Solo New events (job thread)

Xi heads to the quarries again to earn some moneuy and blearn a little about the meteorite that landed on the 18th

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

New events (job thread)

Postby Ximal on May 21st, 2013, 6:16 am


27th spring 512AV

Xi stepped into the quarries and headed back over to where he'd normally been working to load up carts meeting the other two he'd spent time working with. Marlow and Marvin. In other words tweedle Dee and tweedle Dumb. Xi shook his head and headed over hauling one of the large stones up off of the pile and onto the cart. "So...Ximal...we heard that you tried to jump into the aperture? Marvin glanced to marlow and Xi rolled his eyes before hauling up another cut stone. "yes i jumped and it's strange that the day i do so. there's a huge tremor that emanates from the aperture , and the day following a gods dammed giant hunk of rock lands where i should have been working. Coincidence?" Xi flicked his eye's back and caught the pair glancing at each-other not sure how to respond the gawking look on one contrasting against the sceptical look of the other. "Yeah that is strange...Don't ya think marlow? Marvin glanced back up at marvin who was standing atop the pile helping to shift the cut stone so Xi adn marvin could load it onto the carts.

Then there was that high priest of xannos. Who said there were "astral co-ordinates" which were gained from the meteorite. The second Xi heard that he cringed lightly. Was this what gregor had meant ? Did he mean that something was going to come through that portal? Or was it going to be something else? Suddenly a heavy chill ran down Xi's spine. Xi turned his head and acted normal for the most part. Continuing to pull off cut stone from the pile before eventually caving into his want to ask the question. "So, Marlow, Marvin. Is there any set date for this portal to be opened?" The pair glanced at each other as they hauled a larger stone off of the pile between them. I think the priest said it was the forty fifth ? " Marvin eventually reached around to saying after placing the large hunk of stone on the cart. So...That's opening on the forty fifth, and i'm there for going to need to do a lot of training. Whatever's going to happen...I cant help but have an inkling that all of this is connected. That means i've only got...eighteen days to prepare. Xi turned his attention back towards the pair of people. Hauling up another of the stones he asked with a slight strain in his voice. Due to the weight of the stone and utter lack of grip.

"Do...The, high priests....speak with people outside of the city, i mean foreigners like me ?" Xi placed the stone onto the next cart and then marvin spoke up. "Yeah they do but not too often. And wait...Don'rt tell me your going to go and ask him to postpone the opening of this portal? He wont listen to you, honestly your a nut job who thought it was a good idea to try and JUMP into the aperture...Your lucky you didn't fall in or you would have died...Heck the monks are the only other ones brave enough to go down there, and even then the new ones as part of their initiation spend three solid days down there. With nothing but a full water canteen. And you seriously expect the high monk to listen to you ? Your crazier than we thought. " Xi sighed lighty and cursed under his breath. Curling his hands into fists Xi took a slow breath he'd need to find something. He'd need to do something. Dammit...If no-one would listen to him. Or at least none of the ones with the power to stop it or at least postpone it he'd work his ass off to try and get strong enough to do what gregor had entrusted to him...And he'd like to go back down there to speak to the woman in purple and at least try to communicate with the big statue.

Xi continued working with the guys until the stone was all cleared and then took a breather with them. Now i'm interested about this stone that fell from the sky, this "meteorite". Xi arched an eyebrow and it became scarily apparent how much of an effect zand was beginning to have on him. "Marvin, Marlow. D'ya think you guys could show me to where this meteor landed ? " Marvin and marlow exchanged glances again. Xi sighed lightly and it became strikingly apparent why the pair of them were just labourers. Xi shook his head and then heard marlow speak. "We can show you it but we cant get you close to it, it's being guarded by a monk at all times, for obvious reasons." Xi sighed he'd get close to it on his own, he just needed to know where the damned thing was. Xi smirked and followed the pair as they lead him to wards a place where a large hunk of rock sat in a small crater in the centre of a flattened stretch of land. A monk standing only a few feet from it. Xi sighed and glanced down at it only to have his gazes catch the attention of the monk. Xi shook his head and told marlow and marvin to head back to the stone pile he'd be back in a little bit.

Xi stood at the edge of the crater looking down into it and at the monk guarding it. Xi took his time on planning what he was going to do, when he saw a relief come across to switch with the monk. Interesting. Xi smirked and glanced around awaiting for the monk to depart. Letting the new one take his spot Xi, closed the gap between himself and the monk. Standing now about a good foot away from the stone but with the monk blocking his way and view. "Back away foreigner, your not supposed to be here. This is off limits to all but the monks." Xi smirked and held his hands up in mock surrender. Xi took a half step back and started to walk away but as the monk turned around Xi closed the gap with a single harsh step locking his arm around the monk's throat and putting the monk out cold for a good few minutes. During which time he took a look at the stone. There was nothing strange with it...Well nothing he could really work out.

So it turned out the whole thing was a farce. Luckily, he'd kept his hood over his face, so the monk hadn't seen his face nor heard his voice. But there was something odd about that stone Xi couldn't quite put his finger on it but...It was clearly strange. though as he put his hand near it it felt...Cold. very cold like it was freezing everything around it. It gave Xi the chills but Xi drew away and raced back over to marlow and marvin. "If any og the monks ask i've been here the whole time understand?" The pair looked at each other and shrugged. Both obviously some what simple but completely oblivious to what he'd done or they just didn't think that far ahead. Having said that to conceal the time he'd been away eh put double effort into moving the stone bricks moving them with twice his normal speed and vigour to make up for the time he would have lost during the trip. Hopefully nothing would happen. Right?

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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New events (job thread)

Postby Abstract on June 25th, 2013, 7:23 pm


Loot, Lore, and Skills!

Ximal :
Bodybuilding - 2
Interrogation - 1
Socialization - 1
Planning - 1
Brawling - 1

Rumor of 'Astral Coordinates'
Portal planned opening: The 45th
Location: The Meteorite



Though I liked the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum reference, some how I doubt Mizahar would know of Alice in Wonderland. It was kind of short, so not too much to give, but I did hand out a bit of brawling for knocking that monk out :).Please PM me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments!
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