32nd of Summer, 513AV. Matthew slipped into the abandoned laboratory, blue eyes glancing around for any signs of life. He had specifically timed his excursion like he timed many of his others; at an hour where there was likely to be no one here to bother him. For this particular adventure, he had thought ahead, and planned it for early in the morning. The wizards he had experienced back in Zeltiva were the types to stay up until the wee hours of the morning, practicing their craft until the sun spilled forth and caused odd hissing to escape from their tired lips. There was no sunlight here, but it was still about the same hour. He had banked on most normal would-be wizards to be safely tucked away in their beds, and it looked like he was right. Allowing a small little smile of victory to cross over his full lips, the handsome harlot stepped into the empty room, closing the door quietly behind him. His lips curled in a bit of distaste at the sight of the dusty shelves and random markings strewn about the place, and his eyes peered at random little pieces of paper scattered all around the area. No doubt they were discarded notes by previous wizards who weren't happy with whatever they had written. He was both curious and cautious. Who knew what would come leaping out of the paper at him. While he practiced his own sort of magic, it was closer to him. It was more intimate. It seemed familar and safe, while almost every other branch of magic seemed distant and foreign. They scared him, really. He couldn't help but feel just a bit of fear at the unexplained and the unknown. Part of it made him want to explore it. Was that why he was here today? He couldn't say for sure. There were various branches of magic he would never be able to bring himself to explore. Almost all of the personal branches were something he wasn't even interested in. He had heard the stories. A small shudder overtook him, and he moved further into the empty room, glancing around the shelving and tables. Light filtered in the smudged windows from the outside, giving the wooden innards of the abandoned lab something of an eerie glow. It all seemed very mystical, with dirty beams of dancing light cast by a flickering torch, shadows lurking in corners, and crumpled notes tossed everywhere. He was almost positive he could make out some footprints in the dirty floor. Was the place ever cleaned? Or was it cleaned, and practicing sorcerers just did their best to mess it up all over again? Finding a long table, he did his best to blow off the layer of dirt, not wanting to get his precious purchase any filthier than it might already be. He was both excited and scared to get started on something that University had only briefly touched on, and he was hopeful he would be able to do it in secret. A harlot, attempting to learn World magic all by himself? So many things could go wrong. Was that why he was excited? Should he have bought a book or something to help guide him? Chewing his lower lip, Matthew pondered the idea, slowly setting down a long and thin object wrapped in light cloth. He stared at it, examining it end to end as he straightened his white button-up shirt, adjusting the backpack slung over his shoulder. He was pristinely dressed, as always. A snug shirt and sharp slacks showed off his natural physical aspects, and his hair was painstakingly styled. Not very wizard-like, he thought. Did it matter? Feeling excitement welling up inside of him again, his blue eyes briefly widened as he slowly unraveled his latest purchase. It rolled out onto the table, making soft clinking sounds as it did. It was a meter-long piece of golden d-wire, only faintly smudged by some unknown substance. He had picked it up at the Indoor Market, where it had cost him a rather hefty sum of 10 mizas. It was what he needed though. It was all he needed. The normally apathetic Matthew was allowing himself more and more emotion, a slow smile creeping across his feminine features. All he had to do was take the d-wire, twist it into a circle, and then- Time froze, and Matthew blinked as something clicked in the back of his mind. And then... and then what? Stupid. This is what happened when he let himself get excited. He was so petching scared of emotion because it made him do stuff like this. It made him overeager, excited, sloppy. He had just bought d-wire from a street vendor, and without knowing a thing about the craft he was hoping to learn, had waltzed on over to the nearest private location and planned to do... what? What exactly had he been planning? That was the petching problem. He hadn't been planning. Overcome with sudden frustration, he slammed his hand down on the dusty table, shuddering up a small cloud of the substance and echoing a small clap of sound through the empty area. This frustrated him more than it should have, but he couldn't help it. He was down quite a few gold Mizas because of this sudden random desire to learn. He could remember the teachers in the University, endlessly lecturing him on how you can't just teach yourself. You can't just learn magic and be done with it. It wasn't that simple, they said. His brow furrowed, and he felt his lip lift in a snarl. He had already moved to the whim of one silly feeling, why not go ahead and dance with a few more? Petch the teachers. He wasn't any random student. He was brilliant. Fire blazing in his cold eyes, he spun, graceful form taking him to each discarded piece of paper. He had heard this had used to be a magecrafting area, but he was hoping people came here to practice other arts as well. He would search every last scrap of paper until he found at least one fact about Alchemy that he could remember. Then he would figure out how to twist the petching wire into the correct shape, and turn petching water into wine. His brain was swearing a lot more than it usually did. ![]() |