Kenash PC Request/Reservation
PC Name: Cecily Askara
PC Social Status: Plantation Family (Youngest Niece of Banjemin Cherales Askara X)
Preferred Relationship: Askara Plantation
Business Type: Cecily's Pantry. She specializes in jellies, jams, and marmalade, but also sells gourmet bread, and pies according to season. Her shop is considered a delicacy because it's one of the only stores selling fruit.
Blurb About Your PC: As an eccentric and wildly successful young woman, Cecily lives up to her Askara family name. After a long day of keeping a perfect disguise of normalcy for the customers, Cecily finds delight in peeling off the mask to reveal a whimsical, and quite irrational personality. Not to say that she isn't intelligent- in which she is - but she enjoys playing games with the mind and emotions. She doesn't pay any mind to other's feelings and can sometimes be very brutal.
Anything You Want To See In Kenash:I expect Kenash to be the center of drama, drama, drama in Mizahar! I can't wait for things to get started. Great expectations!