If there was one thing Artur couldn't get enough of it certainly was the wilderness that filled the Bronze Woods, he had spent almost everday out here now even though the warmth of the winds heated him up. That was one thing he wanted gone, was the winds that whipped the area and especially the heat it brought. The bear had left his clothes all bundled up under a hidden bush near the entrance back to Syliras, and carefully marched his way through the woods in search of possible foods to come by. He kept a sharp nose out for herbs and spices he could find that grew around the places he walked, with hopes that he might take some back with him when he would decide to head back. But the more relaxing thing to do was lazily stroll on through, go whereever his curiosity took him as he treked the forest floor of the woods.
It just so happened that his sense of hearing could pick up a faint trace in the winds, a small giggle that piqued his interest to the very core. Who would walk out to this part of the wood alone? A knight? A local? A little girl?? Those giggles did match that of a young one, small human gleefully lost in the world she had around her. Perhaps it was just his imagination, maybe he just needed water after the venture he made today. The bear had to know just what it was though, no way could that laughter be his imagination because for one; this had not been Alvadas. Things here were far different, remained the same in it's own different in the end. Alvadas loved to change constantly however, so the idea that the whole world was like Alvadas was hard to let go after a season there. Artur nudged the thought of the city from his head as he followed the giggles till they grew louder, slowly and slowly as he lazily approached the area of the source. He had come to find that there was a bush with white roses, a bush that couldn't help but let that strange yet cute little giggle out.
"The bushes here giggle?" He pondered curiously with a half raised brow, the bear noisily approached the bush and sniffed at it. The scent of the roses filled his nostrils with sweet nectar, almost enough to make him roll his eyes to heavens above. When the bush giggled again he popped back a bit in surprise, brow fully raised from astonishment as his curiosity only increased further. "It's ticklish?! Is the wind tickling this bush? Is that how it giggles?!" He cautiously inched his nose closer, before he sniffed it though another giggle came from behind the bush this time. Intent on seeing if it had been the bush or not he nudged his head through the leaves and twigs to poke through, and before him was a little girl who sat in front of the rose bush. Her hair the color of night and eyes that of a blue gem, she had the adorable look of a child at play in her own world. Though Artur probably ruined that now with his random appearance, the bear grunted in an effort to get her attention, a bit of a smile on his mug as curious brown eyes were upon her.