Closed In view of Syna (Davin)

Business in the market gets unexpectedly interrupted...

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Khesas on July 6th, 2013, 5:34 am


In view of Syna


Location: The Pavilion
Timestamp: 1st of Summer, 513 AV (1 bell after midday)

"Haka tells me you have backed out of your end of the deal. He tells me that you plan to flee the city soon. Is this true Riast?" Khesas asked, lowering his voice. Most people in the market were busy rushing on their own business, which is why he chose this place for a meeting in the first place, yet it never hurt to be careful. It would be more than unfortunate if the someone took an interest in their conversation.

Riast, the fat Eypharian he was hassling, waited for a man to pass before he cleared his throat, still nervously inspecting some grapes. Khesas almost laughed but he prudently resisted, for the man had been stubbornly inspecting the fruits since he'd surprised him in the market. It was really rather pathetic, and Khesas was beginning to lose his patience. The man wasn't worthy of continuing to draw breath as an Eypharian, that much he could see now, but he wasn't going to waste the effort on him.

Finally, he spoke up, putting down the grapes and squaring up with him at last. Eye to eye, the man looked fatter, to Khesas's surprise. "I told you, I want no part of what you got planned. Its too much risk! Your demands are too high!"

"Too much work you mean. There wont be any risk if you hold up your part of the deal."

"I'm out, what part of that do you not understand?"

"No, it is you who don't understand. See you don't have a choice in the matter, you know what happens if you don't do what you agreed to"

"I dare you to try"

"I'll see you tonight before sunrise, where we spoke of" Khesas smiled, before turning his back to the man and walking down the line of stalls.

"Your mad if you think I'm going to be there" He heard Riast cry out, but he simply ignored it, figuring it for a bluff. He still didn't understand how that man's pride could be so big while his is yet so unskilled. Perhaps he would pay the man a visit later on tonight, but for now, he'd let the man get worked up on his own. For now, he had other things to concern himself with, like picking up some food and drink for this evening.

Last edited by Khesas on July 15th, 2013, 5:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Flashback] In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Davin on July 6th, 2013, 6:48 pm

Davin walked down the main street of the Pavilion in his red turban and veil, peering out onto the Eypharian merchants. Most of them ignored him, rather than actively shoo him away. Although he was obviously not Eypharian, it was plain that if he left them alone, they would do the same. Though, if he did wander too close, they would fix their eyes on him alone.

They took all Benshira for low-lives, and thieves. In his case they were right, but still it annoyed him. It made it difficult to find a mark. It was easier to steal in the Pillars of Dust, if only because no one thought they had anything worth stealing. Normally he only came to the Pavilion when he wanted to actually buy something, but he found that more often than not, the merchants would cheat and swindle him if he tried to be honest.

So even here, he had to look closely to find a man who wouldn't cheat him, or, more likely, one he could cheat just as much.

As he trudged along, he found his mark. A fat Eypharian talking heatedly with a short, well-muscled Eypharian. Both seem sufficiently distracted, and if he moved quickly, he thought he might be able to move without getting caught.

He walked along at the normal pace, until he reached the fat one. He was still talking to the short one, and hadn't noticed Davin. They spoke in Arumenic, and while Davin could probably understand them if he concentrated, they were going too fast for him to do so without effort, and he was busy with other things. Like picking the fat one's pocket. He bumped up against the man briefly, just as the short one was leaving.

He let a hand slip in and grabbed what he could. The fat one was still yelling to the short one, and didn't seem to notice... until he slapped Davin's hand.

The fat Eypharian's eyes opened wide and turned around so fast, Davin didn't even have time to take his hand out. Davin heard him speak, something about "not bug". He didn't wait to see what he would do next. He pulled out his hand, clenching a handful of coins, and pushed the man over.

He had gotten the attention of several people, it seemed. All staring, some yelling, and some coming towards him. He cursed every god he knew and ran off to the nearest alley. Why could this never be easy?
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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Khesas on July 7th, 2013, 5:10 am


Riast's throaty voice calling out "Thief" was enough to draw him from his thoughts, and turn around to see what all the shouting was about. The fat Eypharian was attracting the attention of any who would listen to his bellowing, while pointing at a two armed man that was obviously trying to run away. A few men followed the thief when it became obvious the fat man wouldn't do so himself, not out of any good will of course. They where most likely doing it for the sport of running the two arm down in the streets, and that was all the reason he needed to follow after them. After all it would be a shame to miss them make a good show of the man. Maybe he'd even show up in time to help.

With that thought in mind he took off into a run, though it was a most ungainly thing to anyone who observed. Far from used to running, his legs swung in awkward semi-circles as ran, and not knowing what to do with his arms, he held them stiffly to his sides. He didn't remember running being this hard, and even with all this effort he didn't seem to be catching up to the men even though they stopped more than once to look around. Before he knew it, the maneuvering had quickly tired him out, and chest heaving with every breath, he had to stop, leaning up against the gritty stone of an unremarkable building, gasping to catch his breath. His face glowed with humiliation. Had it really been that long since he last ran? He decided quickly that he would need to run more to avoid this happening again. Such thought however did not solve his current predicament though. How was he supposed to catch up to that two armed man?

The pursing men answered his question for him as they turned up ahead. He'd simply have to try and intercept them. Taking the alley closet to him, he cut between the various buildings, alternating between awkwardly jogging, and walking. He was headed in the direction that he figured the two armed thief might head. The Pillars of Dust.

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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Davin on July 7th, 2013, 6:08 pm

Davin ran as fast as he could through the twists and turns of the alleyways. Unfortunately, that wasn't all that fast. They were gaining, and quickly. All at once, Davin regretted ever coming to the Pavilion. He had wanted to prove to himself that he was as good at pickpocketing as his father. He had proven quite the opposite.

As he turned another corner, he found himself at a dead end, a short wall blocking his path. He glanced back down the alley, to see just how much time he had. None at all, it seemed. They were already there, all smiles and jaunts. Apparently he was their entertainment for the day. He wasted no time. He jumped back a bit and took a running start at the wall. He grabbed the top of the wall with the tips of his fingers and pulled himself up. He got one leg over just as the other was caught by the ankle.

He began kicking furiously, trying to free himself. He hit the man's face, but not before another man could get a hold of him. He leaned over the wall, trying to get gravity to help him break free. With a pop, he was over, one shoe less. He didn't bother mourning over it. In fact, he was glad it had proven so useful. He took off the other shoe and threw it at the first Eypharian to make it to the top of the wall, then set out at a sprint. If he made it to the Pillars he'd be able to lose them.

As he went along, he found himself quite short of breath. The escape had taken a lot out of him. He looked over his shoulder and found to his relief that they were not following. Deciding to apologize to those gods he had cursed, he walked along to the closest entrance to the Pillars.

As he came to a ruined arch that provided the nearest entrance, he decided he'd been too hasty in his apologies. The short Eypharian from before was there, waiting for him.
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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Khesas on July 8th, 2013, 4:56 am


Leaning against a to catch his breath, he had been second guessing his idea of heading in the direction, when movement to his side caught his attention. It was the two armed man from the market!

Hardly registering his fortune, he moved hastily underneath the archway as he drew his scimitar in an effort to prevent the Benshiran from escaping in this direction at the very least. Still breathing heavily, and sweating profusely from his run, he watched the man carefully to see what he might try. He was curious to see what the man would do, and to see if the men he'd seen chasing the two armer might be coming, effectively cornering the Benshiran. If the man tried anything like rushing him, he was certainly ready for it, but for the moment he was content to wait and catch his breath. After all, why rush when things were just starting to get interesting.

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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Davin on July 8th, 2013, 4:02 pm

Davin didn't bother to curse, he'd done that enough. Instead he tried desperately to think of a way out of this. It was unlikely that the had lost his pursuers. They'd be coming any second. He eyed the Eypharian before him with an appraising eye. He held a sword in one hand, a scimitar or a saber. Davin wasn't familiar with the differences.

Besides his height and weapon, Davin didn't see anything to differentiate him from any other Eypharian. He had no idea what profession the man had. The only thing he did know was that the man was no Jackal. A Jackal wouldn't wait patiently for his capture to make a move. An idea slowly began to form in Davin's head. Though he didn't know if he'd be able to pull it off. Still, it was his best bet. If he ran for it, the Eypharian was close enough to catch him.

He had changed his form to that of an Eypharian for so long, it often felt second nature. If he could change under his clothing, and quickly, he thought he had a pretty decent lie to get him out of this whole situation. At least, he thought so. Quickly as he could he brought his Eypharian form to the forefront of hi mind, imagining the slight increase in height, the two extra arms, the olive skin. All of it.

He was still covered head-to-toe in his concealing red clothing. This may work. But standing around doing nothing might raise suspicion. So, taking a chance, he decided to talk to the Eypharian, and stall for time. He didn't like the idea of trying to lie to an armed man, but he didn't have much choice.

So, as he brought the vision of his Eypharian form forward, to engulf his Benshira form, he raised a hand in greeting to the Eypharian before him. The transformation wouldn't take too long, he'd done this enough times to know that. Still...

"Greetings. My name is Dashde. I am not as I appear. Lay down your sword and I might not have you arrested."

He nearly slapped himself. That was the lie he was going with? Well, fine. At the very least he could do a convincing Gilded accent. Maybe the man would fall for it? The process was almost done, his new arms were well on to the wrists. He was keeping them as flat as possible, to make it seem as if he had just been hiding them all along.

"I am among the Gilded , and this was but a guilty pleasure. I assure you, if you have any worry, I can prove that I am not Benshira."

With those words, his arms finally came in. The fingernails just filling in. With no time to delay he opened his coat and took off his shirt, revealing all four arms. Even if this didn't work, he had quite a bit of gold on him. He might be able to persuade this fellow in another way, if worst comes to worst.
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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Khesas on July 8th, 2013, 5:01 pm


To his surprise, the man extended his arm his arm in greeting, and spoke of actually being an Eypharian. To emphasize his claim, the man revealed his four arms by stripping down to his waist, and caught wholly off guard, Khesas narrowed his eyes at the man while taking a cautious step forward, blade still bared in front of him. It was unexpected to say the least, but it still didn't change much in his mind.

"You still have that little matter of theft to answer for" Khesas said, his face deadly serious. He did not take being threatened lightly. "and even if you are what you say you are, your gravely mistaken if you believe you have power over me here" He took another step forward, blade still menacing the air before him. "You see, with all your trickery today you've found yourself here, alone, away from escort, with me, and on this ground, everyone is equal. The Gilded die the same as any other man" Khesas wore a wicked grin now, gaining confidence as he took each step forward. "Now, what was it you were saying about arrest?"

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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Davin on July 8th, 2013, 6:36 pm

Davin did his best to appear amused, rather than frightened. It was difficult however, as he knew full well that the man was right. It was time to face facts. He had failed, and in a big way. He could bluff himself out of this, but he wasn't going to be getting away scott free. The man it seemed was a thug, rather than a goodly stranger. He would have to pay him off.

With a hollow laugh, Davin reached into his coat pocket, and pulled out the coins he had stolen. And in addition he brought out two extra gold-rimmed miza. He was in trouble if the man was greedy. But most people didn't keep more than a few silver-rimmed miza on them at any one time. So he might believe that it was all he had. If he didn't...

Davin looked about him nonchalantly, making as if he was stretching his top right shoulder. He spotted a building with a ladder to the roof. That might be a good escape route, if things went sour. Suddenly, the men that had been chasing him before came out of the same alley he had been, but they carried on. He wasn't the Benshira they were looking for. Still, if this man were to reveal who he was, he'd be in serious trouble.

He held up the coins.

"I realize that you are the opportunistic sort. Perhaps we can make this matter go away? I have here the paltry prize, if you felt like being the hero, and wanted to give it back. And, to seal the deal, an extra two gold Miza. And, if you'd like, I can pay you more. Just be here by sundown, and I'll reward you for your actions."

Davin knew of a couple thugs that would love that Scimitar. And the chance to rough up any Eypharian they could get their hands on.

He smiled, though it was obscured by his veil.

"Well? Do we have a deal?"
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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Khesas on July 9th, 2013, 6:06 am


Noticing the men, he lowered his blade, and leaned against the wall, covering view of it with his body. The men might have been tempted to intervene if they saw him baring a blade towards this man. To his continued fortune though, they didn't seem to even notice them as the ran, still searching for the thief from the market. The fools.

He waited all the same for a few moments to make sure that they were gone, before regarding the Eypharian. The man now held out mizas, gold ones at that, coupled with a bold offer. It was an interesting suggestion to be sure. If he doubts of this ones nobility were true, then he had nothing to lose by taking this offer, and much to gain.

"You learn quick, to your credit" He sneered, taking a stance once more at the center of the alley, his blade waving back and forth in front of him. Even with his offer, he was still not to be trusted. "Now if you value your health, I suggest you toss those coins into the sand, and get lost. If I ever see you again in these parts again, be certain the last thing you'll see is the tip of my blade coming through your chest" He had no interest in allowing this one to prepare for a meeting with him, and nor had he time to string this along for all he was worth. There was important business this night to handle after all.

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In view of Syna (Davin)

Postby Davin on July 9th, 2013, 3:49 pm

Davin flashed an insincere smile as the man threatened him. He wanted to hurt this man. Unfortunately he had no power to do so, all he had were disguises and bribes. Still, at least that had been enough to live another day. He did as he was asked and tossed all the coins into the sand, near the Eypharian's feet. He gave another look toward the ladder, but decided running for it wouldn't make much sense, now. The Eypharian had his money, why else would he harass him?

Davin briefly thought about the daggers in his sash. The Eypharian would bend over, leave his back exposed, to get at the coins. Maybe he could... no. No, that was foolish. He had no skill in the dagger, and the man was wielding a sword. If things went wrong, his head would be off his shoulders faster than he could blink. So, helpless, He waited for the man to take his money. Today had been an awful day.

oocPretty short this time. I think we're about done! Too bad our characters didn't really meet. But this was the most in character thing I could think of. Still, we always have future threads to think about.
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