PM to join The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Annalisa's research into spiritism takes an interesting turn when she meet the Library's newest employee.

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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 9th, 2013, 8:52 pm

67th of Summer, 513 AV.

There was something odd about the library that Anna had not noticed before, an artificial silence that hung over the place rather oppressively. It was an echo of the emptiness she had experienced weeks ago, before that time she wouldn't have even noticed it but now it was something much more noticeable. It would be accurate to say that day had changed Anna in someway or form, as her expression lacked its signature arrogance about it but was rather calm and subdued. The people there who knew something of her had given her odd looks and there were a few passing whispers exchanged. There was certainly a change about her that was undeniable, though whether it was for better or worse remained to be seen.

Anna possessed a couple of large leather bound books under her arms, both holding information she currently deemed worthy of study. Word had reached ears of a couple of roaming spirits around the city, nothing concrete merely hearsay as usual but it was enough to get her interest piqued. During her days as a student Anna recalled coming across the word spiritism, she was unsure exactly what it meant but considering the spirits in the city she considered it wise to at least research the subject.

The young professor swept through the rows and columns of books, searching for a good desk or table to sit at. When she finally found one that was relatively empty, Anna seated herself down at it and neatly placed both books out before her. One was a journal of so called spiritist, the other was a collection of notes on the nature of ghosts themselves. Both seemed like they would be sufficient for the research she had in mind today, so she decided first to start with the one on ghosts.

The young wizard carefully opened the book and started to read, her eyes lacking the ferocity most saw in her before and instead possessed a calculating gleam about them. Arrogance was the path of a fool and she saw now that rushing headlong into situations caused one to make mistakes. Mistakes were not something she could afford if she was to advance as a wizard, to truly become worthy of wielding power beyond the comprehension of most mere mortals. The more she thought she knew only revealed how very little she truly knew.

Her brain absorbed the useful information on the pages, finding interest in what exactly a ghost was. She had always thought them to merely be spirits of the dead with little to no significance or power, but the text here was refuting that.

Ghost, as we understand it, are the souls of the dead who refused to enter Dira's embrace. Their bodies have died but they linger on in a sad existence where they are unable to die yet unable to truly live. Some may be malevolent or helpful, most of the time it depends on how long they have been dead for and what kind of person they were in life.

Anna was intrigued by this book so far so she continued eagerly, seeking to make her knowledge on ghosts based on hard facts rather than rumors and conjecture. She spent chimes looking over single passages multiple times to commit them to her memory, nearly a bell spent on just looking into the nature of the ghosts, what they were and were not. It was extremely fascinating information, looking even more so than her research into the nature of Kelvics.

The section that she was most interested in detailed their supposed powers, which sounded incredibly potent. They made the prospect of encountering a ghost almost intimidating. However after meeting with a true god and looking into the very meaning of eternal nothingness, few things managed to intimidate Anna. Still they were troubling prospects if she ever ran into such a being, the wizard was left wondering if her magic would even be effective in stopping such a creature. Would Rhysol's blessing have any effect on a spirit... they were prospects worthy of study. Carefully Anna read over the passage again.

In order to interact with the world in a way similar to the living, ghost use a substance called soulmist by most spiritists. This substance allows them not only to interact with the physical world and can also be used to manipulate items they could not handle otherwise.

However the most feared power of a ghost is known as possession, which allows a ghost to take control of a person's body for a period of time. As such it is advisable to approach all ghosts with caution. Spiritists are known to allow possession, as it is said to increase their resistance to ghosts attempting to take control.

The last line caught Anna's attention and was read over a number of times, the idea that possession could be resisted. It seemed very much like something to look into, as being defenseless against a ghost was not something Anna regarded as a good thing. The young wizard continued to read through the pages, absorbing any more relevant information before snapping the book shut and moving it to the side. Perhaps the words of a practiced spiritist would provide more insight into the nature of ghosts.

Carefully Anna opened the aging journal and started reading the faded words as well as she could. This was a book she had claimed from the restricted section, and it had been rather hard to procure as she had needed to make a number of promises to return it unharmed. It was considered highly valuable to the library as it was the only written work of one Ricken Solivar, a so called master of spiritism.

I never was much one for writing, nor was I really the scholarly type in my youth. The same is true now. Ghosts and spirits are what I know, better than my own people sometimes. I know their names and how they act, I'm the chronicler of a hundred tragedies for all have had an impact on me. I never took apprentices, but I figure it would be criminal if I did not leave something behind. Something that might help folks know how to defend against ghost or even to understand why they do what they do...
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Elaine Spade on July 10th, 2013, 10:32 am

Another day, another work day but it doesn't really felt for her that way. Afterall she was a ghost, and at nights she could rest her soulmist and her brain. She couldn't believe how students can be so stupid her sometimes. She forgot it since the last she was here, or Zeltiva changed a bit. It didn't matter, a job has to be done. She was picking up some books which were left on the tables. She thought the students must have known she was working there and they 'forgot' the books on the table.

She then stopped for a bit when she saw somethign terrible. She put down those two books. The boy was folding the book's pages like he was so bored. Elaine materialized her hand and touched the boys hand. He startled and nearly fell off from the chair. He looked at Elaine with big eyes. "I will frost your hands if you continue this! This is not your book, but use it as it would be yours. DO NOT FOLD AGAIN, or you will be banished for a week from the library." The boy was still shivering a bit and Elaine unmaterialized her hand. With her soulmist she went under the two books she took down to that table and went forward.

Then a woman was coming in. Strange looking and Elaine wasn't really familiar with her. She was holding books under her arms and she was walking to try to find some place. It wouldn't be a problem if the people in the library wouldn't start whispering so loud."Keep quiet here! Somebody wants to read you know! Go talk outside!" Some of them just took a quick look, shrugged and continue the whispering or reading. She just didn't mind now as it wasn't as loud as before.

She was carrying the books now to the right section. And there was the woman again. Reading quietly. Elaine liked it she didn't bother herself and walked there. She took down the books on the table and picked one and she was looking at the shelf where it should be. F...G...H... There. She used her soulmist picked it up and put in the right place. Then the other. It was higher place. She picked up the last one and floated up only a bit too reach it. She was putting in between two books in half way when she was looked down at the woman. Still in silence, still reading but what? Elaine lost the focus and the book fell through her body.

"Oh for Dira's mercy! " Elaine whispered. She bended down to it used her soulmist again and now put it back. Done! Not like she didn't know where to how to put the books but her power at the moment was limited with her soulmist. 10-15 books a day was tiring for her. But there weren't that many only a few fortunately. Now she was interested what was she reading. She kept a little distance for her to not disturb and she was reading it too.

I never was much one for writing, nor was I really the scholarly type in my youth. The same is true now. Ghosts and spirits are what I know, better than my own people sometimes. I know their names and how they act, I'm the chronicler of a hundred tragedies for all have had an impact on me. I never took apprentices, but I figure it would be criminal if I did not leave something behind. Something that might help folks know how to defend against ghost or even to understand why they do what they do...

Spritism? And that book? How did she get it? She couldn't help but ask her."I appreciate that you are one of the few people who remain silent and read, like a normal people would do in the library but do you have permission for this kind of book?"
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 10th, 2013, 5:30 pm

Anna felt a flare of pride rise in her, often people seemed to mistake her for some mere student or citizen and it could get annoying. It was likely due to her youth, not many people knew enough magic at her age to be considered for teaching positions and Anna had not exactly gotten her position the honest way either. Still she kept any anger she might have felt below the surface as she turned to regard the person who addressed her. What she saw caused her eyes to widen a fraction is surprise. The creature before her fit the description of a ghost, seemingly a young girl that certainly did not look solid but was definitely solid enough to be seen.

It to took the young professor a moment to overcome her surprise, when she did her mind was already working into overdrive behind her composed outward appearance. The fact that she had a ghost right in front of her, especially when her research was geared towards ghosts at the moment was rather fortuitous. Anna had quite a few questions that this spirit might be able to answer, however the first matter would be to ensure to clear up and misunderstanding between the two of them.

"Yes I have permission to read this book, last I checked professors were still allowed access to the restricted section. I am Professor Annalisa Marin, its quite agreeable to make the acquaintance of a ghost." The young woman answered calmly, pushing back the arrogant words that had come to mind earlier.

There was still something of her fiery side left, though it would have been foolish to expect it to die off overnight. It was simply a matter of catching herself before she made stupid mistakes, insulting this ghost when it could prove useful to her current research fell under that category. Anna instead carefully closed her book, making sure to be as delicate as possible with the old book and gazed at the ghost with some fascination.

"However, being that the subject matter I'm researching currently has much to do with creatures like yourself, would you terribly mind answering some questions? Unless of course your other duties are more pressing." Anna asked, her expression not unkind.

There was much a ghost could tell her about its own nature most likely, and considering that this so called spiritism dealt with understanding ghosts it would be wise to conduct research outside of just the books. Of course, this banked on the thought that a ghost would be interested in assisting her as it did appear she had other duties for the library. Already the young professor had a few ideas of the questions she had, and possibly and experiment or two.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Elaine Spade on July 11th, 2013, 10:43 am

Elaine didn't take that likely. She lost the mirage how good person is she. Reading silently... no she had a harsh tongue. But she tried to be a good girl. She was a professor here, and she could talk with Lisaelis. "I am Elaine Spade, the ghost librarian! Also called The Silent Lady. Pardon me by asking that.... Prof." She whispered and maybe she could change her attitude a bit with her.

She was still looking at the book which Anna read. She didn't get why did she want to know so much about ghost. Did she teach that or was she curious there must be a reason. And now she wanted to read that book too. Maybe she could get some information about herself or about spiritsts and of course about ghosts. She was staring at it long and just 'woke up' when Anna closed the book. She shook her head and looked back at her.

She asked for help and questions. She rather said no but she couldn't she had THAT duty afterall. That was terrible a hard to say but: "No.. no Professor, I don't mind. That's my job to help everyone about to get more knowledge at the library. So I can answer about us.. CREATURES!" She pressed the creature like she would be a monstrosity and sighed. That's going to be a long talk as she imagined.

With her soulmist she grabbed a chair and pulled it to herself. She sat down and she was looking so emotionless as usual. She waved one with her hand as a gesture to Anna so she can start asking. "So, what do you want to know about us? What's your questions?" She whispered to her.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 13th, 2013, 6:11 am

Anna noted the tone the being adopted when it stressed the word 'creatures' and the young professor realized she had made a slight against the spirit. There was still that part of her that wanted to just continue on with her questions without addressing her own error, that arrogant self absorbed nature that was still very much a part of her. The young wizard was trying to reform herself to a slight degree, attempting to be more personable and pleasant. It was a cold and clinical kind of pleasantness, one that spoke of a coldness inside her that was coiled around her very soul.

"My apologies if I was rude, miss Elaine, it was by no means intentional. Thank you for agreeing to assist me in my research, your input will prove invaluable." She offered with a slightly apologetic smile.

The young professor gathered her thoughts and decided to start with confirming the basics about ghosts. It would likely be more technical than she liked, but from there it would be possible to move on to something more interesting she had noted from the first tome. The possession ability and its possible limitations.

"According to my research so far, ghosts are the souls of the dead that refuse to enter the embrace of Dira. Can I assume this to be true? It has also mentioned that your... people possess certain abilities beyond the norm that are due to a substance called 'Soulmist'. Could you tell me exactly what you can do with these abilities? As well as possibly helping me to understand this... Soulmist?" Anna asked.

They were rather basic questions, but books could only tell one so much about something. To truly understand a subject one's best bet would be to ask someone who has actual experience or was the subject of the book on question. Elaine had simply happened to be in the right place at the right time for her. She had not expected to be so fortunate as to actually meet a real ghost on her first day of real research. This would hopefully cut down the needless nitpicking research by quite a bit.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Elaine Spade on July 13th, 2013, 8:13 pm

The professor became kinder to her. But she was sure only to get informations from her. Okay that's her job she is an assistant she had to tell everything she knew. She was nodding and she answered to her."Yes! Dira likes to keep a cycle of death and life, we ghosts are the ones who rejected that cycle and so are the nuits but I don't know much about them! I just can hope for her forgiveness, I really do hope. " She sighed on that one but she moved on. She didn't want to think about it.

Now she continued the abilities, she did some demonstrations. With her hand she touched Anna's book which she closed earlier and with her soulmist did a little push. "As you said right we have soulmist, it's some kind of djed. And as I showed you this is how I can use objects. The more I use, the better I get with it. " She pulled her hand back from the table. She focused on her self and materialized. Her appearance was clearer, not perfect still like an oil painting. Then with one of her hand she touched Anna's arm. Only for a moment and then she unmaterialized herself.

"As you could see, I could make myself more solid with it too. Kinda like a shell. My touch becomes frosty, so I really try to avoid this... everything is cold around us anyway. " She just thought back when she hugged Clyde. She couldn't imagine how unpleasent feeling she gave to him. She often forgot about herself, very often. She whispered and didn't show the last ability as she needed permission from her to do it."And my last ability is that I can possess people. My power at it is not really good and it's really hard to get access for control too. At the moment if a person's mind is strong and can resists me I will pushed out from the body. The only way now if somebody shares control with me. Either willingly or if I could manipulate his/her mind that way.. It's still hard and I can't do it for so long but the only way. "
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 13th, 2013, 9:14 pm

Anna knew very little about the nature of the undead, however she had at this point encountered two undead. Nuit, which she was still a bit hazy on, and now a ghost who was thus far proving to be extremely helpful. Elaine had seemed a bit melancholic about speaking of the nature of her existence and, considering what that existence entailed she did not blame her. Living on for an eternity in a state like that seemed rather cruel, even someone as far gone as Anna could see that.

She noted the explanation about soulmist and the comparison to Djed made her curious if using their abilities was much like when a wizard expended Djed on a spell. It was an interesting thought and one she would need to look into later, if that was the case was it possible that ghosts could utilize magic? She was unsure and made a note to inquire as to the possibility to Elaine. Her mind was working and calculating, storing away new information as it came.

When Elaine touched her Anna instinctively drew her hand back as though she was stung. It had only been a momentary touch but it was quite uncomfortable to say the very least. An ill feeling had crossed, cold and chilling in nature. It was certainly all the demonstration she needed to understand a ghost's ability to materialize. Anna nodded slowly, pleased by these demonstrations, however the possession ability caught her attention immediately.

"It is my understanding that some spiritists will deliberately allow ghosts to possess them to build up a resistance to possession, at least from what I have read." Anna said, nodding to the book on the nature of ghosts.

"I am most interested in getting involved with the field to some degree, and would very much appreciate your assistance in that regard. That being said would it be presumptuous of me asking you... to possess me? I would be willing to compensate you with anything that is in my power to grant you." The young wizard asked.

She had hesitated slightly at the end, slightly uncomfortable with the idea of giving up control of her physical body to another. Anna was unaware of what a ghost could see while on the inside, it could be that she might recognize her mark from Rhysol. That would be a rather bad issue if that was the case, but the very idea of her body moving to another's whim itself was supremely unsettling.

That being the case she still wanted to learn more about spiritism, her own magic was becoming... dangerous as of late and was encouraging her to seek magic outside of her own Djed. It was risky, giving up control in such a way but without some risk there was no reward. If gain further power meant that she had to play a puppet to another being for a little bit then she was okay with that.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Elaine Spade on July 17th, 2013, 5:39 pm

"Yeah they can." She nodded. Elaine was suprised at the moment when she was asked to possess her. She looked worried about it, first emotion at her face. This woman was supicious for her, even though she was a professor. She didn't want to do it but it was her duty to help everyone there as she promised to Lisaelis. She stood up and closed her eyes for a second, tried to prepare for this. But why was it so hard to do this time? With a stranger.

Her mouth was trembling but she looked at directly Anna's eyes and whispered."F-fffi--ffine! But don't think it's easy. It won't be a pleasure. Not to mention get control with each other is harder. Naturally your body is going to resist me but you have to work on it. It's even tiring for me but you will be tired too and the possession won't last long. Even with my friend it was hard and we was meditating too. Ready? Good." No she didn't want to wait while she will be ready just do it quickly. Why? Why was it so bad for her this time, strange feelings but she had to put it aside. Concentration was the key for the possession.

She became invisible only her soulmist went around Anna. Then suddenly her soulmist entered into the woman's body and Elaine was inside. She was whispering her mind and focused so the body couldn't push her out yet."I'm inside you. First you have resist your body. Try to keep me in and not let me go. If you can manage this we can go to the things." She was thinking what could they do, something easy. But she had to be awera her power and Anna's power was limited. Maybe pick up a book would be good enough. She whispered to her mind again."The Second step is put away your pride. Let's share control. If you are succesfull with your first step we can try to pick up a book together. Try to not lose your own control, but in the same time trust in me and let me do it too." It was a bit confusing but she hoped she understood it.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Annalisa Marin on July 18th, 2013, 3:10 am

Anna was pleased that Elaine accepted her request, it was rather forward of her to request something like this but for her research to continue she needed to know how ghosts functioned. Part of that functionality was possession, which was supposedly something one could build a resistance to. The young wizard kept the ghost's words in mind, it made sense that the bodies natural response to an invader was to push it out. She gathered her willpower and waited, noting that the ghost had vanished from sight and only the soul mist remained.

Abruptly the soulmist entered her body and the action sent chills through her whole body as Elaine entered. It felt extremely unnatural, not exactly painful but certainly very uncomfortable. It was like there was another presence in her own body, poking around at her spirit and mind. Every sense screamed for her to try and push Elaine out but she resisted the urge, if she could resist heavy casting urges then she could certainly do this.

Elaine's thoughts whispered in her own mind, whispering instructions to make this go smoothly. The first step was difficult, however as she already managed to resist the urge and push down her body's natural response for the moment it was manageable. The second step... was a fair bit more challenging. Giving up even a bit of control to Elaine was certainly something that bit at her pride, and while her pride was less of a factor now it still was a large part of her.

Still, she needed to do this if she hoped to learn anything else in her research. So she swallowed her pride and allowed Elaine in of her own accord, granting her access to her body while struggling to retain some measure of control. Finding this middle ground was difficult, in her mind it was either she was in control or she was not. The idea of two beings sharing the same body and the same actions was completely foreign to her.

Anna gave up too much control to Elaine at this point, she still had some presence of her own but it was negligible at best. The majority of that presence was too busy trying to keep her body from pushing the ghost out. She couldn't share control at this junction, this whole thing was uncharted territory and even with Elaine's assistance it was clear that this was not going well.

"I'm not sure how to achieve this middle ground, either I have control or I give it up to you. How does one share control of their own body with another?" Anna asked mentally.
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The Price of Knowledge. [Elaine]

Postby Elaine Spade on July 18th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Both of them had a hard time and Elaine tried to focus too while she was teaching her. She never thought she will ever do this and here she was. She was still whispering to her mind."Your body is resisting me. I'm not good at possession, I can only possess succesfully people whose mind I can play with to correupt them to lose their control. But your mind is strong. To share control whenever you feel I wanna move one of your arm you will move it. Whenever I feel you want to move oyur leg I do the same. Get it? Do it!"

She focused on Anna's right arm. She started to focus to move it to the book at the their next and grab it. It was a tough task but not the hardest."Try to feel me. And I'll do the same. Do what I do, I'll do what you do." Her power didn't last forever so she hoped they could do it fast so she could catch a break.

OOCOkay this was extremely short but I think oyu understand why :P
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