Flashback Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Rue and Nalik stumble upon a surprise in the sea of grass

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Naiya on June 18th, 2013, 1:30 am

Season of Winter, Day 73, 512 AV

Rue buttoned her purple cloak closed at the throat, wrapping the warmth around her as she stepped outside. Her copper hair was tucked into her cloak, covered entirely by the hood that fell to obscure her face. The bite in the air did nothing to deter her spirits, she knew that it was vain of her, but if she was going to go look for a horse, it was nice to know what it was going to look like all fuzzy with its winter coat. So she would go in search of the striders, it was the best way for her to meet new horses.

She was braving the grasslands alone, but not unarmed. Her daggers were tucked securely into her boot and belt. The latter hidden by the purple sash she wore around her waist.

Besides, the herds tended to stay close to Endrykas in the winter, they had learned over time that the tent city could mean warmth and food for them in the harsh months. She shouldn't have to go far from the safety of her city.

All the same with the cold and the ever looming threat of creatures in the sea of grass, it would have been nice to have a companion to join her. Or even some knowledge of where the horses would be.

Shaking away the melancholy thoughts she strode through the tent city, taking a deep breath as she saw the outer posts that marked the edge of Endrykas.
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Nalik Fallingleaf on July 15th, 2013, 7:54 pm


It was a cold winters day, the chill biting at the exposed skin of the Drykas male. He pulled his cloak tight and clapped his hands together, trying to bring warmth back into them. Even Rivains winter coat was not doing well at keeping the chill at bay, and the horse snorted in distaste.

Winter was Naliks least favorite season. He could deal with the cold, you just had to wrap up warm, but why did it have to be so sapping. The world seemed to slow as winter dug its frosty claws and everyone seemed sluggish. It was not a good time to be a hunter.

He had original arose to hunt, but as soon as he arrived on the boundary of Endrykas and the sea of grass and saw the expanse of frosty grassland, no signs of life. He had lost his resolve.

Now he was just sat astride Rivain staring into the bleak land.


He had just made up his mind to return to his warm tent, and stable Rivain, when he heard footsteps crunching through the frosty ground behind him. A little tug of his Yvas handle and his strider turned to face the oncoming person.

A small figure, wrapped securely in a cloak, obscuring the finer details, but Nalik presumed she was female from her size. He watched her, wondering what she was doing alone and heading into the grasslands. He stretched his right leg, the newly healed skin stretching. A constant reminder how dangerous the grasslands could be.

He waited until she was closer until calling out to her, curiosity getting the better of him.

"What brings yourself out in temperatures like these? The wildlife sleeps, nothing will stir when its so cold"

I am speaking to myself in my head ----- I am speaking out loud in Pavi ----- I am speaking in common
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Naiya on July 16th, 2013, 4:40 am

As she cleared the city a man appeared on the horizon, mounted - a silhouette in the morning light. She pulled her cloak more tightly around her, trying not to analyze the the situation beyond the necessary. She didn't want to think that he had the upper hand, holding the high ground and the advantage of speed. Nor did she think it was really important to size him up, watching him warm hands that would be slow with cold or stretch the leg in what echoed of an injury. She decided that if she could unseat him, she would be able to defend herself if it came to a fight.

She shook her head, was it any wonder that between her and her father she had no suitors? She could not help herself, drilled into her from the moment she could understand, fighting tactics and being aware came as second only to breathing.

She knew she was being silly, but she could never shake that feeling with a stranger, that she needed to be best prepared to defend herself, so when she heard he call out to her she couldn't help the tightness between her shoulders.

She processed the question, peaking up at the rider through her lashes. A blush would have tinted her cheeks if they hadn't already turned pink with the cold. It was always hard to admit that almost three years past adulthood she was still unbonded and hoping against hope that she would someday be a Drykas full.

"I was going to look for the herds, I like to see the horses in their winter coats." It was a half truth but only by omission, and she couldn't bear to share the truth with a stranger. As she spoke the wind twisted catching her hood and tearing it off her head blowing her hair loose of the cloth. She shivered as the chill crept in to the warm spot that her hair had created. "What of you?" She continued, "If you think there no creatures out in the chill, why bother coming out to visit their homes?"
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Nalik Fallingleaf on July 21st, 2013, 9:35 pm


As the figure approached it was clear she was female. Small features peeked out from the safety of her hood, wrapped securely from the cold. She seemed on edge. Jumpy. What was she scared of? They were still just within the boundaries of Endrykas. They were still safe.

Still her behavior made him feel on edge himself and he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder and reach to touch his bow seeking reassurance in its presence.

As she replied to his question, telling him she sought the herds that sheltered close to the boundaries with the city her hood blew off reveling an abundance of copper hair. A rare color that suited her complexion and complimented the piercing blue eyes that now bore into him.

She was small but her she had a presence that betrayed her small stature, that is she did not act like her small height. There was something about her. Something, strong. He felt compelled to reply to her questions, even though the slight scorn in her voice irked him slightly.

"I am out because if I did not venture out of my tent at least once a day I'd go stir crazy. Besides there might be some animals about, each day I do not hunt is another day without food or money. It is hard for hunters in the winter, laziness could well be fatal. Are you sure that you will be ok alone in the grasslands? Its a dangerous place for someone alone."

I am speaking to myself in my head ----- I am speaking out loud in Pavi ----- I am speaking in common
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Naiya on July 22nd, 2013, 2:30 am

Rue watched his hand move towards his bow but the accompanying glance over his shoulder told her that it was a nervous motion not an aggressive one. It calmed her some to know he was wary.

She couldn't help but sympathize with his words, for she felt the same way. Her pavilion could be stifling, and you can only patch holes in clothing for so long before your body begs for something better to do. He sounded annoyed in his reply, probably because she had been rude, she really should learn to better control her mouth. She signed a soft apology and a thank you for his concern.

"I'm sure. I've my bow, I'll be..." Her voice trailed off as she reached for her weapon and found it missing. "Oh." Her voice held the surprise that her hands signed. "I must have left without it." She signed forgetful and silly, but the truth was that she had been in a hurry to leave, her father had stirred at the sound of her footsteps and she had not wanted to be caught on her way out. She'd decided that her daggers would be enough, but about to be out in the grass she realized she really had little knowledge of what was out there.

She chided herself silently, she would be fine. The horses couldn't be too far, and in a herd, she would be relatively safe. "I've other weapons though, I am not without protection." Her hand moved to her hip where her dagger rested as she spoke, almost a reminder to herself. "Besides, the herds can't be too far off... can they?"

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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Nalik Fallingleaf on August 19th, 2013, 10:26 pm


She seemed to notice his irritation and her hands flickered a quick apology and thanks. She seemed confident in her own abilities, and unfazed about entering the grasslands alone.

Until she realized she had forgotten her bow. Nalik couldn't help but let out a sigh as she explained she must have 'forgotten' it. Without thinking Naliks hands signed disappointment. Foolishness. He had recently helped another Drykas who felt that she was prepared to enter the grasslands alone. The annoyance of the situation and the pain it had caused still fresh in his mind.

He had almost made up his mind to yell and chastise her until she revealed that she did have weapons on her person. a dagger hidden around her waist. At least she had something. Something told him she was used to using them as well. But could someone so small really protect herself with just daggers?

She finished with a question, asking him if the herds would be far away. In truth Nalik had quite a bit of experience locating the Striders. Almost once a season he had been out with his childhood friend Ra'eesah, looking for her Strider. His hands flicked a acknowledgment, agreement.

"The herds do stay close in the winter. This is true. But the dangers are no less great. It does well to prepare oneself properly before entering the grasslands." His hands signed worry. Question. proposal.

"There is a spot, not far from here. a small clearing with a few trees clustered together. It is a favored haunt for the Striders in winter. Pigeons and other birds also like to nest there. I could lead you there and hunt in close proximity. At least then there will be two of us. After all two is better than one, is it not?

I am speaking to myself in my head ----- I am speaking out loud in Pavi ----- I am speaking in common
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Naiya on August 20th, 2013, 6:51 pm

Rue bristled slightly at the chiding, but knowing it was deserved kept her from saying more about it. She watched his demeanor change, moving from angry to something more pensive.

He spoke, suggesting a... compromise almost. He would go with her to hunt nearby while she visited with the horses. It seemed well enough. She could hardly say that it was a bad idea. Besides hadn't she just been wishing she had company on her trip into the wilds?

Well here was company, sizing her up and offering her company and freedom all at once. How could she pass something like this up?

Generosity, agreement, compromise. Her hands flowed through the signs as she nodded in agreement with his words. "I would appreciate it greatly." She told him, "I will do my best to keep from scaring off all the game."

She pulled her cloak more tightly around herself, looking out past the man into the sea of grass. "Where is this clearing, anyway?" She asked.
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Finding the unexpected (Nalik)

Postby Khida on November 12th, 2014, 2:34 am

Rue Nightsong

Skill Points
Observation +2
Tactics +1
  • Nalik Fallingleaf: a companionable hunter
  • Tactics: a rider's advantages in height and speed

I know this is an old thread, but Rue actually has no XP or lores relating to tactics (unless I'm missing something). You really can't say "drilled into her from the moment she could understand, fighting tactics and being aware came as second only to breathing" without first doing some flashbacks to earn that knowledge. I awarded points here because recognizing the advantages of high ground and greater speed is basic enough, but please keep to Rue's skill level in future threads.

Nalik Fallingleaf

Should you return, PM me and I'll grade your posts.


Now I'm left wondering what 'unexpected' thing they were to find! I guess we shall never know...

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade. Also, Rue, please edit your request to show this thread has been graded.
Spring threads: 2/5 .. | .. Season Goals .. | .. GradersMaxed skill: Observation.
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