She sighed a little, and her shoulders relaxed just a bit as she slid around the couch and took her seat again. "I thought you weren't interested in the mizas," she said, but there was something in her voice too exhausted to really lend an edge to the words. More as if she were so used to being sharp and scathing that she didn't know how to be any other way. "Well. The details aren't much more than that. It's taken me three years to find this girl, and all I know is that she's the key to accessing what I need. What I need," she said, hesitating, though more as if she'd been waiting to say these words aloud, had said them before and been disappointed. "What I need is an arrow. My sources say it can be found inside one of the ruins in the Wildlands. And that you will know it when you see it." She leaned forward and opened a long wooden box that had lain on the table between them, and drew out a rolled up parchment. "I have a map here of how to get there. As I said, you will escort the girl there, protect her, and bring the arrow back to me. Whether she returns here with you or not is up to you," she said tersely. The box was closed again, and she smoothed the silk of her skirt over her thighs. "You will be provided with a packhorse and supplies to last you until the end of the season if you're smart about it. Return the arrow to me, and you'll be paid two hundred gold mizas." Not an insubstantial amount - it was more than most people made for half a season's work. |