Cresting over the spray of moisture that tipped stone peaks like torn silk, a single animal flew above the clouds and into a clap of blue. It was a vigil hawk wrapped in dark feathers dipped in the same cobalt that painted the wet cliffs below. The raptor was sleek and mysteriously larger then the other silhouettes which seeped into the expanse beyond. Wind ran it’s fingers through tactful plumage, casting a cool immediacy through the moment that briefly tore at all the concentration it took to maintain such a form. Jackson LaCroix had to push higher. Higher into the atmosphere, till he could not even breathe. It was perfect. Closer to the end of grazing blue till the push of wings felt like lithe limbs in water, with thin frost scathed over the surface of his pinion. Higher. So high till the pressure and cold emptied the updraft, leaving him with only the body of a man. Looking down..
There was nothing but clouds while trees and lakes lay below like freckles to veins on an arm. Glancing over the bird let out a shrill call, then in a quiet formality spun round till he dropped like a black stone. Fell like a human, arms and legs flailing as he laughed with a flourish.
Soaring head down, Jackson embraced his abandon like a banquet. Hunger and satiation. A weightless liberty that could cost every spinning coin. His pants fluttered smoothly as he dropped with the sound of sliced thunder, tearing open the fabric that clothed the sky. Nothing could likely slow him, no force, no object, no sound, and certainly not the lined bed of clouds below.
His cheeks flushed subtly as he aimed for the outline of the shapes that had been chasing him upward. A mass of wings and riders leaped out to snatch his body tightly before the ground could dare.
Howling like a wolf that severed it’s own paw to empty a trap, the free falling man pushed both arms down in front of him now, summoning a fresh reserve of boiling djed that melted his fore-arms into dual pincers of horrifically sharp bone. Caving through the foremost armored figure below, Cross impaled the assailant with the absolute velocity of his fall. The vulture like mount that bore the scourged rider nearly turned away from the blow on the fresh gust of a blustering wind, but the blond warrior’s right arm laced through it’s shoulders with a heavy stitch. It's former passenger had been swiftly tossed aside, screaming not in exuberance as Jax did, it’s body lost like a wicker man to the elements.
Falling down and down again, the laughing man’s weight rolled with the vulture, barrel rolling till Jackson’s bare feet finally hit the surface of it’s back and reigned the creature level with the force of his sharp embedded arm; glimpsing it’s original rider disappear into the earth far below. Immediately swooping upward, both man and beast looked in surprise as their trajectory ricocheted over a flock of similarly trailing black wings, hooked swords and stretched skin.