Isolde felt very conspicuous, almost dirty, as she hurried her way through the streets. The doubts were already a pressure built up in her head, something that had to constantly be pushed and shoved away, taking up her attention when she should have been keeping her eyes peeled, on the lookout for Knights. One of her hands was shoved deep in her leather vest's left-side pocket, curled around a cloth-wrapped object; the other was having a hard time keeping away from the dagger that was tied to her simple belt.
She didn't know quite what was wrong with her, what had come over her in these past few weeks. She always tried to do what was right-- but lately, that trying had turned a lot of her effort to participating in skills that were likely to help her, and just as likely to end up hurting others. Dagger training, starting with Razkar of the Shorn Skulls. That business with practicing Reimancy out in the Woods. And now, after reading a tidbit in a book while scribing at work and becoming macabrely interested... poisons. Even thinking the word made the Nuit's spine tingle unpleasantly, but there it was. Poisons. She must be crazy. Her only solace was that she was interested in poisons made to incapacitate-- not to harm or kill, gods no.
It hadn't helped that it had taken a lot of stuttering to a lot of the more shady-looking people who came through Undeniable Interests to weasel out a place to start looking. Apparently there was a ritual that had to be performed, too, used as a sort of introduction to the person who belonged to said place, and just thinking about what she was doing made the Nuit feel a contrasting mix of ridiculousness and wickedness. Drop a poison ingredient into a particular beggar's bucket to catch his attention, and hopefully earn herself a teacher in the process? But what was she supposed to drop in? The only answer had been the flash of a smile and the mysterious words, "Guess it depends on what you want."
So the Nuit had done some reading. The book she had been scribing for Mr. Ariva had been called, "Poisons: Dandy and Deadly, an Overview". It had not been the most helpful tome, but it had told her the basics of certain poisons to be used, and their effects and base ingredients. A particular one, a tier one, novice sort of concoction that she might easily be able to create if only she had a little practice and the right instruction, had involved some sort of plant called 'Whinnis Root'. What had caught the Nuit's eye had been the location of said root; 'found in forest environments'. Well, if the Bronze Woods just outside of Syliras didn't count as a forest, she didn't know what might. And so the Nuit had read on, figuring out from an artist's rendering what exactly this Whinnis Root might look like, and then on one of her off-days she had gone out and blundered around the Woods until she had finally found it and dug it up. Currently, it was the small bundle wrapped tightly in cloth in her pocket. It was just a root, but carrying it made the Nuit feel more nervous than she usually did, and she kept her hand wrapped around it at all times. Isolde wasn't certain if she was worried about dropping it and having to snatch it back up, or about purposefully chucking it as far as she could and then running in the opposite direction.
But no, she had to at least try to find this person. She had the root. Now she needed a teacher.
All that had been left to do was go scurrying down the street in what was apparently the right section of the city, trying to match a vague description of the person she sought to the people she saw. The description had been lacking detail almost to the point of being useless. The only thing she had to go off us was "He'll have a pet rat." That had been accompanied by a hearty snicker that she hadn't understood, and hadn't particularly cared to.
Rat, rat, rat. How was a rat to help her? There must be a lot of rats around in this part of the city, and how was she to know if one was a person's pet or just another creature squirming and flitting across the cobblestones? Certainly she needed more information... She felt weird peering into each beggar's face, searching near them for a rat and a bucket or bowl to drop a well-wrapped root into. Gods, this was too strange. She needed more information. There was no way she would find the right--
Oh gods, was that a rat or some other animal, simply deformed --or maybe even bred-- to look like one?
But no, it was most definitely a rat, and it was the biggest rat the Nuit had ever seen. Its furry presence was such that Isolde had a hard time checking out the man sitting slumped next to the beast... and perhaps that was the point. She dragged her eyes away from the creature, searching the ground-- and there was a simple bowl. Every once and a while a person would lean down to toss in a copper Miza or two... though the man sitting next to it didn't really seem too interested in their money, and if he reacted at all it was to look vaguely bored or impatient with their charity. That had to be the man, right?
Trying her best not to just spin about and go bolting away, the Nuit approached. Her hand leapt to her dagger and she had to force it off, thinking the man wouldn't like to be threatened, and no matter that she was absolutely terrible at using the damned thing, still. Her left hand withdrew from her pocket, and nonchalantly as she could she walked towards him, clutching the root in clammy fingers, not knowing if she would dare --or even if it was the right root, gods she hoped so. And then she was standing next to him, and his rat was peering up at her and Isolde tried to think that it wouldn't bite her-- or try to eat her. Suddenly her fingers uncurled and the root dropped, thunk, into the bowl, and she said, voice lowered and scratching in her throat, "H-Hey... uh. H-How do you feel about s-some lessons?" She reached into her pocket again and when her hand came back out there was a flash of Mizas, before they disappeared back out of sight. She hoped she wasn't looking too suspicious, that was the point of asking her question without actually saying anything about poisons, and about only flashing the Mizas. She had no experience in this sort of clandestine meeting, but she did have the sense that a girl walking up to a homeless person and showering him in GM would be a very unusual thing to do.
She didn't even know if the man would want her Mizas, or if he was willing to take students, but perhaps --and the Nuit didn't know if this made her hopeful or not-- he would be willing to cooperate, at least for the length of a conversation.