Lorin Galt

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Lorin Galt

Postby Lorin Galt on July 18th, 2010, 9:13 pm

Lorin Galt


Basic Information

Race: Mixed Breed.
Birthday & Age : 23.
Gender: Male.

Physical Description: Lorin stands at a good six feet, two inches, and weighs about 145, resulting in a quite tall lanky body type. Some would dare say he is a bit anorexic, as what he claims is slim muscle, is actually just an illusion caused by pale skin pulled tight over firm bone. His hair is a bit long, falling over dark black eyes in wavy locks, colored a dark black. He has kind of a sly smile, the corners of his mouth stretching too wide, while never actually showing any teeth. A tight lipped, crooked, conniving smile. He should wear glasses, but most of the time opts not to, although this does majorly affect his long-range vision. Things start to get blurry. As mentioned before, he is skinny, painfully so, but it does not really seem to have an effect on his health. He is a bit of a prideful man, and does take some care in his appearance. He is usually seen in some form of robes, as this is what he is most used to. They are almost always long, billowing robes, hiding his hands and feet, pretty much shrouding all of his thin body except for his head.

Character Concept Lorin is a schemer, a liar, a genius, a scholar, and jokester. He, first and foremost, seems to live life as nothing more than a game of sorts. No one knows why he is like this, or if this is insanity, or just a personality quirk. He lies so easily because it amuses him, or usually because he has a larger goal in mind. He sets high goals for himself, and tries to weave his world around him so he can meet those goals. Treating life as game, like said. Trying to move everything around him like pieces, so he can win. Whatever winning may entail. Perhaps just another cliche magician.

He is generally a nice person, although it is hard to tell if this is another façade or not. He has been shown to be a reliable, honorable person, even if that honor usually ends up turning into a bit of a lie, or a charade. He seems to think everyone around him exists to compliment the grand game he is playing in his head, another piece to be used for whatever unknown motive he has. It is easy for him to make friends, as he can take on about any personality he wishes, and give off any impression he desires. Sometimes, however, people can catch on, extremely acute people, and that is an instant way to ruin any possible relationship. Therefore, he has had many close friends, yet it is to be seen if those are true friendships.

He enjoys intellectual pursuits, such as writing, reading, card games, and other mental workouts. He has so far dedicated his life to these studies, training and learning within Zeltiva, hoping to eventually move on Sahova and learn from the wizards there. He spends a broad amount of time in debate with his fellow men and women, as well as browsing the endless libraries of the temples. He enjoys conversation as a whole, although his voice usually has a bit of a teasing edge to it, as if he is just drawing the conversation along for his own personal amusement. Which, usually, he really is.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Politics: 15
Rhetoric: 15

Hypnotism: 30
Reimancy: 5

Equipment and Possessions:
1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
A single chess board, with shell and slate pieces.

100 Mizas. (SP)

Thread List: None.
Lorin Galt
Sly Snake
Posts: 2
Words: 2218
Joined roleplay: July 15th, 2010, 9:28 pm
Race: Mixed blood
Character sheet

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