Day 67 of Summer, 510
Ventus walked into the castle courtyard, looking around, observing the random passersby. It was a confusing place, or so it looked to him, as he had lived in Wind Reach most his life. The journey here was full of less sight seeing, more traveling, though he did meet a certain ape along the way. Or, it looked like an ape. Ventus didn't really know, but the ape seemed nice. His eyes wandered, waiting for Ororadaruma, the one he met along the road. He started to take off what he had been carrying around for forever, and he took the obnoxious backpack off, then the bow. He then untied the string on his back that held the 60 arrows arranged in clumps which had the arrows in clumps, almost broken, but just a little curved. Then, he took off the axe that he had held by 4 foot of rope that he cut off the 100 feet that he had in the horses saddlebag. Everything else was with the horse in the stables, which now that he thought about it, was probably not a good idea. He stretched his back a bit then sat with all his materials littered around him until he had to go again.