A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Vitalos Umbreffigia on June 30th, 2010, 1:32 am

Vitalos lifted his brows in honest surprise at Mindi's veritable monologue. It was unexpected, to say the least, to hear her lengthy speech when she had been much less than talkative beforehand.

Well, it can certainly be said that there's more to this woman than it seems.

He nods to the waitress as she arrives with their already ordered drinks, mugs of ale for Vitalos and Korin, water for Griffith and, ever the cliche, milk for Emma. Vitalos reaches for his mug and takes a pull. He sets it down, then responds to the Isurian.

"Well, I never thought ill of you for being an Isurian. Honestly, I don't know much about your kind, but what I do know tells me that you folk are reliable, if a bit cold on the exterior. Honestly, the only thing that makes me a bit uncomfortable is your apparent religiousness. I'm not too fond of the gods for the most part. But I'm willing to tolerate it if you don't push it on me. I don't want any more problems than it seems we're likely to have. In any case, it's good to meet you, Mindi. And for the record, I'm a martial artist myself."

Vitalos wasn't necessarily a "man of his word" in the strictest sense, but he would keep it as long as Mindi did hers. He leans forward and extends his right hand in greeting - he wanted to get a solid feel for her arm. He had to admit, he was looking forward to sparring with her. It would be interesting, combating someone with a distinct biological advantage.

He listens to Griffith and Korin as they speak their own interest, and nods. Seemed like they had an interesting group. A martial-artist, a giant Kelvic, a theif, a translator, and a religious woman. Curious. Vitalos wanted to see how this whole thing played out.

He frowned as Emma listened to warnings back at her, and countered only with a toothy smile. He had fully expected her to react vehemently, but she approached it quite calmly. Once again, he reminded himself not to stereotype Emma. Instead, he watched he closely. It was hard to get a read on her, but one thing was clear. She didn't like him too much. So it came as one last shock when she appropriated him as their apparent "corporal," or something to that effect. And it wasn't a pleasant shock, either. Vitalos let out a groan and sank back into his seat.

"Crap. I didn't want any damned responsibility... Fine. Guess I put myself into this. Damn you people. Can't any of you ever do what I expect?"

He only flashes a grin after that, to make it clear he was joking. He'd take on the role of leader if he had to. It wasn't his favorite, but it wasn't new either.

Or was it..?

"Fine. Griff, you've done a bang-up job so far. You can mediate. Though, frankly, I sincerely doubt that among five people it's going to do much good."
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Mindi on June 30th, 2010, 6:17 am

Mindi watched Griffith as he mentioned a secondary and lesser leader to watch over the other three in the group. It seemed highly unnecessary, as it did taking orders from a child-like Kelvic that couldn't quite grasp the human-like qualities in being in human form. She just stared as him a moment, pondering, trying to find some reasoning in it to convince herself he was right. No, she couldn't see it. One person was enough to watch over four, they didn't need to make a pyramid of power going on with such a small group. Maybe if they recruit an army, but until then, one leader was more than enough. Mindi's eyes only jumped to Emma as she suggested Vitalos be named the second-in-command, and without hesitation (and without intentionally sounding rude or hateful) responded. "I'll not answer to anyone but Rak'keli, Izurith, Cheva. You are only an exception with what few duties you have already named for yourself."

Korin was, how could Mindi put it, fulfilling her expectations of him. He initially seemed like a fool, and his comments, answers, and statements did little to argue that point. In fact, they did no less than fortify them. She truly hoped he had incredible strength or was incredibly deadly, else she might not be able to tolerate him as a person. Regardless, Mindi preoccupied with shaking hand with Vitalos (who I think is sitting right beside her?). She took note that it was his right hand, which was fairly common, almost expected, so it couldn't instantly be assumed he wanted to feel the indestructible might of her arm. What could she say, she was proud to have it. "If your duties become too much of a burden for you, then you can always let me take your load, that is if the voice of the Goddess Rak'keli doesn't make your skin crawl." Mindi actually grinned a moment before catching herself and fighting it back down. Did she actually make a joke? Religious one, not much of a surprise on that part, but she actually had a small sense of humor.

Mindi broke the handshake with Vitalos a few seconds after engaging it, and needless to say, she felt no pain or feeling from his grasp, assuming he had attempted to squeeze her fingers straight off. "I think it is the Gods that tolerate you more than the other way around Vitalos. I'll not push my beliefs upon a rejecting soul, but I'll not offer pity to you should you regret your choice made today. But enough about Gods and Goddesses, I think I can hear your stomach churning already." Mindi smirked again, satisfied enough with her comments, amused enough by her humor.

"As for martial arts, I know nothing of it. I said I could fight, and I have more than arrogance to prove this." Her style was more of a 'strike with your steel arm' method, since it made for a significantly more dangerous weapon than a bare human fist, and thanks to Isur Strength, she wasn't the least bit slower.
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Griffith on July 1st, 2010, 10:19 pm

They had all agreed to go, then. But Griffith was concerned about how they would all interact. It was why he was asking Emma pick someone who could maintain order. Rather, someone who could maintain it better than herself. While he had no wish to think ill of her, it was difficult to deny that her eccentricity might cause more problems than it solved. Of course, who could she name? Not himself; the magician felt he could not be trusted with positions of power for a number of reasons. Mindi and Vitalos had both made it pretty clear that they didn't think of her as much a leader. So that left Korin, by process of elimination. It would be a good arrangement. Korin hadn't met anyone here prior to this meeting, and he seemed less inherently opposed to Emma's leadership than the other two.

Then Vitalos was named as a secondary leader. The sorcerer sighed. She'd misunderstood, clearly. He had meant to have Emma appoint someone level-headed who could mediate conflicts in the event of said conflicts... And Vitalos, of all people, was possibly the most likely to argue with their leader.

Of course, it wasn't that Vitalos was incompetent. A far cry from it. Of all those present, it was with him that the Benshira's confidence lay as a competent leader. But he was also very willful, to the point of being stubborn. He and Emma would clash heads. It was almost a guarantee. In most other aspects, though, he was reliable enough. Certainly trustworthy.

Mindi had spent a moment staring at him from across the table, as though examining him. The mage wasn't sure what to make of the Isurian; he had no qualms with the religious type, but he wasn't going to pass definite judgment on someone based on a first encounter. She'd been a bit alarming in her initial entrance, but hadn't done anything to discourage discussion. If anything, she'd started a great deal of it. Perhaps not as cold as he'd thought. And now she was even making a joke or two. Yes, not a bad person. Not yet worth a lack of suspicion, for there was the possibility that she was lying about her motives, but the attempts to facilitate discussion worked in her favor.

Korin was being quiet, even for him. The big man was simple in his motives, yes. But the last season of run-ins with the Kelvic had told the scholar that underestimating the lion's intelligence was unwise. He'd survived for a great deal of time in the Sea of Grass, amongst creatures far more deadly than himself. Moreover, the man knew a great deal about the basics of other kinds of magic in the world. He'd be a strong, reliable asset on this journey. Anyone who thought otherwise would be very surprised once the Kelvic had had the chance to prove his worth.

Emma, of all of them, was the one who kept surprising everyone. Putting her most likely opponent in a position of power just underneath her was either a genius move to keep Vitalos content there, or else it was simply begging the man to gather power behind her back. And it was difficult to make heads or tails of the woman herself. Her reactions were predictable in their unpredictability. He had expected the woman to at least glare at him for his suggestion, all things considered. Instead she'd remained calm. Even if she'd misunderstood, she had taken a moment to consider things. There was hope for her, that much could be said...

The wizard was distracted from his musing when Vitalos was quick to appoint him as the very mediator he'd suggested. He looked up, frowning for a moment. While it was good that someone had caught on, he hadn't meant for it to be him. But... Well, he couldn't explain his reasons right now. Two of the four others present had no idea about his Reimancy, nor about the insanity overgiving might someday bring with it. Griffith never planned to go that far, but his arcane art was particularly known for being prone to it; moreover, no one ever planned to use more Djed than they could spare.
Still... With what he was currently willing to tell, he had no way to object properly. "I didn't mean me," he told their new second-in-command. "But very well."
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Korin on July 2nd, 2010, 5:20 pm

As the rest of the group complains about leadership, Korin sits back and waits for his ale to arrive. He doesn't drink much, but when he gets the chance to he plains to enjoy it. When it is finally delivered, Korin takes a large sip, and while he does this, he hears that Vitalos is the second in command, and Griffith is the mediator.

Of all the people there, Griffith is the only one the Kelvic knows. He showed up because of the Benshira's request. The young mage seemed competent enough. While he relied on his Reimancy to much for Korin's taste, he is trustworthy, and far from stupid.

Vitalos was the second in command. Though he as much of a mystery as Emma and Mindi, he seemed like a trustworthy man. He seemed competent, and while he was a clown, would probably do their best not to get them killed.

Emma seemed air headed and flighty, but she seemed like fun. While she doesn't seem like some one you should trust with your life, she was some one who was probably fun to work with, and while it looked like she would do stupid things, she probably wouldn't send them on a suicide mission...

Mindi, was the only one of the three who who rubbed Korin the wrong way. She was something and some one the large Kelvic had little experience with, and she he did not care for her much. She is a religious zealot, people that tend to be preachy and annoying, and while so far she wasn't that bad, she still managed to preach about the gods. She also claimed to be a fighter, but how could such a little body hurt anything. The last weird thing about her was that she was an Isurian. What is an Isurian anyway?

Regardless, Korin committed to this group, and so he would stick around, unless they proved too incompetent. "It doesn't matter to me who leads, but as long as I am not told to do anything to stupid, I won't complain."

After speaking his mind to the group, Korin stands up,and approaches Mindi, offering his hand, "I did not properly introduce myself yet. I'm Korin. And what I would like to know is, what is an Isurian? I have not yet met one of your kind, and am curious as to why Emma would think someone as small as you would be like an Akalak."
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Emma on July 3rd, 2010, 9:47 pm

Emma smiled as everything started to come together. She had her team. She had a translator, the muscle, and even a healer. There was someone other than her in charge, and they all seemed rather trustworthy. Soon, they would have at least one other location, where they were all but bound to find their fortunes, along with what she sought. Everything was going to work.

Still smiling her broad, giddy grin that accentuated the odd cleft of her upper lip, Emma's wide golden eyes closed as she sat up, allowing her chair to rock forward, feet once again on the floor, the sudden motion of her seat causing the stray hair before her face to swing wildly for a moment, along with the golden earring in her left, triangular ear. Reaching forward, she picked up her newly arrived glass of milk. Lifting it to her nose, she sniffed it, as if checking for poison or some other such paranoid behavior, though really only getting a sense for the taste. She then froze, opening her eyes before they narrowed to slits, her pupils sliding side to side stealthily before sticking out her tongue and dipping it into her drink. Her eyes opened wide as soon as she had, and her broad grin returned before she guzzled the contents.

As she finished, Emma let out a long sigh, still smiling before she stood up, her hands on the table. She even went so far as to lick her lips before clearing her throat and standing up straighter, making her left gloved hand into a fist and punching her right.

"Alright then, it's settled. We'll meet whenever you want, Vitalos. We just need time to translate part of the book. Also, we'll need at least 2 horses, since I assume Korin and myself will not require our own, and one horse could ride double. If we just have one, we can still use it for moving equipment. Anyways, I'm gonna head out. I have some things to pick up..."

That wasn't entirely true, it was mostly that she was getting a bit bored with the conversation, and whenever that happened, she tended to loose her train of thought, making her likely to simply wander off for very little reason. Still, she straightened up further, arching her back and yawning, making something of a show of it all unintentionally, then began to walk to the exit before pausing. Her ears twitched, and her hidden face turned to a small frown. She'd forgotten something... Slowly, she turned around, walking back, then leaned over the table, her face within inches of Griffith's.

"I almost forgot. You need this..."

Reaching back to where her tigerhooks were wrapped, she removed an old, dusty tome. It was the book of locations for their hunt, and as Emma handed it to the scholarly mage, she assumed an unusually serious expression, her eyes suddenly cold, the corner of her lip rising in what was almost a snarl.

"Guard this with your life. You have no idea what I went through to get it, and it's irreplaceable. If you so much as make the ink run, I will kill you.

The scowl stayed for a second or so, but before Griffith replied, Emma's face split into her usual wide grin, the expression much more at home on her feline features. Her head tilted slightly to the side, her triangular ears twitching once more. Without even noticing it herself, her left hand fund the salt shaker on the table, closing a gloved fist around it stealthily but casually, as if she was suppose to be doing so as a natural action as it slipped into one of her many pockets on her pants. Sh then stood up straight once more, waving excitedly to all those present.

"Good! I'll see you all later!"

For the second time, she turned and made for the door, the sway of her hips and elegance of her bare-footed steps once more showing some feeling grace about her, only further impressed upon the group by the low sun slanting through the doorway that left her as little more han a silhouette, making her faux ears and claws all the more realistic looking...
A thief is never sorry for stealing, or tricking their victim, or being a thief in general. If fact, the only thing they really are sorry for, it seems, is being caught.
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Vitalos Umbreffigia on July 4th, 2010, 5:53 pm

Vitalos chuckles softly. At the moment, despite their obvious differences, he felt he was going to get along with Mindi just fine. They each had a fair understanding of how the other half lived, which likely meant they could reach a compromise when it came to theological and social matters. He didn't plan of being much of a leader, anyway. Only when he had to would he dole out orders. After all, it didn't seem like either Emma or Mindi would be keen on taking them, so why turn it into a power struggle?

He arches a brow as Emma hands Griffith the tome, the act laden with threats. She then turned to leave, and Vitalos chuckles as she does so, turning back to face the others with a somewhat bewildered look.

"Well, that wasn't abrupt. Quite the 'glorious leader' we have here. In any event, both Griffith and I have horses, I believe, so we're fine on that end. Mine is meant to be more of a pack animal, but it can ride in a pinch. I guess we'll meet at the city gates? I don't know. I'll get the word out somehow. I still have no idea where she plans on taking us. Though I suggest everyone buys their own supplies. We'll be needing them to get by. At the very least a thirty days' worth, though I would go as high as half a year. Ultimately, though, it's your call."

He shrugs, then downs his ale in one gulp, leaving the proper amount of money for all the drinks he'd bought. He wasn't too attached to this whole thing at the moment, but he was along for the ride. Now, just where would this ride take him..?

"Anyway, I guess I'm heading off too. I'll be camped on the outskirts of the city. I'll see you all on the other side."

He rises to his feet, scoots past Mindi, then walks out of the door, his pack clinking and his stance relaxed.
Last edited by Vitalos Umbreffigia on July 6th, 2010, 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful to live."

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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Griffith on July 5th, 2010, 10:07 am

Things were drawing to a close. It seemed that everyone who was going to show up was present and accounted for. They'd made their skills known for the most part. They'd all agreed to be part of a group. Things might turn out well yet. The thought brought a small smile to Griffith's lips and even bought a relieved sigh from the man.

His moment of relaxation was not to last, though. Emma stood, clearly making ready to take her leave. She handed out some suggestions for things which should be taken care of by Vitalos, but otherwise seemed content to leaving the technicalities to her assigned second-in-command. There was just one thing she neglected to address. The fact that the group's translator lacked the tome he was to work on. The Benshira started to rise, meaning to remind the Kelvic of the problem.

But as he rose, the girl suddenly turned on her heel and approached the table, scowling at the magician. She leaned across the table, her face inches from his. The scholar wasn't certain what he'd done to anger her now, but the hostility in her approach and voice as she all but shoved the book into his hands whilst threatening him was more than enough to set him on the defensive. His own expression shifted into a scowl, and his stance shifted, suddenly wishing he'd not absorbed the Res ball. The warning about letting the ink run was especially incendiary, and the wizard bit back several choice comments of his own.

He remained frozen in place for several seconds after Emma had made her departure before sinking into his seat, crimson-splashed eyes shooting daggers at the Kulk's door, daring her to come back.

When she didn't - which was probably just as well - Griffith refocused on Vitalos. His expression was still dark, but the scowl wasn't meant for his fellow trainee. He hadn't caught half the man's words.

Right. Buying supplies. The Benshira had meant to do that anyways. And now the martial artist was leaving too. Where was everyone off to in such a hurry? Well, it didn't matter. He had work of his own to do. But unlike the other two, he announced where he might be found. "Korin already knows this, so I'll fill you in, Mindi. If you need to seek me out for any reason, I make camp not far along the Bluevein."

Tucking the tome Emma had given him under an arm, the translator managed to scoot past Korin and - with a nod of farewell to both of the table's remaining occupants - made his own way out the door.
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Mindi on July 13th, 2010, 3:36 am

OOCSorry for the wait, I'm just going to make something short to get this done.

Mindi watched as everyone, excluding herself and Korin abruptly left. Each to their own agendas she assumed. Mindi smiled faintly as she turned her head to face Korin. They were probably the two that conversed the least, yet Mindi felt that they would get along fine, even if he seemed unintelligent to her. He was strong, she was strong, he was quiet, she generally was. Mindi had a feeling he was proud, caring, and wouldn't dare hurt the group if he could help it. Their motives were probably very similar. Mindi stood up slowly and extended her hand for Korin to shake, a proper greeting right before she followed the rest into Riverfall.

"I'm glad I met you. I will pray to the Gods to bring you life and extended strength."

Korin may or may not understand, but it didn't matter. She slowly bowed as she placed the black hood around her head, turned around, and left the tavern, leaving the final Kelvic alone. Soon, the five of them would reunite on perilous quests, hopefully with rewards each of them desired.
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Korin on July 13th, 2010, 2:28 pm

Well, that doesn't answer my question... I still don't know what an Isurian is.

Staring at the back of the little Isurian woman in confusion as she leaves the tavern the Kelvic laughs one more time. A few of the other customers in the tavern turn to look at him. Grabbing his ale, he finishes it in one go. Then he heads out the tavern door into Riverfall.

This is going to be a fun group...
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A meeting of empty pockets [Crawlers (you know who you are)]

Postby Emma on July 14th, 2010, 9:27 pm

A thief is never sorry for stealing, or tricking their victim, or being a thief in general. If fact, the only thing they really are sorry for, it seems, is being caught.
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