Torrok - Papa
6'0" - tall for a Vantha
Rank 1 ice reaving - snowflake on the back of his left hand
46 years old - 50th of Spring 467 AV
Large, intricate tattoo on left arm (no color). Starts on the shoulder, connects with his gnosis at the end. Collage of animals and snowflakes
Animal trainer - started at 16
Loves his family dearly
Native Frostfawn
Like all Frostfawn, Torrok loves animals and is passionate about their well being and spending time with them. He began training, though not always succeeding, the family dogs at an early age and Torrok quickly knew it was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Dogs are what he trains most frequently, sled teams and hunting dogs.
At 18 he married Kiyanna, for a bride price of a team of sled dogs he had trained himself. He has two daughters with Kiyanna: Tolanna and Liarra.
Torrok is a cheerful man, quick to laugh, and loves to carve in his spare time.
Kiyanna - Mama
44 years old -30th Summer, 469 AV
Native Frostfawn
Rank 1 ice reaving - small snowflake high on her chest. Can be mistaken as a pendant
Kiyanna is a sweet, kind and tender woman. While her family were predominately leatherworkers, Kyianna preferred to spend her time as a girl in the stables and around other animals that roamed free in the Hold.
As children, she and Torrok crossed paths frequently, and as they got older they spent more and more time together. Kiyanna quickly fell in love with Torrok, but doubted that he might return her feelings. On her 16th birthday, she was surprised and delighted when Torrok came to her family with a bride price offer.
She got a job at the stables as a groom, and has been happily caring for the animals ever since. Kiyanna has been known to dote on her daughters, as she wants them to be as happy in life as she has been.
Tolanna - Sister (ten years older, married, 5 kids, lives in Whitevine)
28 years old
Married at 16 into Whitevine
Grandmere (Torrok's mother)
72 years old
Originally from Whitevine
Married into Frostfawn
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