Vallux was about to tell the human to shut up and leave him alone, and to the hells with the librarian, but when he looked over at it the human was actually reading, engrossed by the book. It was almost a pleasant feeling, knowing that his books were appreciated even now, almost half a millennium after they were penned. Ejecting a quiet "Hm," Vallux turned back to his formulae. He normally did experiments whenever he felt like it, but the fact that the human next to him seemed to shift its attention every five seconds wasn't very good at inspiring confidence, he didn't want to risk a feedback loop or an overload or (gods forbid) an overgiving. He'd never had the misfortune to overgive into anything except a minor Auristic focusing a very long time ago, and that had only left him with a minor headache for several days, since he'd known almost everything about magic of any kind back in those days. Now, as barely more than a novice and with absolutely no comparison to his former glory, Vallux risked his life every time he began an alchemical reaction, summoned a portal to the void, or Animated even the simplest of objects. His control over his own Djed had been weakened when his memories had been damaged, and it took total concentration for him to manipulate it sufficiently to perform an alchemical reaction. It was one of the reasons he lived in a library. |