1. Name - or what you'd like to be called!
GRUFF it is.
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
I've played in Wyrlscape, Telgard and some other game.
3. How did you find us?
Gossamer IMed me and said "One second, I'm squeezing a cock... look at this link to www.mizahar.com. So, here I am.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
I am open.
5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
I'm very eclectic.
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
The chat room. I love the chat room.
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
Nothing. I've been here one day, and I'm going to be King of Talderas with an army of Dire Otters at my beck and call. It's all good.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
Romance. So we need to do something about the current gender ratio here.
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
The Lore. I'd like there to be little stories and anecdotes to flesh it out, like the story of the famous Pykon who lived 100 years ago who sacrificed himself by running into a burning kiln to save a baby.
10. Anything else you want to talk about?
No, i'm good.