[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where the OSTs and Words Flow

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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where the OSTs and Words Flow

Postby Shiyami on July 15th, 2013, 10:40 pm


O-kay, so this, is my scrapbook, which I will probably fill it up with quotes, and a soundtrack/song associating it!

Come on in! You may find your theme song here!

When one falls, another will succeed in his honor! :

EDIT: Well, the random topic has changed. Now, it shall be the Rants and Reviews!
EDIT 2: The topic is back to OSTs, and no here to stay!

EDIT 3: Disclaimer: I may make up my own quote, or borrow from someone else.
Last edited by Shiyami on September 27th, 2013, 7:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 16th, 2013, 7:26 pm

Here are a few more phrases that I have entwined with a song or two!
Somtimes you have to do something unforgivable, just to go on living. :

Side note: Since this was a theme from Touhou, it reminded me of something. ERMAHGAWD TOUHOU 13.5!!! What were the creators thinking? The Black-White-Overpowered-Witch hits anywhere with her I-Can-Hit-You-Where-Ever-You-Hide-Laser-Cannon. Like, seriously, Marisa just goes ahead with that "Love Sign: Master Spark", and wipes out the entire screen! Or wait, was it the Final Spark...? Meh, oh well, just spam that attack as much as possible to win :P!
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 16th, 2013, 7:46 pm

Another song/quote combo!
All things truly wicked, starts from an innocence :

On another side note: This song would be perfect when Shiyami opens his left eye, and starts strolling towards his enemies!
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 16th, 2013, 7:51 pm

Too many combos! Forum has been K.O.ed by the Osts and words!
We might have won this fight, but the war has only, just begun! :
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 16th, 2013, 7:54 pm

When does a man die? When he has been shot through the heart? When he has been ripped asunder? When he has been sliced apart? No, a man dies when he has been forgotten! :
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 16th, 2013, 8:17 pm

As we prepare for battle, I look at each and every one of my comrade in arms, and i don't see fear. I don't see anger. I don't see sadness. I see determination. Determined to fight. Determined to bring the ones beside back alive. Determined to win! :
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 21st, 2013, 6:56 am

Trying to think of words for a few OSTs...but I have reached a conundrum. I ran out of cranberry juice. So I'm like, "What am I suppose to do?". Of course, then this song comes on in my playlist.

Brought back memories...a game that you can only play 'bout an hour at most per day XD. No, no because you get bored. Best way I can describe it would be...ah! Like having access to a gamcen, where you get a free token per day. You can get more tokens, but you need to buy them with your hard earned cash from the real world jobs...
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook]Where Words and OSTs Entwine

Postby Shiyami on July 24th, 2013, 2:48 am

This isn't a quote, but there is still a song included!

Just...read these lines in the spoiler when the chorus comes up XD
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Coffee, Soda,
Toffee, Pasta,
Coffee, Soda,
Give me coffee.
Coffee, Soda,
Toffee, Pasta,
Coffee, Soda,

Its at 0:45, for those of you wanting to skip straight to it.
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook of Random]Currently: Rants and Reviews

Postby Shiyami on July 28th, 2013, 5:44 am

So, lost interest in OSTs and quotes. Decided to move on to reviews. And since I've been sucked into the world of anime(again.....QQ), I decided to speak my biased opinions about one of them first, before moving on to games.

Warning: This rant/review will contain spoilers. It's a rant/review, what did you expect?

So...my first contender (read: victim) will be...

Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo

Yup, that is one heck of a long name. Translation from romanji to English would say "Problem Children are Coming from Another World, aren't they?". The long name has something to do with the ease of finding this anime in the already long list of animes.

Now, this anime has something unusual about it. What, you may ask? It has more than one main character. Well, the unusual factor is related to that. Normally, when one watches animes, where there are like a 2:1 ratio of female main characters, to male main characters, the main male is either A)Some weakling who doesn't even know how to punch, and can not even run in straight lines; or B)It's a harem type anime. Lets see the ratio of male to females in the chart below, shall we?

1:2 Mains
2:6 Subs
2:3 Enemies who are actually named.

Granted, one of the females was counted twice. She used to be an enemy, but switched sides. Ah, it would actually be 2:7 Subs, if one counts the OVA(a whole nuther story.)

Mondaiji Tachi, takes those usuals, and chucks them out the window. They have a main male character, who is some over powered guy that can block a full on slice from a kopesh, with his finger. He can destroy a medusa's laser cannon of pertrification with his kick. Even better, he isn't some brute who can only use strength. He has the minds of a genius tactician, though quite commonly to bored to do anything. The secondary male character is the leader of the faction that these children join, and he is...using the TvTrope Traits, he would be labelled as The Chew Toy. He does well as the negotiating puppet, for the lack of words, for the main male.

The main female characters are not without merit though. They have the capability to siege a castle solo with their abilities, so there hasn't really been a damsel in distress. The secondary female characters, are much more deadly and useful than the secondary male (well, except one. But she is 11 years old, so I don't think that counts.).

The fan service is directly to mostly one character, and it usually is because either A) the main male taunts her, or B) She happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or right place at the right time, depending on how you look at it.

Now, the actual combat within the series, is at times rather fast paced, and at others, more of a calculating pace, all with a few jokes in between. Many of the Gift Games(read: battles) have some kind of history/astronomical/etc lesson within the words( though I didn't understand half of the stuff bout axis of fire and wood being related to the axis of an asteroid belt...).

However... The one qualm I have about it, would be the fact that it seemed like the ending was rushed a bit. It was like, "Oh, be there when we hit Delta One. Bye now~!". I watched it, and was thinking, "That's it? Where is the epic ending?". However, you can read the light novels here, though they are still in the midst of translating them still.
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[Shiyami's Scrapbook of Random]Currently: Rants and Reviews

Postby Shiyami on August 2nd, 2013, 11:49 pm

Theme song for Shiyami, when he is in combat perspective!
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