Completed Wooden Sword Training

(Astrid) Ricky and Burt pick up on their training, only to bring another along.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Wooden Sword Training

Postby Ricky Maze on July 24th, 2013, 5:28 am

Wooden Sword Training
Summer 32nd 513 AV, 9th Bell
Location: Streets of Zeltiva, Near the Docks

It was the best time to start the day with a little training now, after a little bit of recooperation with between father and son the two were now slowly becoming a part of each others lives once more. Ricky and Burt chuckled with one another and did a little shoulder nudge as the two walked on through the streets of Zeltiva, the both of them were headed to the Docks to pass them and walk along the shoreline of Zeltiva until they reached the outskirts, from there they would find their little training spot that Burt put together and resume yesterday's lessons. "Admit it, I did better then ya expected."

"Perhaps, I still got to give you a good thrashing." Burt remarked with a smirk.

"Only cause I took it easy on ya!" Ricky defended with a grin, the both of them laughed as their wooden longswords rested at their shoulders. It wasn't until Ricky felt an object in his vest pocket move that he stopped, and then Burt would look at him curiously for the sudden pause.

"What is it?" Burt checked as Ricky reached in his right pocket to feel a warm fuzzy ball inside.

"I'll be damned," Ricky sighed as he pulled out a gold and brown spotted kitten with a white underbelly, "It's Fenvur."

"Meow!" The kitten looked innocently up to Ricky, and then peered at his surroundings after he shook his head.

Burt laughed a bit, an amused look on his face. "Quite the adventurous rascal isn't he?"

"He likes to get in me pockets for some reason, thinks he's sneaky enough to go wherever with me." He teased the kitten with a gentle chin rub with his index finger, purs rattled the kittens rib cage as he closed his eyes in pure delight.
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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Astrid Ismosia on August 9th, 2013, 6:07 am

Shayra bounced around the walkways of Zeltiva, with Astrid following slowly behind. The sun belted down on Astrid’s face causing her to cringe, over the last couple of weeks she barely ventured outdoors during the daylight bells not even to walk Shayra… instead she had been bringing her pup to the tavern, yet the same pup had managed to convince Astrid to come walking about during the morning. Astrid wore her hair in the same messy bun that she had worn to bed that morning and her white sundress, she stood out in the crowd because she had forgotten to put her sandals on before leaving.
She was only half watching the large black figure padding in front of her and missed Shayra sneaking out of her view, she would have kept walking except she began to notice the crowd began to hastily part, spinning around Astrid saw the already large pup barrelling towards a man with small helpless kitten.
“Shayra! Shayra! SHAYRA!!!”
Astrid’s voice squeaked with panic before she knew it she was pumping her arms chasing after the pup. Her white sundress pressed against her frame, snapping in the wind behind her. Astrid manage to get closer to her pup as the two broke out of the crowd and closer to the man with the cat. Astrid’s breath caught in her throat, using blind faith Astrid lunged and attempted to tackle her pup. Being successful she cradled the pup to her chest to protect Shayra from the damage of their crashing speed.
The two rolled to a stop at the man’s feet, uncurling, Astrid smiled awkwardly looking up at the man, the situation was made even more awkward by the fact that Astrid realised the man was with someone. Grabbing Shayra’s scruff, Astrid slowly stood and meet the eyes of the pairs eyes. She knew one of them… yet she couldn’t remember why or where from, knowing it was rude she stared for a painfully silent moment before she realised
“You’re the Wave guard! Ive seen you around!” Astrid paused for a moment to pull Shayra behind her turning back she looked at the kitten “Well isn’t that an adorable kitten… I apologise for Shayra… She actually hasn’t seen a kitten before and gets a bit excited….. I am so glad that no one was hurt, for someone who is still a pup she weighs enough to knock over some like you!”

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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Ricky Maze on August 20th, 2013, 9:55 am

Out of nowhere a random stranger happens to roll by, literally in fact, with the most oddest approach, yet when the excitement lured Fenvur's attention as well as the rest his spine rose. Arched in an obtuse angle the kitten looked down at the dog as though he were already threatened, thus Ricky held a hand over the kitten and brought him close in a defensive manner. Both he and Burt looked at this stranger that came from practically thin air, or more so on the ground, with curious eyes while she stood awkwardly with her pet. Though she looked at Ricky in a familiar sense he looked at her as though she were complete stranger, thus his eyes instinctively avoided direct eye contact when the two looked at one another. She knew him all right, just not in the form Ricky pondered. She had seen him on duty apparently, much like any other would in the city. Odd enough that someone actually paid attention really, but all the same it intrigued Ricky nonetheless. "Well petch, didn't think anybody took much notice when I'm on duty." He quirked humbly with a chuckle, Burt held onto both of the swords now as he waited for the conversation to flow. Whether this was a greeting that would be short or a meeting that would last long was up to her, both men had intention to resume training nonetheless.

"Dogs're like that m'fraid, I know only too well." He mused with her remark on Shayra's energy, Odis being another fine example after all. "She's a beauty by the way, what's that name ye called 'er again? Shayra?" He hadn't heard of a name like that before, it was a fine name though and it certainly seemed to fit the pup nonetheless. "And what be yer name by chance?" He inquired with a quick examination of her features, namely she stood out to be rather tall than the average folk. Particularly women due to the fact not many woman were as tall, but conpared to Ricky and Burt she was only slightly short. Dark hair and dark eyes to all the more intrigue Ricky while he listened to her respond, although he still avoided eye contact with the lady.
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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Astrid Ismosia on August 30th, 2013, 1:02 pm

Astrid smiled politely at the two men as the pup struggled attempting to sniff the kitten; Astrid had to ignore the urge herself so she wouldn’t make a bad impression.
“It’s my job! To notice I mean, I’m a Tavern keep up at the grotto”
Astrid laughed slightly as she remember some of the stories the patrons had told her and some she had even experienced for herself. Scratching Shayra’s ears she blew the hair out of her face, Astrid loved the dog even for her annoying habits.
“Name? Oh…” Laughing at her stupidity Astrid swapped hands that were holding The lil shadows scruff to offer her hand to shake.
“I am Astrid Ismosia!”
Smiling at the wave guard’s companion she frowned down at her hand, Gripping Shayra with her knees she offered her spare hand for the other man to shake.
“It is a pleasure to meet you both, Shayra thinks so to, especially the cutie of a kitten!”

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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Ricky Maze on September 4th, 2013, 6:21 pm

"I see." His brow slightly furrowed with intrigue as she mentioned that she worked at the tavern, Ricky hadn't really took notice of her the mornings and evenings he and Telion ate there. Sure enough the girl had a decent spirit about her, if not a little strange to be sure. Ricky found it all the more amusing, if not a bit annoying, that Fenvur still nearly hissed at them. The kitten was incredibly defensive as he looked at the puppy, quick to paw on Ricky's old worn vest as the guard held him close. "Astrid Ismosia, I'll not be forgettin that name f'r sure." He took the mental image of her face and name and put it in the recesses of his mind, for good use should he encounter her later on.

"Thank ye. Pleasure is our's, even if this fuzz ball disagrees." He quirked with a chuckle as he looked to Fenvur, whose eyes still looked wildly at both Astrid and the dog. "This here's Fenvur, he likes t' hide in me pockets." Ricky's gaze returned to Astrid but not completely, his eyes more so evaded direct contact with hers. "And I'm Ricky."

"And I'm his father," Burt approached with a warm smile, "Burten Maze." It was weird for Ricky to hear his own father make such introduction, after being out of his life for so long he never would've thought about it. Now that it happened right before his eyes Ricky couldn't really tell what to feel, other than slight pain pricks in his left chest as Fenvur's claws dug in. He gave a silent "ow" as he looked down to the kitten with a loose smirk, and tried to seperate the kitten's paws from his vest. "It was lovely t' meet ya miss Ismosia, however my son and I've got business t' attend t'." Burt pointed out with a glance to Ricky, another smile on his face as he watched his son. Though he didn't say what their business was, the wooden swords they carried made it evidently clear to the simply observant eye.
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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Astrid Ismosia on September 6th, 2013, 12:55 pm

Laughing Softly Astrid’s eyes softened as she watched the kitten.
“It’s sweet, though cats never really liked me… think it’s because of ‘an aura’ I must have”
Meeting the eyes of Ricky’s father Astrid gave another smile, which soon dropped as he mentioned their Business, She could guess it had something to do with the swords they now held in their hands.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! Training with swords? I would love to learn! The town seems to be becoming more dangerous so I was going to take a holiday, can’t go into the wilds though.”
Blowing the hair out of her face Assilsa gave Shayra a slight tap with her foot and pointed back towards home, giving her a slight push Astrid slowly backed up hands resting on her lower back.
“It was nice meeting you Ricky,”
Bowing slightly she turned toward burton.
“And you do Burton, It has been a pleasure, have fun training!”
She gave another bow before she began to walk with her pup whining behind her.
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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Ricky Maze on September 12th, 2013, 11:14 pm

"I'm sure he's more worried 'bout yer friend there." He remarked with a chuckle as he gave a friendly smile, he didn't believe that Fenvur was nervous about the girl as much as he was the dog. When Burt urged for the two to attend to their duties Astrid appeared rather jolly and admitted she too wanted to learn swords, but then proceeded to say farewell and allow them to be off.

"Well ye're more than welcome to look t' Ricky f'r trainin' later, probably a better idea t' invest in a wooden weapon o' yer own by then." He added with a grin as she started off, a friendly grin on his face as Ricky looked between the two. With that noted the two gave their bit of the farewell and looked to begin their day. "Pleasure t' meet ye too lass." He returned with a slow respectful nod to her, Ricky did the same when his came turn next.

"Aye lass, lovely t' meet ya. Come find me again sometime when I'm off duty, I'd be happy t' train with ya." He quirked with a wide smirk, as he watched the two depart. The men considered for a moment what they should do with Fenvur, then decided to bring him along as they went to their training sessions. The day would then be filled with the same routine of practice, until at last what would seem like a bell was left before Ricky had to work.
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Wooden Sword Training

Postby Abstract on October 28th, 2013, 5:19 pm

Grade Awarded!



~ Observation - 1


~ Astrid Ismosia: Tavern Keep at the Grotto




There was little to give... you mentioned 'training', but no training actually happened... If you think I missed anything, however, just PM me

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