Season of Summer, Day 12, 513 AV
The old, dirty, and torn cloak Alenias was wearing felt and smelled strange; the stiff fabric rubbed uncomfortably against skin that had grown use to being covered in little more than feathers and dirt. The crowds made her uncomfortable; each glance her way bringing the anxious fear of capture. Even the once familiar streets and alleys of Nitrozian plaza were no comfort; Many things were not how she remembered them being when she was last here. All together this visit to the market area of Ravok was very unpleasant, but Alenias pushed on because it was better than the alternative.
She needed to find someone new to take care of her. Someone strong like Aello, or smart like Treanas. She knew that there were bad people here in Nitrozian Plaza, like the merchants that chased her for taking things, but it was the place she had been the most familiar with. So she moved through the crowds, her dark eyes jumping back and forth between the various people, things, and buildings.
After a little time wandering a familiar and very pleasing scent overcame the bad smell of her cloak and filled her nose. The smell made Alenias' mouth moisten with desire, and even managed to push away the gnawing emptiness inside of her. The wonderful, amazing, delicious smell of bread.
Remembering the most delicious bread she had ever had was somewhere nearby Alenias turned and started skulking through the crowd with a new purpose. She would find the sweet bread again, and after she had filled her stomach she would get back to finding someone to get rid of the emptiness inside of her.