OOC Info [Alvadas] Storyteller Guide and Requests!

Post grading and modding requests here!

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas] Storyteller Guide and Requests!

Postby Fallacy on June 3rd, 2013, 5:45 pm


Stay a while and listen, for the streets are treacherous and strange, and your best guides to surviving lie here. We watch this thread as closely as we can bear to, and use it for everything from job assignments to everyday thread ratings. If you've done a thread in Alvadas, post it up here with a link and summary of the thread in question and the names of everyone involved and our staff will knock it out for you.

If you need a job in Alvadas, contact a ST and the details of it can be worked out in private, including wages and perks. If you already have a job, then post here with your occupation and link to at least two threads this season of your character applying their trade.

You'd best grow familiar with the faces of your storytellers; we're here to help, and to guide you when you're confused. Don't be afraid to contact us with questions and issues.

Grade Request Rules-

1) Please only post one Grade Request at a time. Do not put multiple requests in one post.

2) Please use the request template in my office (copied below) to post your grade requests.

Request Form-

Name of the thread with a link
Players involved
What was the thread about?
What do you expect to get out of this thread?
Any other notes that you would like to add


The big wig, the boss, Fallacy watches the watchmen in Alvadas. He leads characters to pyrrhic victories and leaves them wondering why they ever wanted to win in the first place. If no one else can do a thing in Alvadas, they come to Fallacy. He alone among the Alvadas staff can control the Gods. His pet projects include the Government and the Inima, and he may be found Here most days.

*Credit to Bedlam for layout.

Stationary Graders

For a limited time Alvadas will have its very own stationary graders! These dedicated individuals have volunteered their talents to keep your grading backlog to a minimum, and have been given exclusive permission to grade threads that they otherwise would not be able to. Please give these volunteers a warm welcome and thank them for their service!

Caela Dorin

Caela has special permission to grade any thread in Alvadas, including old modded threads and quests she previously would not be able to. She can even assign special loot and items with permission from her RS. She is also under supervision of Marionette, AS of Alvadas


Edreina has special permission to grade any thread in Alvadas, including old modded threads and quests she previously would not be able to. She can even assign special loot and items with permission from her RS. She is also under supervision of Marionette, AS of Alvadas

Raien Ironarm Pitrius

Raien has special permission to grade any thread in Alvadas, including old modded threads and quests he previously would not be able to. he can even assign special loot and items with permission from his RS. He is also under supervision of Marionette, AS of Alvadas

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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Joined roleplay: June 23rd, 2011, 7:58 pm
Location: DS of Alvadas, Mod abilities in The Unforgiving
Race: Staff account
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