Closed The first of many [Vidar]

Nassella finally talks to Vidar

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Nassella Poinsettia on July 27th, 2013, 12:23 am

Season of Summer, Day 7, 513 AV

Once Nassella had seen the man, she knew that eventually she would have to confront him. Whether it be to make a friend, or prevent the creation of an enemy, she would have to speak with him. She excused herself momentarily from the kelvic, and walked over to see the man. She walked very slowly towards her destination, with a ever-growing fear that the man wouldn't take very kindly to her.

As she walked, she almost bumped into a passing barmaid, and fell as lightly and gracefully as she could into a chair when she was startled by the woman. Embarrassed, Nassella tried to look away and pretend that she was meaning to sit there. Slowly glancing at the man to make sure he wasn't watching her, she got back up and began to walk again towards him, making sure this time not to make a spectacular fool of herself.

When she arrived at the table, she asked the man "Would it be alright if I sat here with you to talk?" Though immediately after she regretted it. She had most likely just made herself seem overly arrogant, and inconsiderate. There was no doubt in her mind that this man wouldn't know how to speak Symenos. So there she stood, making herself a spectacular fool in front of a total stranger who probably thought very low of her right now, if he didn't already.

In a really horrible attempt to make up for what she did, she decided to ask if she could in his language, or what she assumed would be his native language. Speaking Vani, she felt almost as stupid as when she spoke in her own tongue. Though she tried anyway, it came out somethng like "sorry. I sit chair?" She looked at him apologetically and very embarrassed, hoping that he wouldn't reject her, or ignore her completely.
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Vidar on July 28th, 2013, 7:00 pm

The strange creature finally made it to his table, after her spill into the chair she'd peaked his interest. What is it doing? Why is she making her way towards him? And then it was apparent she wanted to talk. Her own language was very foreign, he'd heard it before but could never get a hold over what they were saying. He had spent awhile near their lands on a job. Though it was not a pleasant stay.
He had developed a distrust for the creatures there. Finding out too much about their culture and their anatomy.

Her Vani was terrible, and he winced slightly. "Go ahead and sit" he spoke slowly in his own language before switching to common. "What would you want to talk about?" He spoke in basic common, . His mind having to search for words as he spoke. "Why are you here?" His eyes narrowed at her suspiciously. He looked away from her for a moment. As he thought about her motives, his eyes scanning the crowd for more of her kind.

His orbs quickly scanning her form inspecting her, she was pleasant enough to looking, her pale skin was unsettling. He drummed the table softly. Before he began to fondle the beads within his beard. He was slightly tired, his eyes heavy. The seven days of straight travel had worn him down. The warmth of the Tavern was making him drowsy. He gave a small sigh
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Nassella Poinsettia on July 28th, 2013, 11:25 pm

Why she hadn't tried common in the first place completely eluded Nassella. Once she sat down with the man, she noticed him look over her, and search the room, almost as if she hid something, and he was trying to find it. Once his attention seemed to return to her she realized she hadn't actually introduced herself. This time speaking in common, now knowing he spoke it as well.

"I am Nassella." she said holding out her hand, and then continued "I come here to look for knowledge to add to my library. I came to you as I did not want to make any enemies on my first day here I plan on staying for a while, and I would prefer not to cause any trouble. I am simply here to learn."

She noticed the man letting out a sigh, and she wasn't sure if this was because he was already tired of her, or displeased with the fact that she had come over to him. Perhaps speaking with him was a bad idea. Worried she tried to be as polite as possible when speaking. She had brought her journal over, and had already began writing some things down about the man. Even though she didn't even know his name yet, she took notes on how he looked, what he wore, how he spoke, and even how he reacted to her.
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Vidar on July 29th, 2013, 3:56 pm

He stopped fidgeting with his beard. He decided for now to talk to her and answer some of her questions. He sat up now, a little straighter in his seat. He placed his hands in his lap. His orbs drank in the image of the woman writing within her journal, even before he spoke she was writing. Obviously it was something about him, but he did not know for sure. Maybe she would tell him or not.

"I would talk to you." His accent was thick and his words slow and deliberate. "If you answer any questions that I may come up with." he eyed her for a moment. Not giving much pause between sentences. "What are you trying to learn for?" What reason would a creature want with information on his people? She just want to learn, or maybe something more sinister.

He drank from his mug draining the last of the liquid. He set the cup onto the desk his eyes looking out to the endless winter night. The flakes lazily falling to the earth. He watched for a moment before turning back to her.
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Nassella Poinsettia on July 30th, 2013, 8:29 pm

Nassella had a small rush of adrenaline in her excitement from not having made an enemy. At least for now, she didn't think he was her enemy. Though there was still a slight tension in the air that told her he still didn't quite trust her.

She figured she would have no problem answering his questions since he would answer hers. And the only question he asked so far, was an easy answer for her. "As I have said," Nassella said beginning to answer his question "I only wish to learn so that I may pass the information on. Everything I learn I will write in this journal. And once I feel that it is complete I will return to Kalinor, and put it in my peoples library. If I happen to die on my journey, I have written a page explaining the contents of the journal, in hopes that one of my kind will find it and return what I have to the library."

Once the question was answered, she began to think of what she wanted to ask. Nassella was very careful when planning her questions, not wanting to offend Vidar. After a few moments of thinking, she had finally come up with the right questions. "Is there anything unusual that happens in Avanthal. Any odd creatures, or things that are happening out of the ordinary lately?"

Her questions asked, Nassella readied herself for the answers.
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Vidar on July 31st, 2013, 7:13 pm

He thought for a moment on her words. His intentions weren't to come off too hostile. He felt slightly awkward, not usually one for answering questions. She answered his fairly, and now it was his turn. He cleared his throat, and thought for a moment about anything odd that has happend here recently. Though honestly he had not been home in several years.

"I am sorry to tell you, I just come home from long journey. I have been traveling several nights and days to get here. I do not live here." He knew his common was basic at best, but it was always better than to hear her speak in Vani. "What do your people want with knowledge of my people?" He paused for a moment " Your kind is very invasive to other species. You must see why I ask these questions, no? "

He gave a small yawn, before leaning forward slightly to make himself a little more comfortable. His fingers unconsciously moved to his beard, where he fondled the dull beads which were woven into the course hair. His other hand drumming on the table lightly. He never felt like his cousins, never having a urge for the dramatic and such. But he loved to hear their stories, even if he had heard them before. Although he did not grow up with them he still felt the need to protect his people.
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Nassella Poinsettia on July 31st, 2013, 8:10 pm

Nassella was a little disappointed with the answers she received, though he did answer so she could not be upset with him. It was not his fault he didn't give her the answers she hoped for. She wrote down what she could take from his answer. At least she felt as though she made progress with him. She did feel that he was still a bit uneasy around her, though she did not feel so unwelcome as before.

He had also given her another question. She did understand why, the harvesting took many women. Though she had heard no one bring up anything about it since her arrival, and was still unsure that this man was talking about it. She thought about her words a moment to make sure she did not directly address that issue until she was sure he knew.

"Well, I would hope that you can begin to trust me with knowledge sometime, as the knowledge is just that. I know many think my people 'invasive' however, not everyone of a species is the same. Some of us do want to simply learn. My people do not want knowledge of you, or your people, I do. I enjoy the learning, and when I am done, I will donate this to my library, so that if anyone wishes to learn what I have through all my adventures, this will be a very useful book."
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Vidar on August 1st, 2013, 3:50 am

Satisfied with her answer, he lowered his guard. He stood up for a moment, removing his shield, axe, bow and quiver. And leaned them against the wall. He sat on the stool as he did before this time leaning forward with more comfort. He had not intended to sit her for long and talk, but it looks like he had found a partner to converse with. Some one, like himself no from the city.

"I like your answer, it was a good one. You are smart girl. Among my travels I have come across your kind, the males are the ones who I truly do not like. They father a child, it has mostly father's features. It is unsettling, I do not approve of cross breeding. No offense to you." His answer was blunt and to the point. As were how most of his answer's were going to be. He shrugged his shoulders lightly, his muscles tired from his travles.

"How did you get to Avanthal? the Journey is very difficult, especially for other peoples. My people are used to the cold. Yours do not look so sturdy."
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Nassella Poinsettia on August 11th, 2013, 11:29 pm

The journey was very difficult, and she had no intention of lying about it. Though she didn't want to make herself seem weak."It was a very tough journey. My people are fragile, and the cold was not easy on me. I had to make stops at every city before here in order to prepare myself. While crossing the snow, I had to move quickly in order to make the best time to the city, and spend the least amount of time in the cold. I've only recently arrived, and I am still very weary from my journey. Though I must get some work done every day I am here. Where were you before Avanthal, and what brought you back up here?"

OOCSorry about the delay! I was gone with my family on vacation. I'm also sorry about the shortness of this post, I just wanted to get something out ASAP so we can continue. Again sorry for the wait!
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The first of many [Vidar]

Postby Noblesse on August 12th, 2013, 4:34 am

Moderator Intervention
Greetings, I am Noblesse, the assistant storyteller of Avanthal. Vidar, I have placed an intervention on your character sheet asking you to correct some important things regarding your character. I even asked you to stop posting in IC forums until you have solved the problems in your CS, but you did not listen to me.

I am intervening on this thread and demand that no one should post here until the problem I have mentioned above had been resolved. If this intervention is ignored, the thread will be locked entirely. After you have made the proper adjustments mentioned above, please PM me and I will remove this intervention.

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