Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Xi and Say have their second training session

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 15th, 2013, 8:38 pm


Xi mulled this thoughts over as he waited for a reply to her from his questioning. He wondered just how much she had gotten over her embarrassment. after all it'd only been a few days passed she's shown that she was easily embarrassed and quite self concious. however those thoughts and preconceptions about her went clean out of the window at that exact moment.As she completely dis-robed...Xi was a little taken aback all he meant was for her to show that she would be willing to stand up to him and she jumped to conclusions...He coughed audibly and just went with the situation. She wasn't giving up she was just showing how far she came? Quite evidently. "Now i really don't doubt you've come far though i do still wonder about you jumping to conclusions. Still I said i'd tell you where you went wrong and so i will." Xi smirked as he fell into his stance. he brought the kick up and around in the same manner she had however he showed her what she hadn't been doing, he rolled his torso back across to put the momentum to a halt and than spring up off of his other foot.

"There was what you kept missing, you never rolled your torso the opposite way. you always kept your body facing the same direction, had you done that you'd see how easily the second part follows. Now i leave it up to you whether you get dressed or not." Xi smirked, perhaps she was starting to make some progress in being confidant in herself ? Xi shrugged visibly and noted a few things down in his head. She still holds herself tensely, however her confidence has come on leaps and bounds. Perhaps after this i should teach her something else for coming along so far ?

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 16th, 2013, 8:30 pm


Sayren tilted her head for a moment, was he actually, surprised by what she did? He coughed and told her he didn't doubt that she'd come far in her training, though she did have a tendency to jump to conclusions. All in all, he was still going to show her where she went wrong. She watched him closely this time. He fell into stance, just like she did. He struck out with a kick, just like she did. Then he rolled his torso back across, halting the momentum as he sprung upwards. Something she DIDN'T do.

He quickly elaborated on what it was she missed, just in case she hadn't caught it. She had to roll her torso in the opposite direction, or else the second part would've easily followed. Her master smirked and told her that he'd leave the choice of getting dressed again up to her.

She took a small nod forward and walked over to slip her clothes back on. Pulling her shorts and undergarment both on before shimmying to adjust the fit. Then wrapped the brassiere around her chest, tightening it till it seemed right. She made a quick stretch before she returned to the stance once more. Taking a deep breath as she focused on what she had to do. She dragged her left foot around, swinging it into the air and striking, shifting her right foot to compensate for the momentum, then rolled her torso in the manner she thought Ximal had demonstrated, then sprung upwards, launching the next kick. Gravity seemed to have stopped, for just a moment as she leaped backwards, she smiled. She did it! She did it!-kerPLOP! She face planted into the ground, groaning. Caught up so much in her excitement, she forgotten to keep her body moving so she could land on her feet.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 16th, 2013, 9:08 pm


Xi smirked as she got what he was showing her, the simplistic action that made that incredibly complex motion doable. She strolled back over to put her gear on. He could see why she wanted to put it back on but didn't really see the point since after this he was going to be drawing her anyway. He sighed lightly and kept his eyes on ehr as she again slipped into stance fully clothed. The motion went well and her momentum halted wit the shift of ehr foot and the rolling of her torso. Good. Then she launched off of the ground Xi was about to give her a small clap and congratulate her on her success of pulling it off until...Splat. She face planted the floor. Instead he smirked and stepped over. And spoke a little sarcastically as he offered his hand to help her up. "The objective is to hit and land on your feet ?" Xi hauled her up onto her feet, and snapped his neck lightly. "Since your do eager to disrobe undress again and meet me in my room in five chimes. what you do in tyhe mean time is up to you."

Xi smirked and stepped out of the training room and along the hall to his room, pulling out his journal and another piece of parchment onto the table he wrote in the book the basic steps to the three most commonly used techniques he had, arrow black, holy black, and Ice blue. Before he flipped to the back of his journal and the two drawings of revy he had in there, not counting the one n the parchment in his drawer. Xi rubbed the back of his neck lightly and laid back in his chair. She is growing at a fast rate, however she still has flaws, and so dose savio...She needs to get stronger and faster...However she also needs to adapt what I'm teaching her back to a style she understands...If she doesn't she's never going to get anywhere. Same with the boy, both have my foundations but no variation. I'm gonna have top put the pair of them through their paces eventually. Xi sighed it was too hot, sunberth was never this war, neither was the spires...In fact the spires were much colder...Xi leant over his desk again for a few more moments jotting down the final motions of his techniques. Small inflections and variants that he alone used, and probably wouldn't teach. Eventually he heard a knock at his door and opened it to see his student standing before him.

"Come on in, same as usual."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 19th, 2013, 6:50 am


Sayren groaned in pain as Ximal helped her up onto her feet. He told her the goal was to hit and land on her feet. Then he told her to meet him in his room in about five chimes. What she did during the time he didn't care. Then he left the room.

Sayren took a quick breath. She wanted to at least land that technique. At least try one more time before she walked away. She was set in her stance. Focusing on the movements as her body followed through with her thoughts. Striking with her foot, shifting the other to compensate. She pointed with her toes and rolled her her torso, hurling herself into the air as she struck once more, the gravity once again felt cancelled and irrelevant as she pulled her weight back, curving around until she landed on her feet. It was a sloppy landing, but the fact that she was on her feet was success enough as she cheered herself. Then took a calming breath as she walked out of the room, stepping confidently as she knocked on Ximal's door.

He gave his usual greeting and she walked in shortly after. She didn't want to tell him that she did it, but she was sure that he could already see it in her face. It wasn't long before she started discarding her clothes and casting them to the side. She plopped herself at the edge of his bed before bringing her legs up beside her, resting her bottom on her heels as she leaned over towards the wall, keeping her breasts covered with an arm as the other lazily leaned down his bedpost. Her eyes focused on Ximal, "how's this for confidence?"

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 19th, 2013, 12:05 pm


Xi smirked as he opened the door he could see the look of self satisfaction plastered across her face plain as day, however it wasn't a bad thing because, it brought her confidence up outside of his drawing sessions, however it wasn't a bad thing. It interesting thing, because that meant when he drew her he could get more out of her. By the time he'd sat down she'd already dis robed and fallen into a pose. Xi smirked and raisd an eye brow as she said how was it for confidence? "Well if your that into it today how about a double whammy? Except the second pose...little more...Risqué? But for now hold still, talk as much as you like as usual but please try not to move." Xi lifted the quill out of the ink pot following the same routine as always, starting with the basic form of her within his journal and then the larger variant on the parchment. A simplistic routine but seeing how much the last few had boosted her confidence...It was a welcome change. "So, i see you pulled it off for the most part, ou got the kicks timed right , just need to work on the landing some. At least from what i saw, or was that perhaps the thrill of pulling it off distracting you from focusing on following it up?"

Xi smirked knowing all to well that feeling. He dipped his quill in the ink again before scrawling down more lines slow and smooth contours and sweeping arches, in his same slow laborious painstaking manner. He'd rather of taken a long time to do a good job than rush it and do it half heartedly...And for him that applied to everything. "Also as a little change if you think you can handle it, i'd like you to see things from my perspective. Or at least my angle, which is why i you want i'm going to give you the choice as to whether you want to try drawing something. It relaxes the mind, but it's not the cheapest of hobbies." Xi smirked scrawling in the contours of her breasts and then the sweeping motions of her shoulders to her neck and her jaw line. As usual though he held off on her face until he could get the expression he wanted. That was something which took more finesse in it'self than actually drawing. He'd await a reply from her as he followed his larger drawing in his journal. A little rougher perhaps but essentially the same.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 22nd, 2013, 2:50 am


Sayren tilted her head. She understood what he said about double whammy, or so she assumed anyways. However, the word that caught her attention was...Risqué? And immediately after, he told her to remain still. She sighed in a small breath. He spoke after he traced out a few lines on the parchment. Asking her what brought out her confidence? Was it cause she nailed the kicks with their timing and the need to work on her landing, or was it perhaps the thrill of her pulling it off that distracted her from following it completely through? She chewed on the corner of her lip as she closed her eyes and considered his words.

"I guess...I would have to say both. I believe I have the timing for it down, now I just have to work on my landings much more. And yes, the thrill of it was just...amazing." Without knowing it, she lit up in a smile, her skin was even glowing a little because of how her chest fluttered gleefully while she recollected the very moments. "It...was like the world had come to a complete stop. The very air became a stepping stone. I I was dancing. And the wind became my Center..." She couldn't help but give a small giggle. It was at the realization of her name with the technique...Ice Blue...maybe it should be changed to something else for her. Just to give it more meaning.

She opened her eyes, it seemed Ximal was rather occupied with the portrayal of her on the parchment before him. How many times could he have looked back at her? Glanced upon her while her eyes were closed? She shrugged it aside, the thought couldn't have really mattered. It wasn't as if she was really hiding herself from him now. He spoke up after a some quiet moments, he recommended for her to see things from another perspective. He was actually going to let her sketch something so she could see that, it would help relax her mind, but...the set back was that it wasn't the cheapest of hobbies to have. Her fingers gave a light tap on her hip as she gave it some thought.

"I don't know...I was never the one for artistic talent back in Endrykas. That was more or less my sister." Her fingers balled up into a fist. Her features even tensed at the mention of her sister. Without wanting to admit it, her sister was another reason why she was here. She knew thinking about her made her rather...displeased. So she shoved the thought of her sister aside and asked her master, "But...may give a try?...I can't guarantee I'll have the touch of an artist though."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 22nd, 2013, 3:08 am


Xi smirked as he heard her response to his question about his technique. She'd enjoyed pulling it off the most, Xi couldn't help but laugh not with a malice of a sarcasm in his voice but a cheerful tone. She'd been thrilled to pull it off but she still knew she needed work and out of that he got the result he was after the smile, the nudging smile etched into parchment for a long time to come. "It's good that your able to see that you understand you need work but take pleasure in the little things. The small victories are what allow us to move on and grow as fighters. Never seek to best anyone...Other than yourself." He scrawled the drawing out and finished just as she responded about him offering for her to try and draw. She wasn't an artist ? Neither was he. But then again all he'd done was take a long time with the drawings he put onto the parchment and the pages of his journal. Xi slid back in his chair as she talked about having a sister and he could see that she was annoyed with that too.

"Whatever feelings, of malcontent you harbour towards those around you and those in your family let them go...You don't know when you might not have one...And as far as being an artist goes, don't worry about that. I'm no artist either, I just take my time drawing lowly out what i see, i frequently flip my vision up and down to make sure I've gotten what I'm drawing right. Also picture one is complete in both my journal and on the parchment, though I'd let it dry." Xi smirked and slid the parchment and the journal to opposite sides and let the ink dry. "Also your not the only person I've drawn like this, I've also drawn revy. And, for all the armour and the plain clothing she wears...It's not there to hide anything." Xi smirked and waved his hand to beckon her over, if she asked to see the drawing he had of her he'd show her. Otherwise it'd stay hidden. Xi scratched his chin lightly through his beard. "Take a couple minute walk, and stretch out it's been almost a bell since we started and I'm pretty sure your gonna be a little stiff because i am." Xi Stretched and rose from his seat.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on July 22nd, 2013, 8:28 am


Sayren felt better about herself when Ximal said it was good to see that she was able to understand when she needed to work on certain things more during her training, but it was also good for her to take pleasure in the simple victories. Each one would bring her another step closer to becoming a better fighter. Maybe even an extraordinary one. Alright, maybe he didn't say anything about the last bit, but it was still her goal. Her master leaned back in his chair when they got onto the subject of her sister. He must've noticed the slight tension in her body, she supposed.

He told her that any feelings of grim origin was to be dropped. To be forgotten about and moved on with. Cause there will come a day when they pass. Then what happens? What if this raged she harbored towards her sister was kept and never lifted? And her life in this realm passes to the next, their differences never absolved...never lifted by her. She would feel horrid. day she should write a letter to her. Or maybe even visit her. The latter seemed more appealing, would be worth it to at least be brought to peace with her sister. Hopefully the Web will allow it to come to pass.

Ximal continued speaking, telling her not to worry about being an artist. He said he clearly wasn't. He was just very specific in his movements and with what he was looking at. Depicting each curve and line until he sketched it all down correctly. It wasn't much longer till he finished the drawing either. Told her it would be best to let it dry first, but she was more than welcomed to go ahead and skim through the image. She smiled, stretching as she hopped onto her feet and glanced down at the drawing. It was still so fascinating to her how well he illustrated her features. He then reminded her of his offer to show her Revy's picture. Her face reddened when he told her for all the armor Revy wore, there was nothing to hide her womanly features.

She accepted with a small nod, "I'm...curious to see...please?"

Then he told her to take a few minutes to herself, walk, stretch, whatever she needed to do so she wouldn't be stiff for her next pose. She took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright, just show me the picture when I get back."

With that, she gathered her clothes and went for a quick jog around the hallway. Nothing too loud or overdone. Just a simple and brisk pace as she relaxed her joints. She noticed that her stamina was already building up rather well. If only she could get stronger now. She wasn't sure if she was. She knew she could throw more punches, but she wasn't so sure about her strength. Maybe Ximal would have something that could help? Just something for her to lift each day along with her regular training regime.

It was only a couple of chimes before she returned, closing the door and walking behind Ximal, barely a sweat dropping on her. She gave a small gulp, "I'm ready to see that picture...if it's okay?"

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on July 22nd, 2013, 2:41 pm


Xi closed his eyes and yawned lightly the evening was beginning to roll in and He'd gotten barely any sleep as of late. His body was beginning to adjust to it however his mind was not. Say had hopped over to look at the picture upon his desk and asked to see the picture of revy upon her return. Xi closed his eyes and nodded. "When you get back, now go stretch you wouldn't want your muscles to cramp." Xi glanced at the pictures on his table and then as say left he lifted up his now dry journal before flipping the page back over to see the two drawings he'd done of revy...For all she hated him, he could see why zand was attached to her. He sighed and sat back down at his desk rubbing his hand across his beard as a small bead of swat rolled down his brow. It was strange to think that the people around him were growing accustomed to his personality, however he wasn't exactly growing any differently he could see that the people around him had different reasons to be there.

Savio and say ren for training, bones and revy to get paid, and zand was just there for free room and food as long as revy taught. His mind flicked back to ana...What had he done to gain her ire so? He flexed his fingers before putting the journal down and flipping back to the recent image of sayren. so as to not lead anything amiss. No sooner had he flipped back however than she'd walked into his room again. She was ready to see the picture if it was alright. Xi grinned and pulled open the locked draw at the side of his desk, pulling out the rolled up parchment with the drawing upon it before stretching it out across the table for Say to see. "For all her personality flaws...She does have some redeeming features and no I'm not talking about her bust. She's diligent and hard working. She's everything I'm almost certain you'd want to be...Or at least i'd hope you are...Just with a different manner about her. That's why i say it's a good idea for you to train with her...She'll be both a good and bad influence on you." Xi leant back in his chair allowing say to see the full scope of the picture from the hair to the tattoos to the scars. Everything. It'd taken him almost two bells to draw that.

Xi rubbed his fore head before leaning back in his chair further and slumping lightly. "Right it's your turn to drawer you can draw whatever you wish as long as it's in my journal or on a piece of parchment." Xi smirked and stepped out of his seat again this time offering it to her.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on August 3rd, 2013, 2:06 pm


Upon her return, she glanced at Revy's picture with enthusiastic eyes. She never understood why, but the woman always seemed to have struck her attention. And now...seeing her without armor. Without clothing. The harden mercenary was...lovely, exquisite and fair. The curve of her hips. The slenderness of her legs. Toned with muscles from countless hours of training. Her bust was well endowed at that, but she was trying her best not to focus to heavily there. A tattoo here, and another there. All with intricate designs...and the scars. Or at least, she believed they were scars. She meant to faintly place her fingers to trace them. Wondering in awe about how the mercenary could've earned them, but...she stopped herself. Unsure of how well the picture would hold from her touch. She felt she wouldn't have done it justice. Then she brought herself to look into the eyes. They She wasn't sure if it was because of how Xi drew them in, or if it was Revy's actual, expressions.

She realized Ximal had been speaking about Revy during her moments of admiration. A good and bad influence he said. She gave a small smirk to that. She remembered her first encounter with the woman...she was incredibly vulgar in her speech. However, she just guessed it was because of how well traveled she was in her mercenary work. The work must've been intense and harsh...just like how life was back in Endrykas. Sure it seemed peaceful, but any day could've been your last, just doing every day chores was a risk to your life. Then her master stepped out of his seat, offering her a chance to draw.

She blinked for a moment, he had to be joking surely. Anything she drew would've looked like shyke. She had no patience for drawing. Her attention never held for such a tedious activity. Another thing that irked her about her sister. She always held such a patience that would always outlast hers. She sighed with resign as she sat in the chair. She started glancing about, trying to see what she could draw. Nothing was coming to her mind though. She looked up at her master, "But Ximal...I'm not sure what to draw...anything I try...I'm sure would turn out pathetic...not even worth the parchment the ink would rest on..."

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