Ana smiled weakly back to Shiress, nodding once just before the woman dissapeared, she didn't really care what she ate as long as it wasn't foul or rotton and stew sounded pretty nice. It had been a long while since she ate a proper meal. Nor did the dish sound as if it would make her regret the choice later, the only minor problem she had with was the ale. Drinking was not her strong suit, she saw how it made people, and how it had affected her life indirectly because of an irresponsible father; Ana had to believe that she was not her father, and even if she did fall down that path of abusive behavior, at least she wouldn't allow herself to start a family.
She was better than him, and his ways, smarter too and she would not be the one bested by the old man. Ana could only muse how frail he might have gotten, or how much he may have not changed, she didn't even know how old he was.
Best I find Oreia here as well, and see if I can... Talk to her as well... Hopefully it won't come to violence, I only want to kill him.
There was time to think before Shiress would get back with her food, and in that time Ana fumbled about with her clothes and dropped her purse into her jacket pocket for easier access later when paying for the meal. I'll need a story, on what.. I don't know.. Sigh, lets see.. Leaning back in her chair, she let her eyes lazily roam, and with them her thoughts. She wasn't much for telling stories, but she could come up with one if she tried hard enough. Right now was probably the best time, come up with an alias early on before any real conversations began; I could be a simple adventurer.. Or a merc, thats not too far from the truth.. Anything besides giving away I'm a thief.
Could say I'm visiting family.. Thats not far from the truth either, but then.. Ah great, shes back. The thief's musings were cut off abrubtly when she saw Shiress approach with a tray of food, and drink; I suppose I don't have to worry too much right now..
Offering another smile that was politely inclined towards the woman, Ana pulled the hot bowl closer and grabbed the spoon, just noticing the piece of bread on the plate the bowl was on. Her eyes lingered on it for a moment before looking back up "smells good, are ya' the cook?" The statement was obviously meant to be joking, but it might not have sounded that way. "No.. I'm not from here, staying a bit, and then leaving.." She twirled the spoon a bit in a half circle as she spoke, keeping eye contact, mind racing for what to say next "I'm just here visiting family, is all, say, would you happen to know where I could find art supplies?"
She plunged the spoon into the bowl and picked the piece of bread up, nibbling on it. "Sisters a painter, figured I'd get her a... Uhm.. Well, a present you see. I haven't seen her in a very long time." Where there were art supplies, there was surely going to be an Oreia swooning over paints and brushes, it was one fond memory Ana held of the girl. If only it could have stayed that way, the memory itself was spoiled sour with a grudge involving their mother's death.