For awhile, the Symenestra scratched away at he pages of her little book. What, exactly, she was writing, Meville could only guess at. Initially, his mind wandered over the possibility of observations of the world around her, though her lack of quick peeks and ducks that often came when one investigated with some digression were lacking in her mannerisms. In fact, she didn't even raise her head to respond to the Kelvic's question. He couldn't quite discern the movement of her lips, as her profile was slightly obscured by the blur of distance, but the Kelvic's happy response gave him the impression there had been an answer given at some point prior to her reaction. Whatever was contained within the Symenestra's pages was worth no more than a pound of snow when the woman's name was called.
Elegant, flowing, with just a hint of mystery, her name quickly clicked into Meville's brain where he fastidiously documented relevant information to be used within the near future, pairing it with his mental image of the woman's - Nassella's - face. He was rather surprised he'd been able to hear the name at all in the hubbub of the Commons, but the name's completely foreign nature paired with a slightly louder than usual, tentative pronunciation made it all the more apparent in the cacophony of nomial exclamations.
Happily, his eyes bounced with her once more hastily accelerated body as his tongue played with a particularly suction-y section of squid tentacle. It appeared to take all Nassella's self-control to not break down and began engorging herself upon the food right there at the counter. Instead, she steadily - though certainly not without an urgent briskness of motion - returned to her table and sat with some decorum. Once seated, the feast began. Feast... Or perhaps brutal evisceration of fruity flesh via veritable inhalation. Meville found himself staring at the surprisingly ferocious end the poor fruits met before the gaping maw of their executioner. A piece of squid catching at his throat quickly reminded him to swallow his food before allowing himself to gape in surprise. Coughing quietly, Meville regained his composure somewhat, peering more towards a table of particularly attractive young women and a Jamoura while still keeping his main focus out of the corner of his eye.
Apparently, the fruit were the first and last to be consumed in such a fascinatingly feral fashion. The soup was consumed quite politely, allowing her to spread her focus out towards the few populated tables around her. Fortunately, she started her casual perusal with those directly in front of her, allowing Meville more than enough time to lazily lean back into his chair and enjoy the cool, sweet sensation of the seaweed salad as it squeaked between his teeth. Taking enough time to eat a few, delicious bites of the salad, Meville nonchalantly returned his attention back to Nassella's table. It was, if anything, the absolute worst time to check back on her.
His bright, blue eyes met with her own dark, reddish gaze. If that were not enough, she held her spoon loosely in front of her slack-jawed mouth in mid flight. Her fangs glinted almost comically in the light as a small portion of the spoon's contents dripped back down into the bowl in a slow fall. Having the self-control of a drunken, prepubescent child at that particular moment in time, Meville couldn't help but let his face light up with mirth and a slight hint of disgust. The latter was of a more gentle breed than most of its kind, sparked mostly by the completely barbaric gape of Nassella's mouth in preparation for consumption. Not a tick later, her face quickly furrowed into one of horror mixed with embarrassment as the spoon remained in place while her head flicked back to the front. As a side thought, the spoon followed, delivering the long-awaited soup and gracefully returning to the half-full bowl to fetch another load.
Not even a chime later, Meville's gaze flicked over to notice the young Kelvic glaring in his direction, a look of concentration on her face as her nose twitched. For whatever reason, the Kelvic's eyes closed as the furrow of concentration between her brows deepened. Raising one of his own eyebrows in interest, Meville cocked his head slightly to the right as the last piece of seafood pie tumbled in a joyous parade across his palate. Whatever the Kelvic had been doing, she finished with a perplexed, questioning gaze to meet his own.
Perhaps it was time to introduce himself.
Meville sighed, giving the Kelvic a gentle shake of his head as he swallowed the last of his delectable delicacy. A slight ping of sadness at the end of his meal helped to push him up and towards Nassella and company's table, seeking a more pleasurable experience than the lonely mourning of his now empty plate. Weaving through the tables, Meville nodded happily at a scar-faced man who gave him a particularly disgruntled look as he passed. Finally within a comfortable distance for conversation, Meville gave the two females a bit of a mock bow. "I apologize if I gave either of you the wrong impression. I merely happened to look at precisely the right moment in your general direction." He winked at Nassella, chuckling slightly. "It was certainly a great deal more interesting than my secluded roost over there."
He turned to face the Kelvic now, standing a short distance from the table. "You seemed to want to ask me something?"
And so ended his strictly observational relationship with Symenestra and Kelvic.