The Rain Festival [Open]

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Aira on June 25th, 2010, 4:58 am

Aira looked to the child for a moment with curiosity, her kelvic eyes seemingly ablaze in the low light of the rain. By the third time the child had repeated the word the girl understood what it was he was asking. She was only to happy to respond. She plucked the child up from the ground and set him on her shoulders. A higher vantage point from which he could see the course, and his siblings, much better. He was surprisingly light, even for his size, and for a moment Aira felt a pang of loss as she recalled carrying Zuuk in a similar fashion She had noted the same thing the first time he had sat on her back. Aira took a deep breath and shook the feelings away, spraying the child with some water from her long un-braided hair. "Good view?" The kelvic asked the child, putting into her words the feeling of joy she could see in the people around her.

Then with a smile that was perhaps just a bit forced Aira moved closer to the Quoalelye to get a better view of what she would be crossing, moving slowly enough for the child to share in the sights as well. Her night vision served her well in this, and the details that might escape others because of shadows formed by the clouds above did not get pass her. She did not have the memory or the intention span to take in every bit of it, but as a hunter might survey the landscape, Aira was able to take in what she needed. It would be an interesting day to be sure. Perhaps she might earn another tattoo to add to her collection, even with the smoldering red Mark of Myri on her upper right arm putting all her other marks to shame by standing testament to the merciless hunting of the deyhan that had taken Zuuk from her, it was something to look forward to.

Once more Aira shook the darker thoughts away, once again splashing some water on the child resting on her shoulders, and focused on what was before her. She realized as she did this that one of Miko's siblings might be up soon, and quickly hurried to a place where the child could watch them competing. The smile on her face was a bit less forced then it had been a few minutes before, but underneath was it all was still an undercurrent of sadness, a feeling of disconnection and loss that just would not pass or fade away.
Last edited by Aira on June 28th, 2010, 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Seyp on June 25th, 2010, 8:17 am

Seyp’s gaze slowly moved to the familiar voice behind him, his head then giving a slow bow of respect to the woman who took over his teaching after his mother had passed. “Good to see you, as always, Sulas.” Seyp said in greeting to her before nodding and looking back to the course. “T’wala was insistent I do this year, so yes.”

He then slowly tilted his head, observing the first of the children to begin her run. “I know, but observation and gathering information is crucial in all things besides Malediction, of course.” Seyp then said in reply to Sulas’ statement about still having time. “If I observe how others run the course before me, I may be able to spot certain troublesome areas and come to learn how best to approach them when it comes to my turn. I highly doubt that I’ll emerge anywhere close to having the winning time, but I don’t wish to look a fool either. The physical aspects of Myrian life such as these have always come a close second in my talents.”

He then gave a soft smile, looking to Sulas as she gave a reminder that it would be frowned upon if he cheated using items of Malediction while running the course. He gave a slow shake of his head, looking to his teacher. “I dare not disgrace my family line by such acts. It will be me, and me alone running this course today.” Seyp replied to Sulas as he looked back to the course runners once again. “Besides, I’ve no items that would be of any help for this. The biggest find in terms of material I’ve garnered as of late was the bones of that pompous artist during the Spring. I doubt having a vein attitude and skilled hand in canvas painting would aid me here.”

Seyp then carefully examined the staff which Sulas always walked around with. His eyes carefully examined how the bits of the Dhani’s skull had been integrated into the wood of the staff itself and his eyes gleamed with fascination and curiosity. “You never have told me what abilities that staff provides you with.” Seyp commented as his head tilted slightly, examining it further. “Might I inquire what latent abilities you were able to unveil from the bones you added to it?”
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Siiri on June 28th, 2010, 12:43 am

Siiri’s lip curled in contempt as her commanding officer turned away. Despite the woman’s friendly words, the scion of the Snapping Jaws clan knew it was a challenge – one specifically directed at her. Eena had been doing this of late, passing off seemingly innocent comments her way but were, in truth, dares and tests directed to her second in command. Perhaps it was her way of encouraging her to step up her game, but Siiri wished she would just say what she wanted straight to her face. She had no use for such an underhanded way of delivering motivation.

With a snort, the Myrian went back inside the barracks, took off her loose-fitting tunic and threw it on her bunk bed. She rummaged through her footlocker for a moment before taking out the tight halter she wore during the last Day of the Dead festival, the same top she had lent Miharu on the day they met. She pulled it on quickly then tied her boots more tightly, tucking the ends of her breeches inside them. She checked herself, making sure there wasn’t anything loose that might get snagged when she ran the course.

As she worked, Siiri addressed her bondmate, explaining to the girl what Makutsi’s gift entailed. “There will be rain. Lots and lots of it. It will be like the goddess taking a portion of the sea and dumping it all over the land. Most times it will rain so hard you can hardly see ten feet ahead of you. And the Basin will flood.” She snorted again, and then went off muttering about how much of a mess the jungle became with this amount of rain. “But enough bitching from me. Come, let us watch how everyone fares on the Quoalelye while I warm up. This will be the first time I’m running, and somehow, I don’t think someone from Swooping Talons will win this year now that I am,” she added grimly.

Siiri held the girl’s hand in hers as she led her by the door once more. The Kelvic was still injured from her tussle with a Riamm about a tenday back, but she knew Miharu was a gamer more than anything. She had been trying to prove that she belonged with the Myrians ever since she arrived; she might try the Quoalelye as well. “You’re not thinking of running too, are you?” Siiri asked. She kept judgment out of her voice, wanting to know what her bondmate really wanted.
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Satu on June 29th, 2010, 3:54 pm

It was a heady drink, a fine nectar! And the HeartSeer was drunk upon the emotional charges surrounding her. She could no more control its effect upon her, than breathe in fire. Sensing everything deeply, the Konti assimilated the Myrian’s inner world of Festival into her own Heart. Feelings claimed her hosts, but in turn their undercurrents swam warmly in her own blood. They filled her core and became her life in that moment. Pleasure! Satu could not help but relish the silky rawness along her nerves.

The downpour dulled the sounds around her, and Satu wandered the carnival atmosphere as if in a dream, drawn to ever changing faces and auras. The rain, soothing to her skin was heavy on her clothes as it weighted them down. Water slid from her scales, cleansing it of travel dust she was not aware she even carried. Let it rain harder! She thought. Let it flood the whole world! Then Satu could swim in the torrents, and fly in its wet currents. And be Free! Away from the confines of Mizahar, and of Taloba with its walls and gates and –

And her side twitched. Oni! The woman poked her, grinning. Satu shifted her eyes, as a child might when discovered doing something questionable. Caught again! She did not know how Oni managed to find her so easily. Each time Satu took flight, the Myrian was not far behind, like the hunter stalking its prey, just on the edge of perception.

Oni guided her toward the Rain Dancers, and the Konti followed without thought. What was it about the Myrian that made Satu automatically comply with her wishes? Was it Oni’s Strong Heart? The kind naturally accustomed to Power and Control… Satu sensed the pattern, over and over. Oni had personal power, a kind of dominance that emanated from her being. Even as the very tall woman nudged her along, Satu subconsciously recognized the authority within her and she allowed herself to be led without protest.

She was pleased at the thought of Makutsi so near, but she did not know what a Quoalelye was. “A Quoatle? I have not heard of this thing…” she said to Oni in lyrical notes almost drowned out by the rain. Then a bit louder, “I have danced, yes. But a Rain Dance, that is not familiar to me.” She shook her head, the wet strands of white sticking to her face and shoulders. “At home the blessed waters cover all, even parts of the city. Perhaps some day it will be so here as well.” Satu smiled at the thought and her gait picked up, excited to see these Rain Dancers in the flesh.

Though inland far we be,
Our souls have sight of that immortal sea
Which brought us hither.
~William Wordsworth, Intimations of Immortality

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and the ever lovely and helpful Hex for putting it all together!
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Hania on July 1st, 2010, 8:14 pm

Hania found himself grumbling, profusely. The cloud cover was throwing everything into a semi dark shade, the rain was creating a hazy curtain of falling water, and hair was starting to slip out of it's braid and into his face. All of this was going to wreak havoc on his eyesight. By the time the children would be done his depth perception would be shot. Maybe he should have thought about this before agreeing to compete. Something was going to get broken today, he just knew it. Why couldn't the little rats go last?

Then he made out the face of Tak, and the hand waving at him. The boy would get no where if he didn't let go of people, he would have to do things for himself very soon, stand up for himself. Harsh judgment aside the friendly wave won him over and he headed over in the boys direction. The Dhani bone neck collar he wore was untied and slipped from his neck. It was dangled in front of the boy's nose. "Watch everyone like a hawk, learn from where they go wrong. And fly the course like a sparrow. Wear this to help your courage." The trinket was dropped in the boy's palm and Han turned to let the young man learn his own lessons, but realized he might be able to save a little bit of his grace. Han stopped long enough to toss over his shoulder, "Oh, if you fall, I have to fall too."

Nervous stuttering noises caught up with him in his stride and Han hurried away a little quicker. He wasn't in the habit of holding anyone's had and showing them how to do something. It wasn't done for him and he found people learned better if they did things for themselves. In the jungle he might see and obstacle in front of him but not think about how to tackle it until three steps away, but here he had the chance to size everything up. As he moved through the crowd a slightly familiar face, and more familiar tattoo caught his attention. He was a little surprised to see the kelvic in truth. Every one of that race he had known always managed to die before their bond mate, what happened with things were reversed was a mystery. The news had traveled around of her riders death but nothing specific about her, that he had heard anyway. Hania slid in beside the woman and her passenger, rubbing the unfamiliar bare back of his neck. "Will you run the Quoalelye?"
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Koa on July 8th, 2010, 5:27 am

She was late, oh so very late. Attempting to bustle her younger sister around was as difficult as attempting to wrestle a dire beast to the ground. But Koa had to do it, to get her to be as ready as she would ever be for Qoualelye, so as to bring honor to both herself, their mother and their clan. “Hurry Saki, we can’t wait any longer on your primping, call your Riamm and let’s go.” She hissed, a foot already stepped out the door of their long house. She was adorned in the characteristic garb of the Myrians, in a shade of deep crimson, and with necklaces of bones and beads and feathers hanging loosely about her shoulders and neck. Her sister sighed and tossed a braid behind her, “Okay I’m ready now, Koa.”

Koa nodded, then took her sister’s hand and led her out among the streets of Taloba. The rains were just beginning to pour down as the bodies of fellow Myrians swarmed and converged, with excited shouts and hoots filling the air and eliciting an overall sense of excitement. Yes that was the word, Koa was excited, just as she always has been for the Rain Festival. And seeing Makutsi in the flesh fueled her heart to burn faster. It was a thrill. There was no doubt in her mind she would enter the Qoualelye when the time came, but for now, guiding her sister to the starting games for the children was more important.

“Remember what I told you. Keep your eyes pealed, mind focused, hands strong.” As they approached the training grounds she stood in front of her sister, kneeling so as she could be eye level. “Be agile and quick, bring us honor, little sister.” She patted her cheek affectionately but firmly. “Now go, go! Do your best, lazyness is not permitted!” As Saki ran off to the rest, she watched with a small smile.

Now that that was over, Koa turned and glanced about her. A flash of alabaster skin, pale hair, so painfully and obviously different from the rest, that it was almost as if her very presence willed Koa to approach. And approach she did. She stood by the Konti with almost a mix of marvel and rage. An outsider! No, she was indeed an outsider, but one with a Myrian guide. She blinked once, easing her fists from the balls which they had become in the fleeting moment of rising hostility. Instead she turned the girl around roughly to face her, a smirk crossing her lips.

“What are you? A white witch, here in Taloba?” She thought for a moment, then recalled the pale fleshy white women that occasionally appeared for medicinal purposes. “Having the audacity to step foot in the sanctity of this city? You are bold, or stupid.” Her words dripped venom as did the glare she gave her. Were it not for the festive atmosphere she might have shoved girl for good measure.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Miharu Mindi on July 11th, 2010, 6:44 pm

Miharu stared out at the rain and the strange obstacle course, confused by what it might represent. It was obviously something important in Myrian culture, something they all looked forward to - and something that allowed them to prove themselves.

Siiri's question brought her back to herself with a snap, and she twisted around to catch sight of her bondmate readying herself for her attempt. She looked down at her own arm, and tested it out a little, flexing her shoulder. It wouldn't hold if she needed to dangle from just the one hand, but it had only been a tenday - her muscles were still fit, if a little stiff. "Get this thing off me," she said suddenly, tugging at the knots with her free hand and trying to get it undone. "They won't mind if I run it naked, will they? Clothing will throw me off," she muttered, stubbornness vibrating over the bond between them. This was something that Myrians did, and so she would do it.

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Tearing it all apart
Blood dripping from their lips
And teeth sinking into heart
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Pua on July 12th, 2010, 4:33 am

The closer Pua got to the Quoalelye course, the thicker the crowd of Myrians blocking his path became. There were people sharing food from their doorsteps, and others catching up with old friends. Every so often the pedestrian flow was broken by clumps of people singing and here and there members of the younger generation were engaged in mud fights. All in all, it was a joyous and wondrous thing to be caught up in, an Pua's normal cheeky grin was stretched wide as he enjoyed the feel of the Festival. Unfortunately, it did prevent anyone from arriving at a specific point in any sort of hurry. As Pua battered his way good naturedly through the throng he was in turn buffeted by all the others who also had places they wished to be. It was during this jostling that Pua noticed a familiar back among those seeking refuge along the side of the street. He couldn't see it from where he was but he knew that there would be a crocodile tattoo upon this particular woman's arm. Siiri of the Snapping Jaws was definitely a worthy detour on his quest to reach the training grounds, and he still had time yet. Pua angled his walk in the tall warrior's direction.

As he neared Siiri, and there were less bodies between them, Pua noticed a small patch of pale mixed amongst the darker Myrian flesh. Why was it, Pua wondered, that everytime he bumped into Siiri she was engaged with a dreyhan? Just as Pua reached a distance from which his shout might have been heard over the general din of the Festival, Siiri ducked into the building she had been standing in front of, the pale dreyhan following after. From the look of it, the building appeared to be a barracks, though Pua's long absence left him with no clue as to who might be bunking there. While, technically his status as a scout allowed him access, barging into someones barracks uninvited was just not a very courteous form of greeting. Instead, Pua planted himself firmly in front of the open doorway, and sucked in a large lungful of air. Pitching his voice even lower than his normal deep baritone in order for it to carry trough the city's noise, Pua bellowed out with all of the dignity and deference that befitted a lowly male scout addressing a woman of higher rank, "Siiri of the Snapping Jaws! Do not make me come in there after you!"
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Ruuk on July 12th, 2010, 8:14 am

Ruuk had been patrolling just outside the city when the rains started. Before the bark was too slick he had scampered up a tree to enjoy the freshest of the rain, instead of that which made its way down through the canopy, pouring off tree leaves like miniature waterfalls. The drops felt wonderful on his face, and he stayed there for several minutes, enjoying the feeling. In the end it was the Quoalelye that got him out of the tree. He had been otherwise engaged every year since he'd become an adult, and had not competed since he was just a child. He had managed to pull a patrol that ended just as the Rain Festival was to start, instead of just after. Several of his comrades had not been so lucky, and would be unable to compete.

Dropping from the tree to the ground he landed on all fours for stabilization. Not wanting to tire himself before the competition he took the trail back to the gate at a light jog. Twenty minutes later he was inside the city, making a beeline for the Garrison. The streets were filled with those flocking in the same direction, towards the training yards. Ruuk took a detour down some of the smaller streets and came up to his barracks from the other side. Walking up the edge he made his way inside and stripped out of his leathers down to just a loincloth. Snatching his belt and kukri from the pile of discarded armor, he quickly strapped them around his waste before hanging the leathers to dry. It wasn't like they wouldn't get wet again within the next day, but it wasn't a good idea to just let them sit in a pile soaked with water.

Finished with his leathers Ruuk made his way back out to the training yards to take a look at the Quoalelye, and maybe see if there was anyone he liked to talk to while he waited to run the course. He made his way through the crowd for several minutes before finding such a person. The youngest of his sisters, Luaia, was standing near the edge of the yard, her daughter bundled up against the rain and set in a bag-like pouch that was strapped to the new mother's chest.

Upon seeing Ruuk she smiled. "Finally going to run the Quoalelye, little brother?"

Ruuk nodded. "And you?"

His sister shook her head. "There's nobody to watch Sita. Shaia is out on patrol and Dafa is competing. Sita's father is on guard at the gates today. I'm just here to watch this time."

Ruuk frowned. "What about mother? Surely she has time to watch her granddaughter?"

Luaia laughed heartily. "Sure she does, on any other day. You know her, she wants to win the Elders bracket. That woman will still be competing when she's ninety if she doesn't win by then."

Ruuk laughed as well. "Sounds just like her." Ruuk patted his sister on the back. "Well, I think I'll keep wandering for a bit until my bracket it up. You'll cheer for me I hope?"

"Of course, little brother. A Tiger's Roar winning will bring great honor to our tribe."

Ruuk gave a nod of thanks before continuing his meandering through the crowd, looking for someone else to talk to.
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The Rain Festival [Open]

Postby Cayenne on August 3rd, 2010, 2:25 am

The rain poured down, and despite the heavy tattoo the rain was pounding, those outside could hear the frenetic drums that thumped in a whirling, pattern that spurred on the savage natives, from the children to the elders. One by one, the smaller children determinedly worked on conquering the Quoalelye. For many, it wouldn't be the last time they would ever run it, knowing that their Goddess-Queen and the Rainbringer watched their efforts as they struggled against a course even their elders found difficult, observing, considering. This was as good a challenge as any, and for Myri in particular, it gave her an idea as to who to watch and why. Some of the little ones were having trouble - the rain was hard, and some of the lighter children, as dexterous as they were, were being washed right off of the rope and wood they clung to. The higher they climbed, the more likely there were woven vine nets waiting to catch them, but as any Myrian knew, if they hit the net, they were disqualified.

"Yay!" Miko was delighted to be up there, squealing and windmilling his arms in the rain, his head tilted upward as he hung onto his perch with his legs before bringing his weight back to center instinctively and calming down. Balance was one of the first things the children learned - fighting was useless if you were forever off balance, and it was a lesson many learned quickly and often until it became a natural instinct and they were comfortable with wherever they were on. It was imperative, given their mounts and their jungle home. He hugged her head a little, and straightened, squinting in the rain, watching to see what child was up. He let out a trilling whoop, getting a mouthful of rain in the process, and spurting it out like a fountain, laughing and coughing. "Aira-Aira-Aira-Aira!" He shouted with excitement, "look! There's Sira!" Sira was the next child in Miko's family, his elder sister by a year and two seasons. Her hair and clothes were already plastered to her body as she ran along one of the beams, scrambling like a little monkey.

Because, he knew, the little rats were just that - little rats. They lacked the experience, but they were running the same course as their parents and aunts and uncles. They had to have some tiny level of advantage, shouldn't they? Besides, it was his age group that was more likely to be caught in the jungle in this rain long before the brats were ready for it, and this was a way of acclimatizing them to the hard downpour of the summer.

Takak looked relieved when his uncle came over, his eyes becoming huge at the sight of his uncle's treasured necklace. His mouth opened and closed at first, like a fish out of water, at Hania's words of advice. The kid hadn't known what to expect when he'd waved over his mother's brother, but being handed the prized necklace definitely wasn't it. But Hania knew not to coddle - his sister wouldn't appreciate it, either. "But... but..." followed Hania as he walked away.

As he approached Aira, though, Miko was hollering loudly for his older sister, waving his arms again as he hung on with his legs. The child stopped his racket long enough to call over the din, "Aira's gonna win!" at Hania before turning his attention back to the Quoalelye, where Sira was working her way up a ladder made of twisted, wet rope.

"Wise," the elder chuckled mirthlessly. "I remember Jenabi trying to cheat on the Quoalelye... oh, years before even your parents were born. He used a pair of wrist bands with the bones of a human scout in them... admittedly a good scout... managed to avoid one of our hunting parties for a few days. Turned out he was skilled at Morphing, and had been planning to enter the city, look around, and see what he could find." Sulas shook her head, causing the woman's dreadlocks, covered with bones, shells, and teeth, along with other beads and trinkets to move with the motion. "He lost his hands when they started morphing of their own accord into fins because of all the water. Fell and broke his neck." She was very matter of fact about it. "Jenabi always was a stupid one."

"Hydras, of the Polished Ivory, who was head priestess at the time, and a master spiritist, said Jenabi never was the same after having a "talk" with the Goddess-Queen, who wasn't very impressed, naturally... let's just say Myri taught him a lesson." She clucked her tongue. "'Everyone has different strengths,' she said, 'but never rely on any single one of them.'" That, perhaps, was likely part of why every Myrian had to master at least three different weapons, and even if they were herbalists or fighters by nature, they were expected to know at least a few other things as well.

"As for my staff," Sulas looked at it, turning it one way and then another before looking up at him. "Did you know that snakes can sense body heat?" There had to be more to it than that, judging by the way she managed to get around with the missing foot, and the way her hand, though bony with age, gripped the staff with ease.

The barracks were pretty empty now that the Quoalelye had started - they were, in fact, deserted. There were going to be those that caught a tongue-lashing from Iami for the way their armor and weapons had been left, stripped off and abandoned. Of course, the Rain Festival and the arrival of Makutsi was important (and ignoring her for something as trivial as armor, as far as the Goddess was concerned...) - but they'd be scolded anyway. Iami of the Painted Skies was rough like that. It was the principle of the thing.

"The Quoalelye," Oni repeated the name of it for her, running a hand through her mohawk, weighed down and flat with water, squeezing some of the rain from it and letting it flow over her face and back, gathering it into the center of her head again. "It's a Myrian word... it means 'race in water'. It's the big obstacle course that you watched us work on in the training yards. You remember that?" she glanced over her shoulder at the soaking wet Konti. "The jungle is our home. The obstacle course that we built is what we deal with in the summer - the rains flood the land, and despite the rain, we must continue, yes? We live. We thrive." Satu could feel the Power, the Pride that Oni exuded as clearly as the rain fell from the sky. "But we like a little fun, and the little ones must learn how to cope with the jungle... so we make the Quoalelye. It challenges our skills, and we dedicate it to the Rainbringer. To complete it is to honor Makutsi... and to compete in it is to see who has gotten sloppy," the tall woman grinned down at her ward. "The little ones run it first. The adults run it later. You can try it, if you want," she eyed Satu. She didn't seem to think that Satu would have much luck in it, and maybe she wouldn't, but who knew?

At Koa's approach, Satu could feel the Anger, the Rage, the Aggression that was making a beeline right for her. They were almost to the Plaza when Koa spun Satu around, and addressed her. Oni turned to hear the words, and crossed the short distance, her dark eyes narrowed into slits. She loomed over both the younger Myrian and the Konti, and she snatched the wrist of the hand that had grabbed Satu, giving Koa a sharp, sudden jerk to force Koa to face her. Now that Oni was in Koa's face, the young woman of the Painted Eyes suddenly understood just who the Konti was with. That was Oni of the Jagged Blade, younger sister of Misha, the War Mistress who sat on the Council of Nine. Her wild mohawk, one of her key identifying traits, had been flattened by the rain, but there was no mistaking her 6'7" tattoo-covered frame. She was wearing light leathers today - clearly Oni was going to be competing in the Quoalelye. Her grip tightened on Koa's wrist, and her eyes blazed. "You've got guts," she snapped at Koa in Myrian. "But if you try that again, you'll be trying to put them back into your stomach. She is here by the permission of the Goddess-Queen, and She has tasked me with minding her... and I take my duties very seriously. Keep your hands off of her. Got it?" The festive feeling that had Oni in a good mood that Satu had sensed earlier was gone, and in its place was an overwhelming Authority.


As Ruuk approached the training yards, he had to push his way through the throngs of crowds. The children were running - his niece's turn would come all too soon while they waited in the rain. As he got closer to where row upon row of adults had assembled he was seeing plenty of his fellow soldiers, including one diminutive female who looked quite familiar to him. That was Alet of the Lotus In the Mists. She had joined the army around the same time he had, although her family had insisted on it as soon as she passed her Coming of Age trials. She was four years younger than him, a head shorter, and was considered a lightweight next to other girls her age. If that wasn't enough to identify her, the long brown braid that went to her hips, ended by a large, round orb of purple amethyst. She wore a leather halter top that was secured tightly to try to keep the excess rain out and to carry as little waterweight as possible. Alet knew her strengths and weaknesses, and had chosen short leathers at her hips as well - anything that repelled the water was bound to help her.

She watched, arms folded, lips in a thin line. She had run the Quoalelye last year, and had done fairly well for her age group the last year, and was certainly ready to try hard for this year. "Are you running?" she greeted Ruuk when she looked up at him over her shoulder at his approach.
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