27th Summer 513AV
Well it could have been worse, Sami mused as she took steps around the unfamiliar city. Well, no. That was a lie in its finest form. She just had yet to realise it.
She had barely been within its walls for a few bells and already she found herself going round in circles, or at least it felt like she was going in circles. Unintentional ones that seemed to take her to the point in which she started to the point that she was certain she had passed the same street five times now and the same dingy looking alleyway at least once more. Though her walking could have also been marked it as a blessing; it meant that she could shake away her sea legs and replace them with ones use to solid ground instead of a rocking deck. Hoisting her pack onto her back with the rattling quiver and bow, the young Inarta focused herself on working her way towards potential lodging. The city of course had other plans for her, leading her time and again to dead ends or stone roads leading off to somewhere else. She was not sure on where, but she was not about to let her guard down to find out either.
Or at least until she was finally forced to stop at the entrance of a temple. Sighing the girl gave a final glance at the direction she had come, before marching her way along the paved road to the massive structure that towered above. Taking a chime or two to look upon the stone arch ways she could not help but stare at the group that had congregated around its main entrance. There was no use trying to force her way in for a better understanding of what the temple, and so she took to hovering around the courtyard. Looking up upon the moss covered spires, Sami took it in with bored and tired eyes. All she wanted to do was get to some lodgings, not be taken for a long trip around the city and its sites.
"What a pain," she muttered as she perched within the shade of the bell tower. The city felt strange to her, pulsing and alive with people. Not like it was in Riverfall, this time it was different. It was strange, weird. Surreal would have been the best way to describe it. And it made her feel uncomfortable. The city was alive alright; but in a different way to the norm. How exactly she was not sure, but time would certainly reveal that mystery. In theory at least.
She had barely been within its walls for a few bells and already she found herself going round in circles, or at least it felt like she was going in circles. Unintentional ones that seemed to take her to the point in which she started to the point that she was certain she had passed the same street five times now and the same dingy looking alleyway at least once more. Though her walking could have also been marked it as a blessing; it meant that she could shake away her sea legs and replace them with ones use to solid ground instead of a rocking deck. Hoisting her pack onto her back with the rattling quiver and bow, the young Inarta focused herself on working her way towards potential lodging. The city of course had other plans for her, leading her time and again to dead ends or stone roads leading off to somewhere else. She was not sure on where, but she was not about to let her guard down to find out either.
Or at least until she was finally forced to stop at the entrance of a temple. Sighing the girl gave a final glance at the direction she had come, before marching her way along the paved road to the massive structure that towered above. Taking a chime or two to look upon the stone arch ways she could not help but stare at the group that had congregated around its main entrance. There was no use trying to force her way in for a better understanding of what the temple, and so she took to hovering around the courtyard. Looking up upon the moss covered spires, Sami took it in with bored and tired eyes. All she wanted to do was get to some lodgings, not be taken for a long trip around the city and its sites.
"What a pain," she muttered as she perched within the shade of the bell tower. The city felt strange to her, pulsing and alive with people. Not like it was in Riverfall, this time it was different. It was strange, weird. Surreal would have been the best way to describe it. And it made her feel uncomfortable. The city was alive alright; but in a different way to the norm. How exactly she was not sure, but time would certainly reveal that mystery. In theory at least.