[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Kavala on July 8th, 2010, 6:59 pm

ImageKavala reached out and steadied Raiha, her eyes wide with fear. There was very little that bothered the Konti these days, but an outright attack in their own home was one of them. Taking over someone's body - especially a friends - was another thing that classified itself as an attack. Kavala had plenty of times in her life where she'd been ordered to do things she was less than enthusiastic about. This was decidedly one of them.

She wasn't the same person she was then. Now, however, she was stronger. Keeping an eye on Raiha and offering support if she needed it, Kavala nodded in agreement to Akela. "I don't like the threats. It feels too much like a carrot or a stick method of training. If that thing wanted something, she should have just asked, not threatened. I suggest we look for what you said, Akela.. or hit the library. I don't want to be bullied or lured somewhere leaving this place unprotected if someone wants to attack. And I certainly don't want to go roaming around a gem mine without knowing what we are getting ourselves into." She said softly, glancing around to see what the others thought. Raiha, she'd get into a chair immediately, and then do a quick medical assessment on to make sure she wasn't going into shock. First and foremost they needed to know what happened to her, how whatever that thing was used her to speak, and what they could do to counter it the next time.

When she was certain Raiha was going to be okay, she moved around the suite packing a backpack carefully. "We need to go to town and talk to people, first and foremost, find out what does that.... what takes over someone's body." She said firmly, already pulling on some day clothing in exchange for her night gown, adding a big belt, then and then weapons on top of that.

"Unless someone has a better idea?"

The Sanctuary The Sanctuary Forum Riverfall The Cytali
Reverie Isle Wolf Creek Training Course
Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Hatot on July 9th, 2010, 12:24 am

Hatot’s brow knotted up as he listened to the invader’s words, watched as he took control of the body of someone else and used her as a medium for delivering a message. Displeasure raised to anger when he saw what this being did to Raiha’s arm, his hand tightening into a fist and his knuckles popping out loudly. His gaze shifted as Akela spoke before moving once again to see Kavala sitting Raiha down. A deep breath was taken. He could feel Radris trying to claw his way to the surface, feeding off of Hatot’s own anger. “Point me to him! Let me loose on this one and I will break him into several tiny pieces. He’s a coward, and one that deserves our wrath.” Radris echoed in Hatot’s mind.

Hatot slowly begin moving towards the doorway. “Go to the City proper, research what aid you can give the woman and possibilities as to what we’re dealing with.” Hatot said as he stopped at the door’s frame, slipping his hand along it’s side as he peered over his shoulder. “In that time, I will go scout the entrance to the mines, see if I can’t spot our culprit proper.”

“If I spot him and a chance, I will take him out.” Hatot then said as he stepped through the door and began making his way down the stairs, his feet making heavy thumps along the wood. “I will try to prevent his death in such an event, if there’s possibility in forcing him to reverse what he did.”

Please, do not upset me. I would hate to unintentionally rip your throat out in a fit of rage.
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Taithrosa Eldytia on July 11th, 2010, 7:36 am


Taithrosa quickly moved over and joined Kavala as they looked over Raiha. That was unpleasent and the Ethaefal wasn't particular pleased to see that happened to a friend. It was a silly way to try and get there attention, actually it was down right childish. He tried to think if he anything that would do that, but other then possible a ghost, he drew a blank.

"I agree we need to help Raiha find a cure. I think Kavala and myself would be the best to research what is going on. I also agree with Hatot, let send him and possible Akela to the mines to see if they can spot this villian, I beleave they are the best with weapons and persausion." His voice was deep and showed his irritation. The normal calm was ruffled as he contiuned to watch his friend. "I also think we should take her to the healers in the city. They might have more experiences with this sort of thing then we do." He looked around. "Flick can you go and wake Kail up. We are going to need some more help getting her to the healers quickly. Kavala do you have a wagon we can place her in or a gentle horse she can ride into town?" He turned to the other healer in the group nodded his agreement that they were not just going to follow this thing blindly.

He turned back to Raiha and spoke in a low voice. "Everything will be all right we are going to get you back to normal." He used his most soothing voice. A voice that he had brief flash backs of using before as he stood over the bed of the sick during his last incarnation. "Can you tell me if anything hurts." The doctor had kicked in once again. He knew that he needed this information to see if they could figure out what had happened. After the intial shock he would ask her to tell him what she had experienced if she could to help give them more information as to the cause.

Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
~ If You Could Hie To Kolob
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Raiha on July 14th, 2010, 2:58 am

A ghost, Raiha realized, suddenly. It had no form. That was the Soulmist she was looking at, the already blurry, wavering edges… that was definitely a ghost. When the ghost came her way, Kanikra was screaming at her, the adrenaline surging through her, commanding her not to avoid, but to attack. The best defense was a spirited offense, and neither of them knew if the ghost would materialize to strike her, or what if it would do something else instead… like possess her. And so it must have been a sight when the Akontak, her gold eyes unblinking and intent dropped her center of gravity, the whalebone suvai in her left hand, her grip tight as her feet found purchase on the floor of Kavala’s room, and lunged, driving her weight behind the whalebone blade, her knees bent and ready for a quick recovery…

Only to stiffen and still her movements, her battle-ready pose gone as she straightened and stood normally.

Raiha and Kanikra fought against each other in a perpetual battle, sometimes recessed with unspoken ceasefires. But they had never had a common cause to band together to fight against before in their lives. And now that one presented itself, they struggled against this invader, Raiha’s determination and Kanikra’s rage boiling and trying to force the ghost from their body in an unseen battle within for control. It was one-sided – the ghost wasn’t budging. You petching bitch, Kanikra hissed as they were forced to admit defeat. You’ll get yours. You’ll have to come out some time, and when you do, you had better be petching far away!

Her mouth opened and words came out, words Raiha couldn’t stop nor control, not that she didn’t try. She tried hard to stop, tried to focus on her own body, her own free will, her own Djed, anything to get rid of the ghost. She felt an odd sensation, as Djed was applied to her arm, feeling it, and screamed internally. No, no, no, no, no! The ghost was Morphing her. Morphing, a discipline of personal magic she had hesitated to learn because of the propensity of her twin soul to abuse it. The ghost must have been a wizard in life, because the ghost had just used it on her, warping her limb with her own Djed. She understood the rough theory, and knew that Morphing didn’t require an initiation… just as well, because she was going to have to fix this. And just like that, the ordeal was over.

Or, Kanikra hissed grimly, it just begun. Breathe. Fix it. Breathe, Raiha. Come on. Don’t weaken now! She felt the mental equivalent of a stinging smack, and tired as she was, she started up a little bit more, cradling her reptilian arm to her chest almost protectively, beginning to breathe again. She had been a little shaky on her pins at first, her knees wobbling before locking, either from Raiha or Kanikra, but she could not fall. No. Diallo was there, shoving his bulky body against his mistress, sniffing at the transfigured arm before seeking her other hand to nose and nuzzle. Her Auristics had been stifled when she had been possessed, and Raiha activated it once more, bringing the Djed to focus, looking for the Ghost to make sure it hadn’t gone into hiding in one of the others. Her face was tight and almost predatory; her lips in a thin line that only relaxed a little when she realized it was well and truly gone. She accepted the chair, still quiet, even as she sheathed the suvai as she sat. Her heart was pounding and her skin was cold and clammy, but Kavala’s and Taithrosa’s medical examinations showed that the Akontak wasn’t going into shock.

“That,” Raiha finally spoke again as her fingers ghosted over her arm, checking out the scales, testing the strength of the limb and very much not looking at anyone else right now, “was a ghost. She’s gone now, though. I can’t see her any more. She’s probably gone to the Coalinga Gem Mines to wait for us. Ghosts have an ability to possess people, one of their three innate skills that they alone have, and she just used that on me.” As she spoke, she was quiet, and try as she might to prevent it from showing, she was tired, and it was coming out in her voice. Kanikra was there, poised and waiting. “Possession allows a ghost to take over the body of a living being, unwilling or not.”

“This is Morphing, a type of magic… so she knew what she was doing when she possessed me,” she chewed the inside of her cheek, letting her right hand rest on the Deerstalker’s head. “It doesn’t hurt, no… it’s just tiring, but that is to be expected. I don’t think this is something a Healer can fix. There’s nothing medically wrong with it… just transformed Djed.” She hesitated, remembering the Djed laws. “This… is going to be a stupid question, but does anyone have leftover midnight snacks?” Consuming something replenished Djed – you absorbed and used the Djed of the substance one devoured, Raiha remembered. She had burned through a fair bit tonight, and, well, getting some more might be useful.

Fix it, Kanikra insisted again. Come on. At least try it… and then we’ll get something to eat to replenish your energy.

Or, at least, replenish yours. Raiha sighed. She had to give her twin credit, though – she could have taken control a while ago, but she hadn’t done so, not yet.

That could happen, true. Either way, you’re not going to be in much shape to do anything for a little while, so at least try to fix the arm. I’m going to be quiet now. Focus. Breathe.

She closed her eyes, sitting still in her chair. She knew what the form of her right arm was – she had lived with it all her life, hadn’t she? She focused on it, pushing everything else out of her mind but the way her arm used to look and feel and be, with the soft, dark blue skin, its length and strength, the muscles underneath… she focused, and tried to will the Djed in her arm to transform, to look the same way it used to, even as beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. When she was done, regardless of the result, Kanikra stepped in, pushing Raiha back into the darkness. Just rest, she told her. Just rest. I’ll take care of things right now.

“Where is the Coalinga?” she asked Hatot as she stood up. The manner was different, unflinching. “I’ll ride if we have to, but I’m going to the Mines. She may not be easy to spot, and I’ve got a bone to pick with that petching bitch.”
The first rule of Akajia is you do not talk about Akajia.
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Puck on August 3rd, 2010, 7:01 am

NoteApologies for the horrifically late response. We will leave Flick and Dyrid behind in the city when the second group arrives.

Apologies for such short post as well, I just needed to kick start you guys into action ;)

Group One - Into the Earth
    Kanikra, Hatot

The pair, the skilled Hatot and not so skilled Kanikra, left in short order after retrieving their necessary possessions and sustenance. The Coalinga gem mine lay not even fifteen chimes ride from Sanctuary's gates, though the location was not clear to the unobservant, and the pair made the short trip with no further contact from the ghost. Neither would find the trip overly arduous, for the entire route lay along the road. However Kanikra may find herself wishing she had listened to Taithrosa's advice, for her body was still mildly drained from the forced morphing- the ghost had not been gentle.

Green tents were the first thing they saw as Hatot led them to the mines. Long grooves ran in a labyrinth around and sometimes through the camp, where the miners would scour the surface for precious gems. They approached, and not a soul scurried about above the earth. Various tools lay about, fire pits forsaken to burn, and jobs left unfinished were all that greeted the intrepid pair. Each tent's flap had been pinned open, revealing similar signs of abandonment.

However in the largest tent, near the entrance to the underground, the pair saw what could definitively be called a corpse. The man lay sprawled on his back, his vest torn off and what must have been a dozen mining implements shoved nearly halfway through his body. Two picks lay embedded in his shoulders, and a short handled shovel had been forcefully pushed into his stomach. Accompanying these larger implements were knives and trowels sticking out of various unsavory places. Carved into his stomach right above the shovel was one word, "Underground".

Group Two - Into the City
    Taithrosa, Kail, Kavala, Akela, Dyrid, Flick

With Kanikra having taken over the Akontak's body and dashing off to reconnoiter with Hatot, Taithrosa's need for a wagon or horse was thoroughly dispelled. The remaining six members of the group had little else to do other than rouse Kail and gather what possessions each believed they would require for the task at hand.

Within the city of Riverfall, the cool headed members of the Misfits headed to the Valkalah Academy. Both the library and their chance of finding a spiritist lay within the stone confines of this structure. Entering the foyer, the group was presented with a round receptionist's desk, a deep violet Akalak looking quite busy with his back turned to them. To their right was the door to the Riverfall Library, and to the left the offices of various permanent staff.

The receptionist turned and stood as he heard the group's footsteps upon the stone floor. He clasped his hands and smiled, "Greetings, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Kavala on August 9th, 2010, 3:39 pm

ImageNoteI know its not my turn, but I'm going to be sad if this quest falls by the wayside so I'm going to go ahead and post.

Kavala simply nodded politely to the receptionist and slipped past him into the library. The receptionist and herself were old acquaintances. The Konti frequently haunted the library and long since made herself at home. She would let one of the others inquire about the spiritist. Never one to openly discuss her own personal problems, the Konti was more deeply into solving them herself than relying on others. The person that could actually help her was the young man that normally manned the library's main desk. She slipped through the doors and immediately went to seek his friendly face. He always had time to speak to her, and often had helpful suggestions for what she was looking for or had a knack for sending her in a direction she wouldn't at first have thought of.

"Hello there!" She smiled, stopping at his desk and leaning her hands on the polished wood surface. Her silver bracelet clinked against the heavy oak a moment as she thought how to frame her question. "I saw my first ghost today, I think, as one woke me up fussing about the Colinga Gem Mines. It was pushy and angry and seemed rather distraught. Do you have any books on ghosts or the history of the gem mine... perhaps something that might contain information on a tragedy or death that occurred there?" Kavala said softly, looking thoughtful. "I promise you I haven't lost my mind... but it demanded we go there or else it'd start doing damage or making life uneasy around Sanctuary. You don't happen to know of any feisty troublesome women or men that died up there do you? Oh.. and maps of the mines would be good. Or names of anyone that might be decent to talk to about this. I have no where else to turn but the library. I don't want to particularly go to the mine. It sounds dangerous, but if this ghost is going to harass the animals and staff of Sanctuary, it could be dangerous. It seemed capable of doing a lot of damage." Kavala said, trusting the library worker like she had so many times before.

The Sanctuary The Sanctuary Forum Riverfall The Cytali
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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Hatot on August 18th, 2010, 3:40 am

Hatot stood before the grounds of the mines themselves, surveying the territory as his eyes narrowed, sharpening the slight blur that distance brought. There was a subtle growling that happened within him as Radris’ anger over the blatant, cowardly attack on Sanctuary and Raiha had. “Extorting us by idle threats to do a deed that this specter is to weak or cowardly to do itself, this little casper is in need of a serious hurting.” Radris echoed into Hatot’s mind.

“Calm yourself, Radris, your anger is influencing me, and I wish to have a clear head for any challenges that lie ahead of us.” Hatot echoed back as he slowly observed the corpse along the ground and the message carved into his stomach. “An invitation.”

“And I cowardly one at that.” Radris scoffed in his echo. “I say we take it.”

“No, we wait.” Hatot echoed back, coming to a slow kneel along the ground. “I will not go any farther blindly.”

“Oh, just sit on our ass and wait, that sounds like a fun petching idea.” Radris echoed again.

“There will be no fun to have at any turn of events here,” Hatot echoed back as he began even slowed breathing, bringing a calming sensation through the beginning stages of meditation, “and this will be a foe I feel we can’t simply force into submission.”

As Hatot continued his light meditation, stopping just short of breaking his awareness off from the things that surrounded him, he felt Radris’ rage begin to lessen, a practice he had discovered was suitable in tense situations, and something needed right now. “Fine,” Radris finally echoed in a slighty disgruntled tone, “I’ll give the book worms no more than a bell though.”

Hatot then gave a slow twist of his head as a couple of joints in his neck let out a popping noise and he gave one final exhale. His gaze moved to Raiha as his hand slowly extended to bar her from entering the mines herself if she attempted to do so. “We wait for Kavala and the others.” Hatot said, his tone of voice once again in it’s calm state. “The mines themselves are a plethora of ambush opportunities and choke points for those who enter, and we’ll likely need more than physical means to deal with the threats we may encounter.”

Hatot then slowly reached into his belt pouch, slowly withdrawing a small amount of dried beef from within, holding it out to Raiha. “Eat and rest for now. You sounded drained after your first encounter, and the travel here would not have helped such any.” Hatot remarked.

Please, do not upset me. I would hate to unintentionally rip your throat out in a fit of rage.
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Taithrosa Eldytia on August 20th, 2010, 5:33 am

Taithrosa excepted the womans wishes, and instead traveled to see what information he could gather about mines, and ghosts. Before he departed though he quickly stopped by Kail's room and woke her. As he gentle shook her should he gave her a warm smile to great her day. He felt that the first thing upon waking shouldn't be bad news. "Kail, somethings happen and we need to go into town." He said after she woke up.

He strangle enough hadn't ever been to this library and wish that he had been able to first vist under different circumstances. So unlike Kavala who knew what she was looking for the Ethaefal walked over to the receptionist. "Do you have a informative book on ghosts."
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
~ If You Could Hie To Kolob
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Akasha on August 21st, 2010, 8:40 am

oocEntering! Hope you guys don't mind! Thanks Puck. :)

Gift shop, gift shop, gift shop. Where was the goddamn gift shops in this place? The city had been incredibly overwhelming the first time around, and now that the kelvic girl was wandering amidst the place by herself, searching for obvious clues on an establishment that sold suitable wares and artwork as presents, Akasha had decided to come to the conclusion that it was a pain in the ass. Either that or Akasha was incredibly blind to what was in front of her. Both of the potential reasons had a negative affect on her temper, causing her brows to furrow in irritation, and her silly quirk of flicking her unnaturally sharp fingernails increased in force and momentum.

Sighing, she returned to Sanctuary empty-handed, clearly distraught and disappointed at her inability to spot useful shops in general. Already I have failed my bondmate! Stupid, stupid, stupid. Mentally kicking herself, Akasha took her sweet time returning to the abode run by the konti she’d yet to meet. It was odd, but rarely did the eagle owl kelvic linger long in the place, as she much rather enjoyed soaring the skies and returning to her beloved Raiha with a generous hunk of meat in tow. Surprisingly enough, Akasha had no qualms about sharing with Asim. She much enjoyed being with the bear kelvic, as there were many aspects of the nature of their race in general that was shared, mostly the violent side, when it came right down to it.

But as Akasha stepped past the threshold that comprised Sanctuary, a sharp scent reached her nose. It was familiar, yet there was no comfort present. Yes, it was Raiha’s distinct, fragrant smell, but it was the iron scent of blood that brought the kelvic’s hair to stand on end. Not Raiha’s, no it wasn’t Raiha’s blood, but one of a stranger. But how the scents mingled and danced in her senses, Akasha couldn’t begin to feel calm and resolute when she feared the worst for her bondmate. Making sure the girl had her precious katana strapped firmly on her person, the kelvic began to run, sprinting through the buildings that composed Sanctuary and down the winding pathway towards a mine she hadn’t known existed.

The first thing Akasha caught sight of then was a tent, but once her eyes fell on the shock of pearlescent hair and the familiar blue hue of the Akontak’s skin, the kelvic slowed in her sprint, until she stood in front of Kanikra. “I hate that city,” she breathed, catching her breath as she lightly acknowledged Hatot, who was also a stranger, “A pain in the ass to find anything you want! I’m sorry, Rairai, I was trying to find you a gift… to surprise you in the--”

Large orange eyes locked onto the arm held to the Akontak’s body. It was hideous! A mutation! The look on the kelvic’s face was akin to one who had just smelled something horrifically rotten left in a field of dung. But she couldn’t help it. Akasha was both furious and shocked.

“What…. The PETCH is that?” She pointed at the limb, as if it hadn’t been completely obvious from her expression. “Who did this! I will tear the petch to pieces and shove it down their throat!” It had become second nature to unsheathe her katana when her feisty demeanor reared it’s ugly head. But then, amidst a rotting corpse impaled with tools and an Akalak who stood barring the entrance to a strange mine, Akasha had half the mind to rip off the only piece of cloth hindering her from transforming. She was enraged, and also ashamed that she had not been there to protect Raiha when she needed it the most. There was an overwhelming sensation of having failed, and depression was quickly setting in.

Her attention was diverted then, as Akasha's gaze fell on the corpse, "This day is just full of surprises..."
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[Adventure] The First Configuration [All Misfits, Closed]

Postby Puck on September 8th, 2010, 4:01 am

Group One - Into the Earth

Time passed as the group above the mines cooled their heels. Flies gathered on the corpse, sowing its fertile flesh with their eggs. Only the buzzing kept them company in the Riverfallian humidity. The day sweltered as it grew, and the salty air hung heavy with moisture. Today would be hot. Already the body in the tent had commenced the process of decay, preparing itself to merge with the earth once more.

The calm was shattered by what sounded like a cry, a scream for help. Words were indistinct, and the voice was hoarse from strain. It echoed from the mine, its reverberations breaching the surface to reach the ears of the assemblage above. Again the scream rang out, disturbing any possible thoughts of peace. They were growing closer.

Yet the cacophony and chaos did not end with the persistent howls. Out from the mine stumbled a man, blackened with mine dust. Nicks and cuts adorned his body, and his skin was pallid from life below the surface. Panic flooded his eyes, taking over his entire being and blotting out the concept known as "rationality". "Help us, in Wysar's name sa-" he pitched forward, cut off mid sentence. With a solid thud he landed on the ground, clawing his way forward and away from the mine entrance. He lurched again, but this time backwards. His larynx loosed yet another howl, knowing exactly what lay within the abyssal caverns below. His body was pulled back as if by some invisible force, bumping and dragging against the ground as he was yanked back into the earth with surprising alacrity. The man's frightened broken cries continued to assault their ears, until suddenly, they ceased.

Group Two - Into the City

For a brief moment, the librarian simply sat and stared at Kavala and her entourage. Silence overtook the room as he processed exactly what the woman had said, his fingers slowly tapping on the desk. "A hostile ghost, in Riverfall?" The tone betrayed his disbelief where his face remained neutral, but he would not turn away these people no matter how insane they were. "I don't recall ever hearing of a ghost problem in the city, so the answer as to who you could talk to would be nobody. I apologise, we've simply never had a demand in recent years. Regarding your query about recent deaths, no I do not recall anybody of said description. We are very cognizant of the passing of both our women and men, each life is important to our society."

Now the Akalak reached down into his desk, "However, I do believe we may have a book on the afterlife which may be of use, and we certainly have maps and books regarding the mines." Pulling out a small book, the librarian commenced a quick perusal of its contents. Once more the silence stretched on, the man pursing his lips. "Interesting, it appears as if one of Coalinga's supervisors came and removed a series of books regarding the mines two days ago. Their scheduled return is three days from now. However, we have at least two copies of every map, so I believe there should be one left. Just as well, "Ja'Voris on the Afterlife" is still with us."

"Follow me if you would." The Librarian stood, long strides carrying him through the library's confines and to one of the obviously lesser used corners of the structure. His eyes scanned the shelves, finally pulling forth the named book. Tucking it under his arm, he bid his attendees to follow him once more. A rack of map scrolls hung from the wall of one nook, and this was where the Akalak took them.

Setting the book on the map viewing table, their guide climbed a small ladder and shimmied the requested scroll from its slot. Stepping down, he turned and spread the scroll on the table. However, what the party saw was not a map but a strange pattern adorning its center. "I... I don't understand. This was supposed to be the Coalinga map. How odd, I don't recall having something such as..." His fingers brushed against the ink, which immediately began to disintegrate. "How..." But the librarian fell silent. His eyes grew wide, hand flying to his chest. A seam appeared on the Akalak, running vertically from his collar bone to pelvis. Staring down at the growing trench in his body, his fingers scratched and clawed to push him back together. He let out a scream of terror, or perhaps pain, as blood began to run down his chest. The entire front of his torso had split open, yet the morphing magic had done nothing but split his body- opting to not close off veins or seal the wounds it made. As the front of his body pulled away, the group in the library discovered the Akalak's internal structure. Blood poured from the gaping hole in his body, and the organs that had previously been hidden slipped onto the floor. Frightened cries were cut off as the librarian vomited onto the floor, emptying his now displaced stomach. The man's exposed heart and lungs pulsed frantically, panic lacing their rhythms. Only his white knuckles clenching the table kept the victim on his feet at this point, but they too gave in as his mind reeled and heaved at the sight. His head collided with the table as he fell forward, and again as he hit the ground and blackness gave him a moment's peace.

Though the librarian's screams had been silenced, quiet did not seize the library. The other occupants were, typically, causing quite a cacophony. Between Nakivak running or cowering, and the pair of Akalak approaching the scene with drawn lakans, it was clear that this event had not gone unnoticed. "What has happened here?" The azure skinned man approaching the man bleeding out on the floor looked none too pleased at this turn of events.

Had the librarian opened the first book's cover, he would have seen the poorly scrawled words, Do you really wish to find out?
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Loving your Lazy Eye
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