Season of Summer, Day 7, 513 AV Once Nassella had seen the man, she knew that eventually she would have to confront him. Whether it be to make a friend, or prevent the creation of an enemy, she would have to speak with him. She excused herself momentarily from the kelvic, and walked over to see the man. She walked very slowly towards her destination, with a ever-growing fear that the man wouldn't take very kindly to her. As she walked, she almost bumped into a passing barmaid, and fell as lightly and gracefully as she could into a chair when she was startled by the woman. Embarrassed, Nassella tried to look away and pretend that she was meaning to sit there. Slowly glancing at the man to make sure he wasn't watching her, she got back up and began to walk again towards him, making sure this time not to make a spectacular fool of herself. When she arrived at the table, she asked the man "Would it be alright if I sat here with you to talk?" Though immediately after she regretted it. She had most likely just made herself seem overly arrogant, and inconsiderate. There was no doubt in her mind that this man wouldn't know how to speak Symenos. So there she stood, making herself a spectacular fool in front of a total stranger who probably thought very low of her right now, if he didn't already. In a really horrible attempt to make up for what she did, she decided to ask if she could in his language, or what she assumed would be his native language. Speaking Vani, she felt almost as stupid as when she spoke in her own tongue. Though she tried anyway, it came out somethng like "sorry. I sit chair?" She looked at him apologetically and very embarrassed, hoping that he wouldn't reject her, or ignore her completely. |