Closed Passing the Time (Razkar)

Kreig wishes to spar with Raz, hopefully he's accommodating

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Edreina on August 4th, 2013, 11:35 pm

"Is there problem with him coming, Edri?"

At the Myrian's defiant stance, Edreina's chin came up as well, baring her throat in the universal symbol of "go ahead and try it". For the first time in their friendship, Edreina was seriously sizing Razkar up. He was more skilled than she in every way, but there was a sort of cultural tradition that forced her to stand up to him. He would certainly be able to defeat her if a challenge was issued, so long as they remained upon the deck. But if they were in the water? Edreina moved as easily in water as she did upon land, sometimes a mite more easily. Razkar was still clumsy, any punch he threw or grappling move he attempted would only end up with him coughing up a lungful of water. That would be her adva-

Why was she thinking like this? He had already explained the stranger's - Kreig's - presence, and the explanation satisfied her sense of duty. So why was she still staring him down, narrow blue eyes a maelstrom of indignation? He hasn't apologized... she realized with an internal sigh, realizing at the same time that getting an apology from the Myrian was about as likely as getting him to belly-dance and sing acapella.

"Ah yes, sorry for intruding ma'm. I merely wished to borrow Razkar's warrior expertise in hopes of enchancing my own skills, we were merely taking a break when your r...Pet... thought it dutiful to bite me in the rump, I'm sorry to say we've cause a mess while trying to remove it. Er...I'll gather my belongings and see myself off the ship then"

The man's formality caught Edreina off guard. So rare was it for one with interests similar to Razkar to have any sort of manners, let alone for one to take it upon himself and apologize. But then, she recalled that this one was a squire of Syliras. But he was not arrogant nor self-absorbed as the other squires she had met tended to be. He was an odd one, certainly, but she could tell that he had meant her no disrespect. With a sigh, Edreina's fire died and she avoided Razkar's steady black gaze, turning her own to the little nest to where Navis had fled, safe and sound. There was no more reason for her to be angry, or even annoyed.

The pride held by her people was something few others could understand, she probably appeared to be some raving fool. But, it was her ship... it was her home... would it not have been more wrong for her to be uncaring when it came to those who boarded it? "No no, you don't need to leave," she sighed, resting her weight back on her left leg, fingers tapping her hips rhythmically. "Sorry about how I reacted but... well I'm sure you can understand." Her smile was sheepish as she addressed Kreig.

For some reason or another, Edreina could not bring herself to apologize to Razkar, perhaps because he had not attempted to apologize for his own actions. Instead, all she said to him was that she was going for a swim. Without further ado, her clothes were shed and she began to head up to the deck once more. Only when she was halfway up did the redhead realize that her near-nudity may be a shock for the city-dweller, accustomed as she was to dressing this way in Razkar's presence.

She only took one more step before faltering once more. If Kreig had come here seeking Razkar's tutelage, there was a high possibility that they both suffered from injuries. That worried Edreina, oddly, remembering how careful Razkar's movements had been the past few days. If he had just fought, there was no doubt he was hurting once again. "You know... Swimming is a good way to work soreness from your body... And any frustration you might have." She winked at both men, not knowing who the victor was but assuming the loser must be a bit peeved at least. "Ah, either way." With a shrug, she disappeared above deck. Anyone below would have heard two long, running steps before the ship tilted a bit as Edreina leapt onto the side and launched herself into the Suvan with a whoop.
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Razkar on August 5th, 2013, 1:21 am

Razkar didn't know if Kreig could taste the tension in the air between the Svefra and he. Maybe. The man seemed to have those honed instincts of brawlers everywhere that seemed to know when violence or challenge was imminent. But even if he did, the moment was soon over. Whatever anger she had for him was defused by Kreig's unusually polite and formal greetings, and then... she went for a swim.

Just like that.

Razkar was still blinking back his surprise when he heard the muted splash from the side of the 'grotto. He looked out the porthole and saw flashes of pale arms windmilling in the water sloshing beyond it. The Myrian snorted and shook his head.

"Never what's expected..."

There was a curious noise from the human and Razkar turned to him, shrugging in the manner of male confounded by their females everywhere.

"Women. Never understand. But she has good point: Suvan is good for relax. So..." He started walking the steps. "...lets go."

The sun was still warm and the air more humid, but at least there wasn't the closeness there was in the hold. It was like a warm, intangible towel pressing around him and the Myrian chuckled at the familiarity of it. How odd that the climate here would be so close to the jungle...

It was only when he was lowering himself down the rigging into the water that he realized what he'd thought.

Your woman. You thought of her as your wo-

Razkar lost his hold in his surprise. Hardly the most artful dismount ever seen but there it was: the Myrian tumbling into the Suvan with a guttural curse in his own tongue, resurfacing a moment later with his teeth bared. For the moment, it seemed, Edreina was being proved wrong.

"Fuck! It still hurts!"

His body rippled and spasmed under the water and only when he'd finally managed to get onto his back did he achieve some kind of... peace. Equilibrium. The Myrian sighed as the water lapped against him, letting it be his mattress and blanket, silently thanking Edreina-

-who was suddenly gripping around his chest. From underneath.

And he heard the very predatory growl from next to his ear. It wasn't often that someone would see naked fear seize Razkar's features, but this was apparently a day for new things. In water he could only just swim in, held by a female who was like a fish in it...

"Ah." He said eventually, swallowing. "So... now would be... good time... for sorry... hmm?"
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Kreig Messer on August 5th, 2013, 1:40 am


'Ah, the values of being a polite petcher' Kreig thought as all tension seemed to disappear, Kreig was no fool when it came to respecting women, petch his mother raised all alone so he had quite the healthy respect for the opposite gender...and the bloody fear that comes with it. He was certain that there was a saying that a woman’s wrath and how terrible it was. He was surprised to see her strip down to her unmentionables but she was going for a swim, so it wasn’t too surprising. Any other man in Kreig’s position, other than the Myrian of course, would blush a beet red at the display but scantily clad women are common in Sunberth whether in slave rags or whores trying to peddle their ‘merchandise’

Then Razkar said that they should follow her advice ‘Petch’ Kreig thought ‘I can’t swim worth a copper miza’ Indeed, despite being raised in a port city, it wasn’t uncommon for its own denizens not to know such a vital skill. Kreig never ever bothered swimming in the waters of Sunberth because quite frankly he feared what might be in it. Keeping his mouth shut he followed Razkar to the deck.

It was still early in the day so Syna’s light still shone brightly in the middle of the sky, Raz was slowly lowering himself in the water. Kreig noted a look of confusion as he looked down at the Myrian, the he suddenly fell and made a loud splash ‘Ouch’ Kreig winced sympatheticly as he decided he’d stay on the deck, hoping the little rat of a pet wouldn’t bother him and just smiled with amusement as the Myrian suddenly seemed to have a look of fear on his face “Forgive me for not joining you my friend, but alas, I know not how to swim and as such I risk my life” He said with a mocking woe, then looked back at Raz waiting to see what’s next.

Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Edreina on August 5th, 2013, 3:11 am

When Razkar entered the water, a feral grin spread across Edreina's lips, and she slowly sunk below the surface, careful to keep from making a ripple. Her stroke was slow, practiced, as she created distance between herself and the surface, slowly making her way beneath the now still Myrian. His struggles had nearly taken away her will to prove this point, but as he became still, it returned. Once directly beneath him, Edreina rolled onto her back and allowed natural buoyancy to drag her towards the surface, stemming the usually constant stream of bubbles that escaped her nose in hopes of keeping him ignorant of her presence.

This was the game that Svefra siblings the Suvan over played together, no matter their age. If you entered the water, it was immediately any podmate's job to scare the living shit out of you. But, the game had two sides. It taught younger Svefra how to hone the sight of their gnosis, allowing them to see only other Svefra in the water instead of being overwhelmed by a cornucopia of life or being utterly blind to it. The subject of torment could easily escape the game by planting their feet in the attacker's stomach at the last moment. Razkar was not, however, quite so lucky.

Like the great Kraken of folklore, Edreina emerged from the water in a flurry of arms and legs, sliding her slim hands over his chest before capturing his arms above his head, fingers interlocked behind his head in a hold he had demonstrated only days earlier. At the same time, she wrapped her legs around his, forcing them open wide, effectively immobilizing them. Her face emerged last, lips parting to inhale sharply next to his ear. Her lungs were aching, but it had been worth it to feel fear stiffen her friend's frame. Satisfied with his response, Edreina growled quietly, as he had when proving a point during their brawls, preparing to pull away.

"Ah... So... now would be... good time... for sorry... hmm?"

At this, Edreina grinned against the side of his face, breath coming through her nose in a gentle laugh. So, she really had proven a point here, huh? Something about having Razkar at her mercy gave Edreina a sense of warrior's pride. In this one singular way, she could best the hardened Myrian. "It would be wise..." She growled simply before releasing him, wading a few paces away with a satisfied smirk curling her lips.

“Forgive me for not joining you my friend, but alas, I know not how to swim and as such I risk my life”

"You don't know how to swim!?" Edreina gasped incredulously, as if she believed ever human was born one step away from fins. "That is such a shame! I can teach you, if you would like... I taught Raz!" Well... Probably not best to claim teaching the man who had nearly inhaled the Suvan only moments later. But! He was still learning. Getting better with each foray into the Sea.All of the Svefra's former hostility was gone as she smiled brightly up at Kreig, replaced instead by her naturally spirited, perpetually grinning visage.
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Razkar on August 5th, 2013, 3:30 am

"It would be wise..."

Razkar should have been horrified that someone had been able to sneak up on his so effectively. Within a tick four thin but firm limbs had wrapped around his chest, his legs, pinning his arms, breath hot in his ear and he didn't need to turn to know that wild grin was splitting her face. He should have been afraid... and maybe he was.

As it was, he was just happy the water was so cold.

"I, ah... I am sorry for, ah... not ask... before. Now please... let go?"

Kreig would never let him live this one down.

“Forgive me for not joining you my friend, but alas, I know not how to swim and as such I risk my life.”

Speaking of which, the human in question was leering down from the riling, torn between enjoying this juicy ammunition for taunting his Myrian friend and admitting that he had about as much chance in the water as he did against a pack of glassbeaks. Razkar took the moment to start moving, gently flapping his arms under the water just as Edri had told him.

She told him it was called "strokes", but whenever Razkar did it, he thought of birds.

"You don't know how to swim!? That is such a shame! I can teach you, if you would like... I taught Raz!"

"She lies!" Razkar blurted out with a grin, too intent on tossing a barb, heedless that he was in his (current) nemesis' territory. "She just toss me in water and laugh until I move arms right!"

She whirled in him with her hair trailing drops of salt water, pattering in a halo around her. Razkar chuckled at the sight of it, then at the sky, sighing even as he knew his peace would soon be shattered.

It'll be worth it... maybe.

"Until next time, my friend!" He shouted out, hearing dulled by the water surrounding his ears, steady roar of the tide like a lullaby to his tired frame. "I teach more, you learn more... greedy petcher or no..."
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Kreig Messer on August 5th, 2013, 3:50 am


Kreig smiled as he saw the duo's antics, he must admit the two seemed to have quite chemistry and thus looked good together. It was also quite amusing to know that Raz was taught how to swim the Svefra woman. He shook his head as he leant against the railing " I may just you up on that offer....but another time perhaps, I may not look it but I do have other things to do" He chuckled as he approached the pile where his belongings lay, slipping on his shirt and hat then finally slipping his feet inside his boots before returning to the Railing and watching the swimming duo.

‘It was a good day’ He thought, he cemented his friendship with Razkar and also made friendly acquaintances with a lovely Svefra lady ‘Though I need to find a way to get rid of that white rat’ Speaking of the Fennec Fox, he wondered where it hid now? Perhaps still down the hold, perhaps making a mess ‘probably’ He looked up at sky, trying to decide what ‘other’ things he needed to do “I haven’t prayed Dira lately” He muttered before nodding and then gave a friendly wave to Razkar and Edreina “ Hope your wounds heal my friend….. I look forward to bashing your head in at the pits, and it’s a pleasure meeting you ma’am. Again I’m sorry about the intrustion and I hope you have a pleasant day” With that he left the ship, leaving the two to their swimming and to the Stone Gardens to make up for lost prayer.

occExited thread
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

"You gents best be careful, I'm feelin' mighty rabid right now... and your the only ones around to bite"
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Passing the Time (Razkar)

Postby Perplexity on August 25th, 2013, 7:44 pm

Riddled With Rewards
Kreig Messer

Skill XP Earned
Observation + 3 EXP
Rhetoric + 2 EXP
Socialization +2 EXP
Philosophy +1 EXP
Storytelling +2 EXP
Brawling +2 EXP
Endurance +1 EXP

Lore Earned
Observational Insight: Recognizing Svefra Ships
Braving A Myrian Insult for Insult
Human Nature: Greed
Capacity For Violence
Kreig’s Worst Nightmare: Razkar in a loincloth
Brawling Principle: Impact of the First Move
Brawling Principle: Headbutt Technique
Brawling Principle: Utilizing All Limbs
Homesick: Longing for Sunberth


Skill XP Earned
Rhetoric + 1 EXP
Socialization + 3 EXP
Acting + 2 EXP
Mercantilism + 1 EXP
Philosophy +2 EXP
Teaching +5 EXP
Endurance +2 EXP
Storytelling +1 EXP
Swimming +1 EXP

Lore Earned
The Art of Swearing…Artfully?
Observational Insight: Recognizing Kreig from Afar
Acting: Amusing Theatrics
On the Honor of Business
Brawling Principle: Impact of the First Move
The Purpose of Meaning, Use and Uselessness
Endurance: Pushing Beyond Injuries
Story: Of My Homeland
Suberth: A Land Without Honor


Skill XP Earned
Observation + 2 EXP
Interrogation + 1 EXP
Socialization + 1 EXP
Swimming + 1 EXP

Lore Earned
Svefran Fury!
Cultural Staple: The Importance of Svefran Ships
Kreig Messer: Friend of Razkar
A Game of the Senses, Svefran Childhood

Notes :
Well done, all of you. If you’ve questions regarding your grades feel free to PM me.

• | Razkar: Henceforth you have my permission to speak Common at a Fluent level.
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