him walk would be disgraceful. Sayren. That was a lovely name. And from the Diamond Clan? Ah! So she must be a Drykas woman. Savio has never seen a Drykas in person. He always thought they were hulking burly warriors from Endrykas, he never once thought about how the women must have looked. “My name is Savio Cazzola from Syliras.” He replied as he limped beside Sayren through the building and towards the stables.


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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on June 24th, 2013, 9:05 pm


"Savio Cazzola? Such an odd name." She strolled along with him down the hallway till they finally reached where Garel, her amazing Strider, was resting. He was healthy and well-muscled for a strider. Making him a dependable companion for her journey from Endrykas to Nyka. The stallion slanted his head to the side as he looked over to his familiar companion, but his eyes narrowed to the male beside her. Sayren greeted her friend with a big hug around the neck, "Hello Garel, looks like you might get some exercise after all."The Strider looked down at her confused, making Sayren's smile wider, "We're helping our new friend here, Savio. Ximal roughed him up pretty bad and needs to see the merchant we've been seeing."

The Strider looked over to Savio, examining him as he gave a small trot around Savio. Then he leaned in close to Savio, their eyes on almost equal measure. Till Garel gave him a quick tap to the skull with his own, whinnying in an almost chuckling form.

Sayren's eyes widen as she rushed over to Savio, "Garel! I said help him! Not make him worse! Savio, are you ok?" The Strider just pranced around them like he had accomplished some victory over the poor human.

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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Savio on July 12th, 2013, 6:28 am


Savio frowned at the young woman’s comment on his name. Odd? How was his name odd? He just shrugged and shuffled onwards. Regardless of her strange behavior, Sayren seemed like a genuinely nice person. And if he had been in a different state of mind, he probably would have been just as cheery. But alas, he was in pain and slightly grumpy.

It didn’t take too long for them to reach the stables. But Savio had to depend on Sayren to guide him once they were outside; the Sunlight was the bane of Savio’s existence. He had to cover his eyes with one hand, and hold on to Sayren’s shoulder with the other. Soon the warm scent of horse flesh, leather and droppings assaulted Savi’s nose to signal that they were finally at the stables. He was finally able to remove his hand from his eyes to look around. There was but one horse resting in the building. It was a sturdy looking stallion with a long flowing mane of white hair. He looked almost regal.

Savio watched as Sayren talked and hugged the horse as though he was a person. Perhaps it was a Drykas mannerism. She led the horse from his stall and walked him over to Savio. The animal was watching Savi with intelligent eyes, and quite frankly, it made Savio uneasy. The “Strider” walked around Savio, examining him until they once again met eyes. Then the beast head butted Savio. The pain that rocketed though his skull was so bad that Savio slumped to his knees and actually get sick, right there on the hay and dirt.

As least Sayren sounded concerned and sorry, were as her stallion seemed to be laughing at the poor unfortunate man at his hooves. “Oh, I am just petching dandy.” Savio hissed and he held his head like he was trying to force it from cracking apart.


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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 12th, 2013, 7:14 am


She quickly ran over to the well and placed a rag into it. She heard Savio curse, this made her sigh as she returned with the wetted rag in hand, "Here, try this. I know it's not cold, but the water should at least help cool you down at least." She then tried to help the injured man onto his feet and into the shade of the stables. Gently setting him down in one of the hay bails.

"Again, I do apologize about him." Pointing over to her stallion with abrupt frustration, "He has a tendency to get jealous about other men being near me..." She then rubbed her chin in thought, "But then why did he never confront Ximal? Was it just wise intuition or just sudden respect?" She shrugged the thought away for the time being, it'll be a question for later surely.

"Let me get him to calm down and you maybe able to lean on him while we go talk to my Merchant." Then she quickly bolted from his side to Garel's. The horse was still prancing around happily till Sayren stood in front of him. He looked down at her puzzled, Sayren grasped him by his mane as she proceeded to pull him back to the stalls, "That was a mean thing you did to poor Savio. Why did you do that to him?" The horse sighed, seemingly not caring for this type of treatment as he followed behind her. Sayren brought him in front of Savio and pointed down to the man, "Now apologize..." The Strider raised an eyebrow at her, then shook his head. Sayren narrowed her eyes, "Don't be all innocent now, just apologize to him." The strider sighed once more and leaned over to lick Savio's face before trotting away and laying down on the other side of the stables.

Sayren offered her hand down to Savio, "Wanna give it another try?"

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Novice, meet, Novice (Savio)

Postby Savio on July 12th, 2013, 9:47 pm


To be fully honest, Savio couldn’t think clear enough to fully pay attention to Sayren’s babbling. His head was throbbing with indescribable pain. He was still holding his head on the sides, as though he could prevent it from exploding into many little pieces. His stomach still churned, but thankfully there was nothing else in it for him to expel. He allowed himself to once again be guided, and he gratefully sat down on the bale of hay.

Savio winced once again. By the gods his head hurt!! He listened to Sayren apologize once more and he weakly waved her away. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just get going before my brain decides to abandon ship.” He watched her rush off to chastise her horse. Savio couldn’t help but sigh. But a small smile crept onto Savio’s face when the young woman returned leading the stallion, reprimanding the animal as though he was a small child. And the horse seemed to also respond like a petulant child. Savio would have laughed, had his skull not felt like it was breaking in half.

When Savio believed the horse would just ignore the commands of his Master, the young man found his face being licked with a long horse tongue. He sputtered and tried wiping the thick saliva from his face in disgust. Can this day get any worse?


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