Location [Syliras Location] The Windoak Courtyard

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Windoak Courtyard

Postby Gossamer on October 4th, 2009, 7:46 am



In the heart of Stormhold Castle lies an open aired courtyard that contains the single greatest treasure the Syliran Knights call their own: The Windoak. The Windoak is the primary reason why the Syliran Knights were formed and subsequently the city of Syliras was founded, and thus that is why it is also the most heavily guarded of the Syliran Treasures. Dispensing advice and giving hope in hopeless situations, the Windoak is the core of the Syliran Knighthood. The Knights even use it as their symbol. The Windoak is to the untrained eye an ancient oak. It has a smooth base that has a sleek look which tends to appear to be a man's face in the correct light. When the Windoak is actually speaking, the tree will seem to have a face push out of it that speaks in a deep resonant voice. Once it dispenses advice however, no one would ever doubt the tree was anything but special.

During the Valterrian when the battle between The Gods became intensified, Ivak's wrath knew no boundaries. The god Sylir sacrificed himself in order to allow Izurdin and Morwen an opportunity to imprison him. His death resulted in a fragment monster In Mizahar, it is possible for a god to be slain, and it has happened relatively often in history. While the consequences may vary, Fragmentation occurs frequently. The deity's immense Djed ruptures, and massive slivers scatter all over the world. Each of these Fragments is sentient and represents a part of the god's personality as well a spark of their power. A Fragment, while not nearly as powerful as the entity it came from, is a formidable opponent. Each has a name and a subset of the god's domain powers. Their minds are broken and usually focus on seizing territory and ruling it according to their world vision. Far from easy to slay, they tend to create their own servants. Most Fragments existing today belong to long forgotten gods who were killed in the early days of man. that grew into the Windoak, an enormous tree. The Windoak overlooks the Suvan Sea in modern day Syliras. The tree eventually called to a Konti named Nila who lead the Dyres brothers to its location, wherein it urged them to found the Knighthood and build a city around whatever stability they could establish in the region. It worked wonderfully, and today the City of Syliras thrives.

The Windoak gives advice numerous ways, depending upon who seeks it. Sometimes it actually speaks to the person if they are in any way gifted to hear the thoughts or feelings of plants. Sometimes, just staring at its bark forms words, and a message is conveyed to the observer written in wood. This only helps if the person viewing the tree can read. If someone is gifted with 'sight' or a follower of Avalis, the Windoak can give them a vision, even at a distance. To visit the Windoak, non-syliran knights must petition Loren Dyres personally. Syliran knights are given access to the oak any time.

Though there were multiple fragments, only one Windoak has ever been discovered to date.

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[Syliras Location] The Windoak Courtyard

Postby Imass on July 13th, 2012, 2:40 pm

The Knight walked into the courtyard somberly. He wore a gray tunic, pants, boots, and his Lakan. He approached in short, slow steps. He was meditating.

His whole mind, his whole being was focused on the beloved Windoak; the sacred symbol on his tabard manifested in reality. Everything Imass did in life was for this hallowed fragment. this tree gave his life purpose. It gave him the tools to combat his dark side.

It was sunset and the golden rays of the summer light painted the sky. The horizon was bright yellow, despite the sun was out of view. the color slowly faded from orange to red to blue. the clouds floated quickly by on the winds of the sea. The warm, slightly humid air felt great with the smell of salty waters. There was no noise, save clatter as the final preparations were made for the journey.

The scene at the courtyard was a sight to behold! It was breathtaking for any zealous warior monk. Imass revealed in all it's glory. He dropped on his knees infront of the Windoak. Imass knew well that this moment wouldn't last, for the next morn they would leave syliras. there was the very real possibility Imass would never make it back alive.

This very moment might be the last time the Knight knelt before the Windoak. Perhaps he would perish in the wild lands. Or maybe he might contract a disease and expire. More than likely though, Imass would find himself in battle. Being slain on in combat was a very real possibility too.

Imass needed a way to cope with this massive undertaking. The mind needed to be conditioned well before riding to war. Imass understood the mortality of his life would be tested. He focused his mind and meditated. That was his solution. He had trained his whole life for this and now it was just a mind game for him. There was no turning back. He might never return to Sylrias and the Windoak. This "last" visit with the Windoak was important to Imass.

Imass fell to his hands, then sat down in a meditation position. He rested his hands on his lap then began his exercise.

Breathed in through his nose, breathed out through the mouth. He took solid deep breathes. His chest rose and fell in a steady beat. The Knights eyes were closed. He paid no attention to any distracting sounds. His heart began to slow down. His mind remained focused on the Windoak. He thought of all the goodness in sylira. He regulated his breathing and heart rate. He waited for his body to calm down. The blood flow slowed down and he began to enter the calmest and most peaceful state of mind possible. He would reject bad thoughts, anxiety, and doubt. He accepted only the love from his god Tyveth and the energy of conviction from the Windoak.

Finally ready to speak, Imass just began to talk. He did not calculate of formulate questions, rather he spoke from the heart, his voice was full of rightous fervor and passion. He summarized his life to the tree, " I am Imass I was born and raised in the City of Riverfall, home of the Akalak. I trained to be an honorable warrior and huntsman. I passed my Rite of Trial. I completed my Rite of Passage. I wield a Lakan with pride. I trained my hardest, but my dark side drew me away. I traveled to the Fortress of Sylira. There YOU pulled me back to the light. I was called by you to serve. I joined the Knights. I survived the ordeals of squire training and then I met you. I found my purpose. I learned the ultimate way to suppress my dark side and help bring life to this deadly land. I found a culture of life amongst a swamp of ruin. YOU gave this to me. You saved me from the fire and picked me up from the ashes. Now I serve you. I uphold the values of Tyveth and work for your most righteous goals."

Imass paused after a longwinded rant, "I am a PROUD Syliran Knight"

The Akalak just laid down his whole life for the Windoak to hear. He wanted to let the most hallowed fragment know why he was serving it. He continued, "Use me. Use me! Use me as your righteous hand of justice. Tell me what to do and I will do it. My life is for you I want to use my two own hands to help forge the destiny of Syliras."

The Knight's pulse went up slightly. He continued, "All I ask is you show me the path. Light the way and I shall tread to the ends of the world for you. Show me the enemy and I will fight to my last breath. Give me tools and I will build you anything. Give me words and I will spread your justice throughout the land. My sword is ever sharp and my shield is ever strong. I am ready for anything."

Imass showed his conviction to serve the Windoak in mind and body. He spoke these words for the heart. He truly meant every last sentence. He was earnest. His meditation was peaking so he concluded.

"I go on this most epic quest for you. Show me the way. Give me direction so that I may help retrieve this fragment successfully for you!"

Imass opened his eyes and waited patiently for a reply.
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[Syliras Location] The Windoak Courtyard

Postby Mey'Tay on August 27th, 2012, 7:24 pm

Mey'Tay was sitting by a pillar on the green grass. Her eyes were focused on the Windoak.

"Its excellence blinds my eyes," Mey'Tay said quietly to herself. She was shot in the chest! Not by an arrow, but a feeling ... a revelation! Her mind was full of big thoughts. Despite her sudden enthusiasm, her body almost exploded with a feel of inspiration.

"My eyes..." she thought. "My eyes..." She took out an empty book from a satchel along with a quill.

The quill was like a sword, her mind was like a foe; the foe had to be fought down, and bleed out on the papers. The blood was smeared out on the blank pages of her book.

The blood formed odd tokens. Words ... yes words:

I think; therefore I am.
I think; therefore I assume that I exist. I have a demon inside me. The demon is my eyes, my ears, my flesh and blood! It makes me perceive things as real, and not mere thoughts in my mind. Reality is nothing but an illusory essence, which the demon inside me made up.

I am my mind, not my body.

After smearing the blood out on the pages, she felt a relief. She breathed quickly, as if he had been running from the demon itself! The Windoak had blessed her mind, and unfortunately the demon inside her as well.

The foe's body was emptied. Her mind was blank again. The Windoak's blessings didn't last long. She remembered something her father had told her as a child: "An apple takes time to ripe, whilst a cherry grows quickly.
She was asked what it meant by her father as a young woman. Yet, she is to still find out. What could it mean?

She spend her day in front of the Windoak thinking of this question ... Friendship, she thought. Friendship.

"After all these years..." was the last thought that went through her head before she fell asleep, sitting up against the pillar.
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[Syliras Location] The Windoak Courtyard

Postby Chevalier on October 30th, 2012, 5:58 am

For a time there was only the sound of the gentle wind rustling throughout the sacred courtyard. The well guarded portion of the City saw few visitors due to the precautions involving allowing anyone at all access. Fewer still understood the true purpose of the Windoak. The great tree wasn't a simple symbol to be worn upon a coat of arms, it was the very heart of Syliras. As a heart it did beat, bleed, and carry with it desires and dreams. Goals for the future. It was through the dedication of the Knights the Windoak carried out these goals.

"Knight Imass." the low toned earthen voice spoke, heard only by those careful enough to listen properly, "All paths must lead to the flourishing of Syliras and the protection of it's people. Far to the east, past even the endless shoreline is an island claimed by the dead. On this island sits that which will lead Syliras toward a new dawn of glory. Those that serve Syliras most diligently will understand this gem, and it will shine like fire in the darkness. Those that do not serve Syliras will be ignorant to it's truth, and will long to understand and keep it for themselves. This must not be allowed. Those that serve Syliras must wield their blades to undo the sins of the wicked, and must use their tongues to sway those who carry not darkness, but naivety in their hearts. For continued peace, this task must be successful. Your path may take you toward the darkness, but have faith and you shall be successful and thus reclaim that which will bring upon an era of bliss."

Cryptic? Perhaps, but that in itself was a test of ones dedication. Understanding the will that Sylir had left behind was the most important step in being a successful Knight. Just as the voice had come it's intonation was swept away with the gentle breeze, leaving only nature's own music to grace Imass' ears.
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