Location [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Gossamer on August 1st, 2009, 2:39 pm




Every city needs a religious center. If Syliras had to choose, they'd worship a dead God. But since Sylir's death, and the discovery of the Windoak, faith in Syliras hasn't yet stabilized into one firm religion. In fact, all faiths are welcomed so long as the laws of Syliras are obeyed. And to that end, only one church has been built in Syliras since its founding. The church, a gift of the Dyres family to the denizens of the city - is an elegant building crafted of native stone with lofty ceilings and wonderful stonework. Enormous pews made of giant sorrow oak fill the place, seating quite a few individuals. The temple, while having great services, still remains a place of meditation and reflection. It's stained glass windows reflect pools of colored light over the muted grays of stone and the gleam of polished wood. The doors are always unlocked, and not once in Sylira's short history has the temple been stole from or valdalized.

Morian Devan
ImageMorian Devan is not particularly an impressionable person by his appearance. He is through and through a human, roughly five foot, eight inches tall. Morian is known for having a cold green-eyed gaze, a scruffy wild beard, though never grown long, and always dressed in a common sackcloth robe. Born and raised in Syliras, Morian was taken into the Temple of All Gods early on in his childhood. Given up by his mother and father and left at the Temple just to get the child Morian off their hands. The Priests and Priestesses took it upon themselves to bring Morian up to be an outstanding citizen and model man of philosophy, but it was Glav Navik himself that truly made an impact on the boy. From the day he was eight to the day Glav left Sylira in AV 510 Morian diligently followed Glav, soaking in every word he spoke. He was taught to think on his own, believe only what he analyzed thoroughly to be the truth, and ultimately became, almost, anything he wanted to be.

Even in Glav's absence, Morian stalks the Temple. He is often seen walking alone, pacing the room where people of all races and beliefs come to pray, worship, seek solitude, or find answers to their questions. He tends to avoid contact with others unless sought, but his inquisitive nature makes it difficult to break away from his many questions. It is rumored that he might be overly obsessed with the gods or religions offered to the people, and his constant questions might be just as much for his own mind than the mind of others. Regardless, he is a diligent man, a lawful man, and always willing to talk and listen.

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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Gossamer on October 2nd, 2009, 5:00 pm

Malia -> Your thread has been moved here.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Abashai on October 2nd, 2009, 8:04 pm

TS: 31st of Summer 509 AV (Grandfathered with Permission)

Abashai looked up at the temple's main doors, ornately carved darkwood portals set in a large stone block arch. He had not been one to be blown about at the whim of others, following his own path at the nudging of what he believed was his god. That was until yesterday, when fate dropped him into young female kelvic's camp, and literally overnight his world changed. The bond that suddenly formed between them gave him renewed purpose and began a shift in his outlook on life. He began to take chances, spoke his heart, lived larger.

This was one of those chances. Told by the Konti landlord to meet someone here, Nya had vouched for the integrity of the woman's vision. Testing the handle, Abashai opened one of the doors, which swung quite smoothly on its massive hinges. Cautiously stepping in, he passed through a small foyer and into the main sanctuary. The Benshiran tilted his head back to view the vaulted ceiling, swiveling his gaze around to examined the windows, each with a picture made of colored glass. He walked down the rows of polished wooden pews. The architecture was awe inspiring and gave him the sense of smallness. He mused that was the idea, to understand one's place in the presence of divinity. The Temple in Yahebah was a magnificent structure of stone, gold and bronze. But only the rapa could enter its inner sactum. Here, it seemed anyone could approach their god. Most of the Benshiran's worhsipped outside, even at the Temple, where the sacrifices were made in the court. He wondered what it would sound like worshipping in the towering church.

He recalled Matilda's statement, talk to the scholar. Abashai looked around, his boots falls echoing in the massive hall. He saw no one. The silence held a sanctity in it, and he dared not call for someone. So he slid into a pew and waited, craning his neck to explore every corner of the awesome structure.
Last edited by Abashai on October 9th, 2009, 3:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Cosette Merryweather on October 2nd, 2009, 9:59 pm

Timestamp: 35th Day, Fall of 509 A.V.

There were few places that offered Cosette solace in the world and since losing her place with her family this temple was perhaps the last place that could offer her some semblance of peace. Quietly and in an almost reverently manner Cosette knelt behind one of the pews hidden by the shade of a tall pillar. Not that she had any god to pray to, religion was something that never really had a place in her heart and Cosette was hardly a creature who would depend on divinity to solve her problems for her.

Then again it wasn't like she couldn't give it a shot every now and then.

Clapping her hands together Cosette tried praying seriously, so seriously in fact that her face was starting to look strained and an unattractive crease was starting to form on her head. "Dear God... or Goddess, I hope that I'm not intruding upon your busy busy schedule but I would like to appeal my case. I'm certain you would know of my situation given your omnipotence so please lend me your strength so I can live again. That and... It would be really nice if we could have world peace too."
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Gossamer on October 5th, 2009, 8:38 pm


The scholar wasn't exactly hiding. He was perched high up on a stone tree statue - a white tree of life - set against the back wall next to an elegant stained glass window. Glav had scaled the statue in much the same way as a logger would... a piece of sturdy cloth wrapped around the base and held in each hand so he could simply walk right up it, moving the cloth as he climbed. His purpose was simple. He was gently leaning out and cleaning the colorful pieces of glass that comprised the window. Upon closer inspection, there was a second tree, this one black, placed at an equally convenient distance to the window with an equally sturdy stone limb that would allow for much the same care on the other side of the window. Glav had swapped out his usual humble robe for a more functional set of loose pants that gathered at the ankles, allowing his climbing to go unobstructed by a robes drape catching on stone limbs.

When Glav noticed the visitor (about the same time the visitor noticed him), he immediately tucked the cleaning cloths back into his belt and swung gently over the branch to drop down lightly to the ground. He padded over quietly (barefoot as always) to where Abashai was sitting, and took in his clothing and demeanor. He smiled, and held out his hand. "Greetings. I'm Glav Navik, the caretaker here. Is there something I can help you with, or have you come to seek solace?" He said, gesturing around and then carefully taking a seat beside Abashai, but not so close as to crowd him. "It's a beautiful peace of workmanship isn't it? I had the privilege of working on its construction as well, though I restrained myself to only the glasswork, for I have no talent for stone or wood." He said, glancing around as if following Abashai's gaze. "You come from the south, do you not? That is a long way to travel." It was a thinly disguised opening for a conversation, that much was certain. And indeed it was more of a question than a statement.


"World peace is an awfully big request when the world is filled with Gods that want nothing more than war or death or disease, is it not?"
The man said, approaching the girl with a smile. Oh, he realized she was no girl. As lovely as she was, and as nicely as she acted, to one such as he, Glav knew the truth. Her words reinforced it. "Life is a gift, my dear, so too is death. And then there are those that dwell somewhere between, and that too can be looked at as a gift. Tell me, why have your feet carried you here? I'm no God...." His voice took on an odd quality at that statement, but nevertheless he continued. "So I have no idea of your situation, but maybe I can help you out myself if I knew a little more about it." Glav said, extending his hand. "My name is Glav, and I'm the caretaker here."
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Abashai on October 6th, 2009, 1:13 am

Abashai heard the rustle of cloth and turned to see the man slip down from his stone perch. When the temple caretaker approached, Abashai stood, wondering if this was the man he was sent to meet. He did not appear to be very...scholarly. The Benshiran stood and accepted the man's hand in greeting. "Abashai", he offered. "And yes, this temple is an impressive structure, certainly the most beautiful I've seen...in a long time."

As Glav sat next to him, Abashai reluctantly joined him. He did not like the closeness of the pews, and now the caretaker was sitting at the nearest exit. He felt his ability to move hindered. There is no danger here, he reminded himself.

"I am indeed from the south, Eyktol." The desert man did not quite know how to explain why he was there. He began to wonder why he was there. He thought about Nya, how she was doing. She had faith in the Konti and her vision, and, after only one day, Abashai had faith in Nya. "I was told...by a Konti...that a man at the temple would want to speak with me."
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Gossamer on October 6th, 2009, 6:04 pm


Glav picked up on the benshiras feelings of being confined, but didn't move when the desert bred man settled into himself and seemed to calm. Glav kept his hands resting gently on his knees and leaned back, relaxing as he spoke. "Sometimes the Konti can be disconcerting. Their visions come and go, and they urge people to do things that seem unnatural to those people, though to the Konti following such advice is as breathing is - necessary. It's interesting though, that you are here, despite not being sure why. Some people just do things on faith more than others. Matilda has unusual abilities in her sight. All the Konti are uniquely gifted, each ones talent manifesting in different ways. She sees into the hearts of people - but in this instant, she sent you as a favor to me, not at her gifts urging. I've had her keep an eye out - both her lovely blue ones and her inner eye - for strangers that are putting on the appearance of staying a season or two - maybe longer. I've been asked by the Dyres family - Loren specifically - to help create a council here in Syliras. I understand the membership will be fleeting - people will come and go as they please - but what we need here in Syliras is a cultural council with members sitting on the board from all different races and cultures working together to help ease their particular group into Syliras and to help promote understanding. Members will have double duty. They will sit the council once every thirty days or as needed, but at least three times a season, to discuss the cultural clashes that sometimes occur in Syliras and how to ease those strains. They will also be on call as interpreters and moderators when disputes break out or situations occur where such things might be necessary. Maltida and several other locals are on the lookout for likely candidates, and shes most likely flagged you as a distinct possibility as a Benshira for the council." Glav took a breath, smiled, and gestured. "Meetings are here, and there is a modest salary involved - 300 mizas a season - so your time will not go uncompensated by the Knights. Syliras has had an influx of immigrants lately, and the Knighthood here seeks a better understanding of them and their needs." He said, studying Abashai's face. "This position hopefully is one that won't be required very long, but if a situation arises, we wish to be ready. The only requirement to join the council is that you make a season by season commitment - so if you agree to join, you must be here the whole season, and you must live in or near Syliras for the duration." Glav reached into his pocket and pulled out a medallion on a simple chain. It had a pale stone that almost looked like a river pebble suspended in silver.

"It will glow when a meeting is happening or your interpretive skills are needed." He explained then gestured around. "It is my hope that when I found such a council, get the membership all organized, that we can also work in other ways to make the newer residents of Syliras feel more welcome and integrated into the city. There are a hundred ways we can work towards that end, even if its little things such as how the city guards greet specific groups of people, or to changing Syliran Policy on certain incidents. Do you know that right now if a Symenestra even looks at a Syliran woman the wrong way or harasses them, even the perception of harassment, they are executed? A Symenestra on the Cultural Council might actually change this ruling so that more investigation is done before their instant action policy kicks in." Glac said, looking around sadly. "In times past, people of all worlds got together in societies, building civilizations together. We are all linked, all part of a greater whole. Syliras is slowly coming to this realization, but nevertheless there is an awakening here. I want the Cultural Council to be part of that awakening. What do you think?" He asked, watching the Benshira for his reaction.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Cosette Merryweather on October 6th, 2009, 6:59 pm

"I won't deny it, its a big request." Cosette stood up from where she knelt and with both eyes closed turned to Glav, hands clasped tightly together against her chest. "But I think its not impossible, people just have to learn how to understand each other... That'll probably take a few million years though."

"I couldn't... I no longer sleep, this was one of the few places I could visit at this hour. At least aside from the taverns..." Not that there was anyone she could talk to there, at least no one sober. "Yes, I won't deny it. Perhaps this is a gift but you know mister... I rather enjoyed living and I intend to enjoy it all over again, I guess I have a thing for lost causes..." a soft smile lingered of Cosette's lips and there was no visible sign of distress on her features. Instead the girl's face remained a perfect picture of calm, these past few weeks she had begun to accept her condition and she was slowly but surely coming to terms with being a Nuit.

"Not a god... I suppose so, but I've never seen one in the flesh. How would I know if you weren't?" At his offer to lend her assistance Cosette only shook her head. "Its alright, I can manage by myself. You have a city of lost sheep to look after Father Glav," she looked at his hand but rather than shaking it she bowed her head and kissed it. She couldn't shake hands with a man of the church because her manners demanded that she treat him accordingly. "I appreciate the offer though, you're a good person. All I ask is if you'll allow me to spend my nights here, I'm not quite sure where to go yet so I'm hoping I'll receive divine inspiration while I pass the night."
Last edited by Cosette Merryweather on October 7th, 2009, 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Abashai on October 7th, 2009, 12:53 pm

Glav was a man unassuming in appearance with a disarming personality, putting Abashai at ease. The visitor relaxed and gave his attention to the scholar. As the man revealed his plans for the council, he realized Navik was more than a temple caretaker or simple priest. Glav wielded some influence in the city, probably a trusted counselor to many, maybe even those in power.

As the details of the Cultural Council were laid out, Abashai felt a new sense of purpose. He had awaken yesterday morning with no more direction than to ride toward the distant mountains. Today, he found himself mystically bonded to a Kelvic forest cat and the opportunity to serve the city he had been in for all of a few hours. Abashai was coming to grips with the curious turn of events in his life, having no other explanation than divine intervention. The Benshiran looked down at his hands, turning the palms slightly up to glimpse the Shiber symbol on each, etched there by no human hand. Abashai had resisted the bonding with Nya at first, but was soon overwhelmed by the flood of emotions and revelations. He resolved to no longer question these opportunities, but step out in faith and accept them.

Glav was offering to make Abashai a voice for all Benshiran in the city. The desert dweller had not considered the possibility of other Benshiran present in Syliras. The prospect stirred a longing within him, to converse in Shiber again, to hear news of the desert, to share tea, music. It made the position all the more tempting.

What about Nya? Nya and Abashai had already agreed they were going to stay for at least a season or so. He wondered what Nya would think. Would she understand? He believed she would. In her own wisdom she had told him he needed some plan, to start making his own decisions. She knew he needed to find purpose.

Abashai looked at the medallion dangling from Glav's hand. "The rulers of this city must be wise and compassionate to care for their people so. I can see why so many come to Syliras." He glanced up at the colored- glass windows. "I am a simple wanderer new to this city, and no diplomat. But I love my people." He turned his gaze back to Glav. "I would be honored to represent them on your council."
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Temple of All Gods

Postby Gossamer on October 7th, 2009, 7:23 pm


Glav had no problem realizing that this child would take some delicate handling. She was idealistic, a bit stubborn, and decidedly opinionated on what she liked and didn't like. To him they were all good solid qualities. And truthfully he had no idea what a Nuit would do to occupy her time if she had forever and needed no sleep. "Tell me, since you think peace is not so impossible, would you be interested in working on it in perhaps a smaller manner, not necessarily globally? Battles such as peace are easier fought on smaller scales first, then worked up to larger scales. I think that is a great deal like what Loren Dyres is trying to do with Syliras. His family founded the city so that people who were willing to work towards the collective good of all could come together, share ideas, and build a society. But even though the walls are done and the city thrives, there is still much work to be done. We have disputes here almost on a daily basis between different peoples - sometimes over language barriers, sometimes because people don't understand different culture. They are easy conflicts to bring about, but not so easy to settle."

Glav said, taking a seat next to Cosette, and inviting her to join him in taking one as well with a gesture. "You are welcome to come to the temple anytime you'd like, and even stay the night if you need a quiet place to read or meditate. I know there are few places available like that, and we do have a nice sitting room with a warm fire if the main chapel is too big. But honestly, I think you'd be better served with a job of sorts that actively works towards your goals. Would you be interested in something like that?" Glav asked, treading carefully. "I'm starting a cultural council made up of a lot of different people... you'd be a welcome addition. Now it might not help you find a way to live again, but it definitely will help with the lost causes." He said, smiling softly. He ignored her comment about how would she know if he was a god.... after all, it came painfully close to a truth glav himself didn't often like to face. His father was gone... The scholar priest glanced north, towards the castle, and nodded. "At least think about it. I can tell you more if your interested... and about the pay as well, for it is not a volunteer position, but comes with a salary and an office of sorts in the basement." He said, quieting and giving her time to think.


Glav smiled gratefully. He handed over the medallion to Abashai and gestured around. "I really appreciate your agreeing to this. The more voices and the more diversity we have on the council, the more help it will be to the city of Syliras. Loren wants to hold the first official meeting in the fall, around the 45th. Until then, there's an office down below I'll give you. It's nothing fancy, just a desk and a small basement window, but its a good place to store things, and have quiet time to write if you need it. You are also free to come to the Temple at all times, we're open all hours. There's a small sitting room with a nice fireplace that you can use to meet with people if you need too. This job is going to define itself as time goes by, so you are free to use your best judgment on ways you can think of to help Benshira in Syliras. I would recommend you posting some sort of office hours - even if its not daily but several times in a ten day period....where people can come talk to you if they need help. And a few fliers at the places traveler's frequent might be useful. There are supplies for such things below in the supply locker. I'm going to try and provide everyone with an office if possible. The Temple's basement is relatively unused so its a good place to start." Glav said. "I'll be paying 150 GM at the beginning of the season, and the other half at the end. You'll get the second seasons inital pay at the end of this season too if you agree to renew your duties." He said, then nodded. "It starts Fall, on the first day... do you have any questions?" He asked...
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