by Levhanti on April 10th, 2013, 5:49 pm
While they talked about meeting Morwen, Levhanti's hand reached up to touch the necklace the lay against his chest. The two girls wouldn't be able to see it, of course, so he probably just looked weird a little weird. Then again, he was just running around without his pants. He couldn't look much worse. Levhanti smiled at Jesslyn when she mentioned going to see Morwen.
"I really should try to see her before I leave..."
Levhanti mumbled under his breath, not really meaning for either girl to hear. He stared a moment off into the distance, watching the snowfall. Sera spinning around caught his eye and jerked him back to reality. He was about to apologize for not paying attention, but she was still talking, so Levhanti just smiled instead. As he realized where the conversation was going, however, his smile morphed into a grin and his eyes shifted to a darker blue. He chuckled as he spoke.
"I have absolutely no objections. Though I do seem to outnumbered over here."
Levhanti crouched down, scooping up a handful of snow. Having a snowball fight would be fun, but he didn't want to be mean either. Sera was much smaller than he was. Jesslyn wasn't much bigger, and she was blind. AND this was her first time having a snowball fight. He would feel horrible if he traumatized her.
And about the time that thought finished was the time he realized he probably had stayed crouched where he was just a little too long...