Personality Traits Constant: Devout: To overcome his injury, Dovinya has devoted his entire being to his god, to his family, and to his race. As such, he constantly strives to do what he think would best benefit them, and without hesitation he would come to their aid if they were in need, without a second thought. (Devout - 1. Having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment. 2. Totally committed to a cause or belief. Synonyms: Pios - Religious - Godly - Prayerful - Devotional) Solemn: Injured deeply a few years ago, Dovinya struggles with the fact that he can't he can't propagate his race, and will never know love. It is a knowledge he has come to face stoically, but it has left him a serious man. (Solemn: 1. Formal and dignified. 2. Not cheerful or smiling, serious. Synonyms: Grave - Serious - Formal - Ceremonial) Situational: Prudent: While not always so cautious, recent events have caused him to look more critically into his future to decide what would be truly best for his family, and kindred symenestra. (Prudent: 1. Acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Synonyms: Cautious - Discreet - Wary - Careful - Circumspect) Demanding: His devotion to whatever task is at hand, coupled with a meticulousness born of prudence, makes him rather exacting of anyone working with him on said task. He seeks the best from others, especially his own kind, and tends to lash out when they disappoint him. (Demanding: 1 (Of a task) Requiring much skill or effort: "She has a busy and demanding job". 2. (Of a person) Making others work hard or meet high standards. Synonyms: Exacting - Exigent) |