[Denval] Entrance Thread

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Tabarnac on July 16th, 2010, 6:26 am

Welcome to Denval


Barges and ferries from ships anchored a safe distance from the rocky coast of Denval land at the unprepossessing stone quay where all passengers are dropped. Even Wind Eagles from Wind Reach tend to land there, where Inarta visitors can be properly welcomed with food, fun, and Oleg's "little water" at the Traveler's Welcome just up the way. Children and adults alike will walk up to strangers with smiles and directions, but no officials block the way. By the time a traveler sets foot on the passenger quay, barges from the mainland have already questioned ships regarding freight and passengers.

Moderator's Note: Feel free to self-mod your way into town, though a quick PM to Tabarnac will see an NPC guiding you to where you want to be!
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Alodian Aviastas on July 16th, 2010, 10:01 pm

17th Day of Summer 510 AV

Alodian was woken abruptly from a sound sleep by a hard thud. The ship he was on had docked, and he didn't realize that he had drifted off into a deep slumber. He had taken a boat from Wind Reach all the way to Denval, his new homeland. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Alodian looked around him.

What he saw amazed him. There were bright buildings all around him, with crystal clear water surrounding the village. When the boat stopped moving, Alodian found himself eager to see his new environment. He stepped off the boat, the wind grazing his black and emerald hair.

Making his way up to the gates, Alodian grinned. At last, he was going to stay put. He went through the gates, stopping at the myriad of roads before him. Standing there like a foreigner, Alodian stood, not knowing where to proceed.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Tabarnac on July 16th, 2010, 10:10 pm

A scrawny little boy of indeterminate age was missing at least five teeth, which became obvious as soon as he saw the newcomer and grinned fit to break his face. He ran up to the man with the interesting colors, chattering incoherently and hanging on his arm, Alodian's wrist caught in both his skinny hands.

After a brief period to tune the ear, it would become clear that he was speaking bad Common with a Denvali accent.

"Hi hi hi hi hi," he piped. "What your name? Where you from? You to stay long? You been to Zeltiva? You want meet my sister?!"

After all that, he finally took a breath, beaming up at Alodian and waiting for any sort of answer so he could start crowing again in bad Common.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Alodian Aviastas on July 16th, 2010, 10:15 pm

Alodian jumped as a scrawny boy with missing teeth took hold of his arm and held it for dear life. Unable to recognize the accent, he guessed it was the native one that came with this land. "My name is Alodian Aviastas. I come from Wind Reach. I hope to stay long. I don't know sister," he said, as he translated from Vani to Common. Would anyone speak his own language?

Looking down at the boy, Alodian saw eagerness, but for what was unknown. Unsure of what to do next, he stared blank faced at the boy.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Tabarnac on July 16th, 2010, 10:40 pm

The boy grinned -- impossibly -- wider with each of Alodian's answers. He nodded rapidly and started pulling the man along; he wasn't strong exactly, but he had energy.

"This Travler's Welcome," he said, pointing out the inn that was the first thing a traveler would see upon landing on the quay. It was of a more sober color than the homes so brightly painted upon the rocky hill. "Food, drink, love, fun. Stay short time there. Long time need house. You want house? What color?"

He dragged Alodian past the inn and up a cobbled street, further up and further in.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Alodian Aviastas on July 17th, 2010, 4:33 pm

Alodian chuckled as the energetic boy pulled him along. As they passed a few buildings, he listened as the boy told him about the buildings they were passing. When he mentioned a house, Alodian nodded. "Yes, I here long time. I need a house. No difference what color," he said in broken Common.

Amazed by his surroundings, Alodian grinned as he looked around. Everything was much different here than his homeland, and it wasn't too hot either. They passed over a cobbled street, and he wondered where this boy was taking him.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Tabarnac on July 17th, 2010, 10:42 pm

"What you do?" the boy asked, still doggedly dragging him along. "You have wife? Children?"

They rounded a corner quickly, almost violently -- as if a slip of a boy could do damage to a man of Alodian's stature, and then they were walking down a narrower side street, the cobbles a bit rougher, with potted plants hanging from wrought iron hooks outside upper story windows. The houses were all brightly colored, some more faded than others, but it seemed obvious that homeowners repainted every few years to add a personal flair to each home that added up to a patchwork tableau of a seaside town. Still, the rooftops were steep, which meant they probably got almost as much snow as Avanthal when winter came around.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Alodian Aviastas on July 18th, 2010, 1:05 am

Suddenly the boy rounded a corner, a slight tug on Alodian's arm. Guessing that they were supposed to go that way, he followed the boy. The streets on this street were rougher than the ones they had just been on. One of the first things he noticed were the different colored houses. Grinning like a young boy on his birthday, Alodian surveyed the land. He noticed that the houses had steep roofs, which meant that they got an abundance of snow. Denval would be like his homeland in that aspect, and he couldn't wait for the next season.

Remembering the boy asked him a couple of questions, Alodian took a moment to translate the answers in his head. "I am healer, but I know how to hunt. No, no wife or children. I did not find any that I liked as a mate," he said sheepishly.
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Tabarnac on July 18th, 2010, 6:20 am

The boy stopped so suddenly that Alodian had little choice but to nearly bowl him over. He stared up at Alodian, wide-eyed.

"You marry my sister," he decided. Then he pointed to a house painted robin's egg blue. "I live here." He pointed to a goldenrod house next door. "You live here. Talk to Captain. Tell her you healer. All good. Mihai take you."

With that, Mihai changed course immediately to lead Alodian to the Captain's Hall.

OOCFeel free to start a thread and link me to it. Captain Astrid can get him all set up. She has more authority than little Mihai. ;)
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[Denval] Entrance Thread

Postby Jackson LaCroix on July 19th, 2010, 6:36 am

End of the Summer 79 510 AV

Jax slung a canvas sack off of his right shoulder, watching two roosters claw at each other from the edge of the quay where it met the horizon of rock. It had been many, many years since he had left this city and coming back was sweet without bitter nostalgia. The sting from the slap of countless years of training, discipline and even repetition divided his body like a mathematical equation. It's answer wasn't found anywhere but on the inside of his character, built like everything the Denvali did. To last.

Combing his wet hair back across the crown, the unshaven LaCroix threw money down on the black fowl to win. A crowd of dock hands and locals erupted in cheers of anticipation.
Jax felt it too.. but it wasn't from the match.
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