[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon I

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Verilian on July 25th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Stardust, we may not have character sheets, but we are allowed to make lore entries about ourselves.. such as this one:


Hmm... I need to update that actually.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on July 26th, 2013, 8:38 am

Think About This


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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Khida on July 27th, 2013, 12:46 pm

Given as you keep bees, I thought I would pass this article along; if you haven't seen it already, I expect it'd be of interest to you and others in that area. They looked at pollen sources, pesticide exposures, and how sublethal doses of different 'cides add up to impair the bees' immune response. (Which isn't exactly surprising per se, but having a study as evidence is good.)

There's a top-level summary here, if you want a quick overview.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Auric on July 28th, 2013, 3:47 am


I always find quotes like this interesting, if only because I really like it when authors or just people in general personify abstract ideas like life and death.

So, in response, here's my favorite quote from Life of Pi.

"The reason death sticks so closely to life isn't a biological neccesity; it's envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possesive love that grabs at what it can."
-Yann Martel, Life of Pi

I dunno. I'm a sucker for stories about unrequited love and using the idea of love to explain the relationship between life and death feels so right to me, haha.
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on July 31st, 2013, 8:50 pm

Ahhh Baby Seal!
Look what happened yesterday in Elliot Bay Marina in Seattle.

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Eida on July 31st, 2013, 8:56 pm

Oh My god that's so adorable! That's not something you see everyday! :D Thank you for sharing, that totally made my day! ( I mean.. night!)
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on August 17th, 2013, 9:34 pm


I get impatient when I can't find the right images I'm looking for. Take one very determined witch who wants a shop in the new Kenash but wants it in a pretty spot, slightly feral, with a bit of water around it and good lighting? Yea. That's a tall order and you can't find it anywhere. I like building in stone for my pcs, namely because as a mod I like throwing things around like djed storms and nothing beats stone. Maybe I spent to much time buried in Pern books as a child and am deep down inside afraid of Thread. But stone is good. Stone protects things. I wanted stone. I could not find it anywhere. So I made what I wanted. What do you think? I posted all the links to where I got stuff so you can see how badly I had to tweak it to get what I wanted. Of course, I have a veritable army of downloaded brushes and other nifty textures in photoshop that I feel like are old friends. I actually got it in the color range I wanted it in without making it look too funky. Brown would have been easier, but unfortunately the PC's color scheme is dark dark teal.


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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Accolade on August 17th, 2013, 10:01 pm

Wow, that is very good work!! *nod, nod* All this for a witch? Ah!
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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Evalin on August 17th, 2013, 10:08 pm

Evil witches should always get their way! But wow I am super impressed. That almost makes me want to go learn to Photomanipulate myself!

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[Gossamer's Scrapbook] The Ethereal Canyon

Postby Gossamer on August 17th, 2013, 11:32 pm

Who said anything about evil?
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