2nd of Summer, 513 AV
In the light of the sun, few where active by the Pillars of Dust, Khesas included, himself content to recline in the shade, idly letting the sand fall through his fingers as he contemplated. He was still irritable about the way things turned out yesterday. The run in with the gilded had reminded him poignantly that along with everything else, they controlled any crime worth taking the risk. Their pervasive influence ruined everything. The man he'd ran into was probably responsible for getting Riast captured by the Jackals last night as well.
The thought filled him with anger and disgust, for that was another plot foiled by those of higher standing. He should have hid and killed the gilded when he was running by. How could he have been so careless.
"Khesas, what say you" An Eypharian man called out to him in greeting as he walked up. Looking up, he noticed that it was Teval, and raised a hand to welcome him over. "You missed quite the show at the docks today. A little runt of a benshira tried to steal from those fellows from Zeltiva, and publicly lost a hand as a result. It was a good show"
"I see, did the Zeltivan's carry out the justice?" He said, inclining his head to acknowledge the other Eypharian and gestured him to take a spot in the shade beside him. The man had the look and smell about him as if he had just came from the docks. Which was very likely seeing as that was were Khesas knew the man from.
"Of course not, those cowardly fellows would never get their hands bloodied, but they where content enough to see it carried out by the Jackals sure enough"
"Well what can you expect, they are hardly any better than the Benshira" Khesas spoke plainly, drawing a chuckle out of Teval. The Zeltivan's had only been here a few days, and already he was beginning to see their weakness plainly, enforcing his notions of the barbaric north.
"I wanted to be the one to do it since I caught the rat, but alas, a Jackal happened to be lurking nearby, the petchers"
"Agreed they do like to put on a good show" He said with more than a bit of disdain, his still irked that they had caught Riast. The petchers had a suffocating hold on the city, and this latest failure reminded him all to well of this fact. "Did you at least get proper reward for your trouble?
"Ha! Those men, they hold tightly onto their purses"
"Perhaps they keep their balls with their coins!" Khesas chuckled, slapping Teval on his shoulder.
"That would explain why they are walk around so stiffly! Can you believe they've no nobility in their ranks? The petchers probably rut with whomever" Teval laughed, as he uncorked a wineskin and took a big gulp of it.
"How do they determine who rules?" The notion of no nobility, no guilded to lead the government was a foreign concept indeed. How would they know who would lead the city well after all if not by birth?
"Believe it or not, but they let wadj decide! Wadj! They count it to determine whom leads"
"Barbarians, one and all" He spat condescendingly, before taking a swig of wine from the wineskin passed by Teval. As always, the barbarians continually managed to surprise them with their simplistic and quite foolish manner of going about things. It was a wonder that they had any cities left standing at all.
"They almost look civilized compared to the city I overheard a couple of the talking about yesterday. Did you know there is a place in the north with no rulers or laws?"
Khesas's eyebrow raised at that. "Unbelievable! How can a city have no laws?" Everywhere there were rulers, rulers whom imposed laws to keep their power. Without rulers how could a city thrive? How could it even survive?
"Apparently no laws is the law in that land, the citizenry are in charge of the city, and call no one master"
"Ridiculous! How do they manage?" He asked, handing back the wineskin to Teval.
"Trade with the Zeltivan's, and others, so they said to me. They crudely call their city Sunberth! Ask around, you'll see I speak the truth" Teval spoke up after gulping down some more wine.
"An odd city, those Zeltivan's are not as smart as they portray themselves to be" Came Khesas's reply.
"Of course, they are only humans"
He hardly noticing Teval's answer. Having grown up with a Jackal, and living under the boot of the Gilded all his life, it was hard to imagine a city with none of that.
"But enough talk of the Zeltivans, I came here to ask you if you still planned to help me at the docks tomorrow, those fellows will be leaving late in the day, and are paying well those who can get their ships loaded quickly" Teval continued, hardly noticing pause in conversation. Probably too inebriated to, Khesas thought.
"Of course, I'll be there. A few bells after sunrise, as always?"
"Indeed" Teval said, standing up after draining the last of his wine. "I'll see you then, for now I go to find more.. wine" The man stumbled away, and he simply shook his head, before getting up. Despite the wine, he remembered that there were things he needed to do before night fell over the Pillars of dust, and with that thought in mind he set off for home.