[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Charon on March 22nd, 2010, 3:19 am

Riverfall Port of Entry


As the ships slow their pace entering the greater port of Riverfall, many crews take a moment to pause in their pre-docking work and preparations to simply gaze ahead, and above, at the beautiful city they approach. The closer to the docks the vessels get, the more the crews crane their necks in order to glimpse and attempt to take in the entire three thousand foot face of the city the Akalak call their home. The Bluevein River cascades down the cliffs in one wondrous falls that, from a distance, seems ever so peacefully flowing and inviting.

Entering the perimeter of fishing boats and other smaller sea-faring crafts, the radius of mists emanating from the turbulent fusion of the Bluevein River and the Suvan Sea engulfs the air and shifts with the varying winds. On some mornings the fog covers the port and surrounding areas of the city so densely that ships must wait for them to lift before attempting to maneuver around rocky jetties. This wait sometimes lasts for days forcing the ships to send smaller dinghies in for more provisions for the crew. Regardless of the sort of experience their particular entry into the city involves, arriving in the shipyards and finally stopping their ships does not spell the end of the hard work.

With a constant flurry of workers loading and unloading ships and palettes containing any number of goods, it becomes easy for a person new to Riverfall to get caught up with the unique scenery around the port. Though Akalak are found scattered around the docks and storage locations, helping move shipments around, and securing arrivals or preparing departures, some Akalak are moving with attentive eyes and serve a different purpose. Usually ship captains or their aides find these men and give them information regarding the number of people arriving or departing, their cargo, and their last port or next port depending on the situation. The Akalak always keep as accurate of records as possible when it comes to who and what enter their beloved city. These same men will also stop those deck hands that seem to be wandering and taking in the sights and sounds rather than diligently working. Usually these are the signs of a new person to the city or the shipping business and either way they are here to help. The tall, muscular, blue-skinned man would ask, ”Hello there, can I help you with anything?”
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Taithrosa Eldytia on June 4th, 2010, 8:31 pm


65 day of Summer Year 510 AV

Taithrosa stepped off the boat glade to finally have arrived at the Akalak city. He had watched approach of the cliff city towering above them. It was a beautiful city, one that he hoped would contiune to grow. There was so much yet to do for it. They were dieing out and from what he could see it wasn't much of a concern for them.

He was glade to be here with his friend though. He wasn't here for just a casual buisness trip. He was here for a purpose and it would be interesting to see that throw. He could feel it pulling him. His Lakan was some were out there and he knew that he would be tormented by its call until he had retrived it.

He nodded at the Akalak on the docks. "My friend and I are just visiting." He said and moved on into the city.

Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Kail D'Rea on June 5th, 2010, 4:50 pm

65 day of summer 510 AV

Kail stepped off the boat next to Taith, staying close and trusting him to guide her. Her violet eyes were wide with interest as she took in the city. As her first visit away from her home city of Mura, the young Konti couldn't see enough. There were other people who lokked like Taith, which while expected, still seemed odd and everyone looked so busy and hurried.

She had marvled at the beauty of the city coming in and her eyes returned to the fantastic sight of the seemingly impossible and increadably huge cliff city as Taith took care of the greeting and started to lead her forward.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Orion on June 30th, 2010, 11:10 am

30th day of Summer, 510 AV

Stepping off of the boat and leaning towards the ground just to make himself believe he is finally through with that damn waving thing. His mind still blury from the harsh wind that kept swooping them up on their voyage, his feet still weary of running away just so he could transform in peace, without being seen, and above all that feeling of sickness that kept spreading through him as the waves kept bashing the ship. But now it was over, and he was gratefull that the torment passed, and the ground was solid once more. Looking around him he saw a beautyful city, filled with many opportunities, and maybe even something more...
He turned anxiously at the Akalak who seemed to take note of who enters the city, he spoke slowly while looking back at the road an moving away: "Orion, visiting".

He started relaxing as it was noon, the change was now only a distant fear, so he started stepping forward as he was slowly melting in the mass and losing himself there. It felt so nice to fit in with a bunch of unknown people, just to blend in, at least for a moment, he looked back at the pier, only to see the ship moving away, and taking with it the only chance of stepping back, but it`s not like he was gonna go back now anyway.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Vith on July 8th, 2010, 7:10 pm

Day 30 of Summer 510 AV

The mist from the everfalling waters easily mixed with the early morning dew and made for an atmosphere more humid than normal. At this hour there wasn't many ships aside from those that were already docked, and a single figure seemed to take advantage of this.

The waters surface was broken and a hood was drawn back to reveal a pale bluish- grey face with even paler, pupil-less eyes.
It was long since Vith had grown accustomed to swim with clothes on, and the fact that they got wet didn't bother him. On the contrary it was an important part of his survival on dry land, staying wet.

The Charoda skimmed the port quickly, contend that he had been right. HAd the port been filled with incoming ships he would not have dared to swim the final distance into the city. He cared not to be hit by something so big.
Another thing that pleased him was the lack of noise. It was not that there was no activity, the port was alive at all times, but the thick mist and early bell seemed to quiet everything down to a bare minimum of noise.

The Charoda reached the docks and slowly pulled himself out of the water's embrace. He knew he would miss it later when the sun reached Zenith and he had to stay in the shade, but for now it was nice to actually accomplish something.
It seemed so very long ago he had passed Kenash on his way to this particular city, and even though he could probably have had a more pleasant trip had he gone the dry way, he did not care to be eaten by whatever monster roamed the grass sea, and somehow his rapier seemed insufficient against the creatures he imagined living there.

The thought of his weapon made Vith look to his hip where it was sheathed. Two years of training and regular exposure to the waters of the sea had not helped the blades condition, and he knew not how long it would remain of use were he to keep it in this condition.
Rust had slowly but surely made it's way down the edge of the sword, and even though it was made for stabbing, Vith would still prefer it to be in prime condition, thus he had come to Riverfall.
The Akalak were known to be a warrior people, surely they had to have someone who knew a bit about weapons.

Vith's train of thought was soon interrupted by the arrival of a tremendous figure.
Having risen from the sea without any ship as warning, and now standing alone on the docks in wet, worn clothes, glancing at his weapon, Vith surely made for a curious and perhaps even threatening figure.
The Akalak were not a people to slack on the guard, and Vith's arrival had called one of them to him.

The tall, dark figure eyed Vith with suspicion, and the Charoda flinched a bit. The Akalak was several heads taller than him, and with a physique that told Vith that the man could snap him in two should he want to.

A quick stare was exchanged between the two of them, before Vith revealed his empty hands and with a raspy yet light voice said: "Vith Kaveri... I'm visiting in order to find a weaponssmith."

The man stared at Vith for a few more seconds before he nodded and gestured towards the higher levels of the city, there Vith would surely be able to get his weapon fixed.

As Vith left the man behind and began his dripping walk towards a set of stairs, he imagined the sea reaching out and pulling him down into a deadly embrace.
A cheerful smile spread across his face.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Veno Aroit on August 11th, 2010, 8:44 pm

Day 32- Summer 510AV

Veno Aroit smiled to herself as the cool sea-water currents beat against her skin lazily. She had been holding to the hull of the Sea Vessel for what felt like ages, yet the bottom of the sea skimming by had been keeping her company. She never grew tired of starting at the sea, it must've been cause she was a Charoda. She squirmed impatiently, clearly not able to wait any longer for the Trade Galleon to set into port and allow her do detach herself from the hitch-hike. Suddenly, her prayers were answered. The bottom of the sea stopped moving and grew a shade darker.

Veno released her grip from the wooden hull, rising to the surface of the water. She felt water bead up on her skin for the first time in her life and giggled at the sensation, lifting herself out of the sea. She looked up at what her mentor had called 'Sky' and shivered. 'Sky' terrified her. It was too far away and it didn't seem to have a surface, unlike the sea. Vena bit her lower lip slightly, taking mind not to blemish her delicate rubbery skin with her pointy triangular teeth.

A blue skinned sailor walked to her and asked if she was alright, she gulped. Could it possibly be an Akalak? One of the races she head head about in her time underwater? She must've been gawping at him, because he started laughing. She got up rather quickly and excused herself. Taking a quick look around the town she had happened upon she smiled, it was amazing... the scenery and landscape was pictoresque, and water was always abundant. She smiled to herself and stretched deciding to have a walk around.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Ora Sa'vina on September 4th, 2010, 6:35 pm

19th of Autumn, 510AV

The young Konti had found her trip to be a pleasant, albeit long, one, there were few issues and she tried to help the crew as much as she could. It had taken the remainder of her Summer days and the beginning of her Fall ones to reach the Akalak city. During the trip, Ora had a significant amount of time to think and adjust to what was unraveling before her.

As the trade ship pulled up towards the Akalak city, Ora stood on deck, her cloak was on and fastened, the wind made the hood impossible to keep on, and in her hands was her small bag of things. Violet eyes scanned the city as they slowly moved towards it. "So this is where Mother lived for so long?" The huge waterfall plummeted to the ground, creating a slight mist which the ship cut through as it moved. The Konti looked around the docks, small boats were out with fishers and other people busily going about their day.

It took a while for the boat to dock, and once it was up next to the wooden planks men jumped off and began to fix the boat in place with ropes. Ora remained transfixed on the boat, looking over the city before her and the diligently work men around her. It seemed her existence on the boat was not one of much merit, the men began unloading their cargo onto the docks. It took the Konti a short while to move from her observing point and get off the boat.

Once the small woman was on the deck she bowed and thanked the busy men to the best of her ability, but they were preoccupied with their own duties to do more than shrug and give a sideways glance. She turned away from the various men she had spent the past 25 days with only to turn and face a large Akalak man, who then spoke to her.

"Oh!" Ora took a small step back to look over the man before continuing to speak. "No, thank you, I think I will be alright." She smiled slightly to the man and bowed her head before moving towards the heart of the city.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Tum on December 14th, 2010, 8:16 pm

Tum stepped off the boat, his tent resting on his wide shoulders. Laughter and warnings from the humans that had let him on the ship in the first place, but kept staring suspiciously at him during the entire journey, made him stop to rethink this decision. What if the people here didn't welcome his kind? But what wrong had he done? He was an honest man. That was surely explanation enough if someone tried to stop him. He smiled under his cloth mask- given to him to hide his dark, Myrian skin and keep the rest of the crew that didn't know his identity from panic- and kept going. He wanted to be here. He needed to find someone to travel with, and it seemed the humans had found the place for him. He shrugged as he noticed that most of the people here had a blue tan to their skin. He had never seen this before. Had the big blue ocean miscolored their skin?

With confident steps he walked through the masses of workers, ignoring the sights he got. Some of the blue men tried to talk to him, but he simply lowered his head and kept walking. He didn't want attention.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Iredeth on December 24th, 2010, 2:29 am

3rd of Winter, 510 A.V.

It had been a long trip, or so Iredeth had been told. She hadn’t really noticed time pass by as she stayed holed up in her cabin, working on two particularly tricky dolls. She had wanted them to reflect the character of the sailors she had seen on the ship – diligent, but vivacious, with a deep-seated passion for the sea. She admired that passion and wanted the dolls to be saturated with it, to smell of seawater and just a hint of bear, to feel cool to the touch like the wind that had whipped through her hair when she stood on the deck. By the time she finished making the dolls, the ship was ready to dock in Riverfall.

With her bag slung over her shoulder and her long skirt swishing around her legs, Iredeth stepped onto dry land. Her long limbs, graceful neck, and pale skin attracted a few interested glances from the crewmen mulling about the docks. However, most averted their gaze as soon as they met her glassy, amethyst eyes. Few people could stand to look at those eyes for long periods of time. Iredeth could have been considered a Symenestra, except that there was something about her that didn’t entirely belong to the black widow race. Her thick, black hair for one, was distinctly different from the thin, flowing locks of the Symenestra. Her frame did not appear to be so frail and her movement held a more grounded, earthly quality. Perhaps if someone looked close enough, they could detect the Benshira blood that ran through her veins.

Her eyes roamed the docks, taking in and processing everything at once. To some, she devoted no more than a cursory glance, even as she focused her undivided attention on others. The people here were interesting, much more so then they had been in Kalinor. There was so much…diversity. So much novelty… Iredeth wasn’t really paying attention to anything in her near vicinity – her gaze locked on an elderly human woman shuffling off a few yards away – when an Akalak approached her. She had read about the blue men, though she had never seen one so closely. She hadn’t really heard what he said, though she rightly assumed that he must have inquired if she needed any help.

“I will figure it out on my own. That is what is meant to be done, is it not?” she asked, a small smile tugging on her lips. The man raised an eyebrow, the confusion in his eyes indicating that he though the young woman to be a little off. With a shrug, the man ambled off to help someone else. Left to her own devices once more, Iredeth began making her way through the crown, deeper into Riverfall.
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[Riverfall Port of Entry] All PCs Post Here From the Suvan

Postby Nisana Curare on December 24th, 2010, 6:36 am

Season of Winter, Day 9, 510 AV

The air had a decided chill to it as the ship Nisana was on approached the city of Riverfall, and she rubbed her pale, elegant fingers against each other to try and warm them slightly. It was much colder than Kalinor, especially with the cutting wind that wiped her black hair about. She would not turn back though as she had a sacred duty to accomplish on this journey.

Her sharp amethyst eyes traveled upwards as the ship moved towards the dock, and she had to admit that the city was more impressive looking than she had expected. Not as beautiful as Kalinor, but the sheer size of it was a sight to behold. She was interested to see how it looked up close. Perhaps they would have something of interest.

With the boat arriving at the dock stepped to the side slightly and picked up her backpack from where it had been resting. A faint smile touched her lips as she watched the other passengers leave the boat, giving a polite nod of her head to anyone she saw glancing her direction. She knew that there was plenty of distrust for the Symenestra, and anything she could do to reduce it would help with her journey.

Only when most of the other passengers had disembarked did she leave the boat herself and approach the city proper. Being her first time beyond the caves of her people she did not want to take many chances, and even wearing her shell armor she was nervous about the damage one of these massive brutes could do to her if they blundered into her.

She was pleasantly surprised as one approached without even a hint of blundering, and in reply to his question she gave a pleasant smile, making sure to keep her teeth hidden, and replied, "Thank you, but no. I believe I can find my way myself."

With a polite nod of her head to the Akalak she continued into Riverfall to explore the city, and hopefully find a woman for her sister.
"Moz seh krevas dav'ene obris zhevat."

Nisana has a few threads loose in her head. Anything written underlined in her posts is only in her perceptions, and should be ignored by anyone else. :)
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