Thread Date: Summer 48
Kujyaku went out on her daily adventures equipped with nothing. Today she thought she would go to the library and read some books about hunting, to further develop her job skills. She walked through the town, the stench of fish and salt in the air, but being in Zeltiva for so long, she didn’t mind. Kujyaku finally reached her destination. The University of Zeltiva’s Library. She hasn’t been there for awhile, so she was excited to get to reading again. The library was quite today it seemed, maybe everyone was off to class. Kujyaku didn’t know though as she couldn’t afford it. Stepping into the library, she knew she had to be quite, which was going to be harder for her. Who knew who she was going to meet today. Kujyaku wore a long blue silk dress that accented her long brown hair with golden highlights. Her horns went upwards in long pink and white branches, that then split off into many others.
Kujyaku looked through the books, and went directly to the section about hunting and wildlife. Picking a book that was too heavy, she struggled to hold it as she found a book bout herbs. She exclaimed a loud noise in excitement, then went to grab it, when suddenly she dropped both of her books on the ground with a large bang.
“Petch....” She murmured under her breathe, hoping no one heard he cussing, but she bent down to grab the books.