AppearanceRace: Eypharian (Six arms)
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty-two.
Birthday: 70th of Spring, 491 AV
Birthplace: A caravan travelling from The Spires to Avanthal
Appearance: Raneshe (Ran-eh-shay) has dark, unruly hair and vivid blue eyes with metallic flecks of silver. She's on the shorter end of the Eypharian height-scale, standing at 5'6 and weighing 136 pounds. Her build is average, neither too thin nor too heavy. Her six limbs are long and nimble. She wears either a strapless, dark dress, or a loose robe. She wears boots when outside, heavy winter ones. Inside she goes without shoes, gracing her feet with barefoot
sandals. Rane adorns her right arms and hands with black woven bracelets interwoven with beads just like on her dress, and on the very top left arm on her index finger she wears a black metal ring.
Character ConceptRane is unlike most Eypharians, having only come in contact with a few of her kind and not being raised by them. In her blood, however, is the ancient need to dress oneself in finery. Although suppressed by her upbringing, she still likes the way her arms look even more elegant with trinkets upon them. Also ingrained in her psyche is the need for elegance, watered down by her upbringing as well. She enjoys helping others, using her multiple arms to an advantage. Her favorite pastime is either weaving or embroidery, which she finds relaxing.
Character HistoryHer parents were travelling Eypharians, constantly searching for more information. They were both scholars, and had a certain interest in Jamoura. They came to The Spires for research, but when it was discovered that Rane's mother was pregnant with her, they took along a female Jamoura as a caretaker for the child. The mother knew that she would die giving birth to her child, and the father killed. She had contacted one with three Divination marks.
The vision came true, Rane's father slain in an attack on their caravan just out of The Spires. The mother had given birth just a few hours before, and the child was quiet, thank goodness. The Jamoura escaped with Rane, managing to catch another caravan leaving after a month. During the trip, the child was nursed by the Jamouran nanny and taught what little Arumenic she had picked up, as well as Common. Rane was also taught to be humble and kind to other races, no matter how she was treated. They arrived in Avanthal, where Rane learned Vani quickly. She's fluent enough in it, but still has a few problems and can't get the accent right. This causes frustration in her, her Eypharian nature screaming at her to improve. Soon after Rane turned eighteen, the Jamoura returned to The Spires.