Get together with the members of your OOC city thread and make things (songs, cheers, t-shirts, recipes, etc.). Post your creations here.
1) No steeling from other Citys
2) Idea's must come from OOC thread for your city, they cannot simply be made and posted here by you.
3) Link OOC thread evidence (url)
4) Let others have a chance to create something
5) What you post doesn't have to be your creation but you must have the creators permission to submit it.
6) At the top of your post state which city you are posting for, or have a BC like this one
7) You yourself can only have two creation back to back posted.
8) Max amount of creations per person is 6. Spread the wealth.
9) Have fun!
There's really no prize, but I think it's fun and funny when the people of Avanthal get together and make these things. So it must be fun for other people. Really the goal is to bring the people of your city closer together and for people to show their talents with creation, writing, etc. It's fun to see what the people of your city are hiding!
But if you really want a prize or something to see who's winning I shall make a table once things get started! Really expect to see the table later on!