Completed How To Spank A Myrian

Mamoru is gifted with the job of watching three caged Myrians...oh the fun

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The unassuming den of the Constrictor Dhani, it is truly a pit of snakes. Travelers should take care, because the Dhani are always hungry... [Lore]

How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Kalesserimamoru on August 20th, 2013, 11:25 pm


Timestamp: 29th Of Summer 513 AV

It was another wonderfully dreaded night in Zinarh, hissing, whispers, and even splashing could be heard through the tunnels as the Dhani went about their nightly task. It was a time to smile and cheer, some of the guards had ambushed the Myrian patrol and captured three of them and brought them back to the nest. Two males and a female. There was to be a public, and very viscous torturing session later on as the Queen had declared, and everyone who was anyone would be there. It was Mamoru's job to guard the Myrians and make sure that they didn't escape the cage that they had been placed in.

It would have been a hard thing to do either way, the cages were made of bone, earth, iron, and whatever else they could find to reinforce the bars. Still the Myrians were crafty little rats and the Dhani wanted to make sure that they didn't escape and so a guard was placed there. For most guards, such a job might seem boring and not worth their time. After all, Dhani enjoyed killing Myrians, not babysitting them. But Mamoru didn't mind, it wasn't often that he got to sit across from a monkey with no claws to fight back and that gave him an idea.

"Well...hello little monkeysss. Welcome to the nessst. I ssuppossse you musst be thinking that thisss isss what the void must be like, hmm? But I promisse you..there isss no pain in the void." he said in common.

The trickster cackled loudly as he hid in the shadows covering the cave walls. His voice echoed off the walls and caused the Myrians to jump around in their cages. They squeaked amongst themselves, but some of it was lost to the Dhani who's Myrian was still very poor. But he did hear the name Myri, battle, and something about revenge. A shy grin crept into his thin lips as he continued to shuffle around in the darkness.

"Do I look like ssome one who caresss what Myri thinksss?"

The Dhani's voice became harder, deeper and twisted into a nasty tone. It was enough to calm the chatter from the rats in the cages, all eyes were now focused on Mamoru. They glared at him through their cages, wishing that they could rip him open from his words against their Goddess. Mamoru smirked, he knew they were angry and wanting to get to him, but they couldn't. They couldn't do anything but stand in place and squeal like the monkeys they were. But...the trickster could easily get to them.

Last edited by Kalesserimamoru on August 25th, 2013, 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Kalesserimamoru on August 21st, 2013, 3:54 pm


Slowly, the Dhani moved from the shadows and into the light where the Myrians could better see him. He appeared in human form wearing a simple white, sleeveless shirt and matching pants. The trickster stepped closer and stared at the men and the woman as they looked back at their would-be torturer. Mamoru smirked as she slowly paced back and forth, taking the Naginata he held in both hands and lightly scraped it against the cage bars, making a dull clanking sound. Suddenly the female Myrina jerked forward, as if she were about to try and take the weapon from him.

"Oh? Isss Thisss what you want?"

The Dhani spun the weapon in his hands half way and turned it so that he held it again with both hands and aiming the blade towards the cage that held the woman. A quick dart forward and he stabbed the Naginata into the cage trying to slice into the woman. She quickly jumped back and out of the way, almost monkey like in her speed and agility. Mamoru pulled the weapon out and lightly tapped it again the cage bars again, before attempting to stab her a second him. Again she dodged him, staying light on her feet to make sure that he didn't catch her off guard.

"Come on, dance monkey, dance."

Mamoru cackled and stabbed at her again and again. Finally one got through, a quick jab of the weapon that was only half way pulled out raked against her shoulder and drew blood. There was a sinister look in the Dhani's eyes, one that rivaled the hatred burning in the female's eyes. The other two men were cursing and banging on the cage, doing anything to try and steal the Dhani's attention.

" want more?"

Suddenly, the woman grabbed hold of the shaft of the Naginata and with all her strength, she tried to pull the weapon free. Mamoru had turned away for just a tick and she almost caught him off guard and stole it away. But the trickster wouldn't release his favorite weapon, and after planting his feet down firmly, Mamoru pulled back hard on the weapon, pulling it through the cage and causing the woman to slam against it violently.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Kalesserimamoru on August 22nd, 2013, 7:11 pm


The cage shook slightly from the impact and the Myrian woman staggered backwards holding her head. Mamoru slipped the weapon the rest of the way out and spun it around so that the tail end of the staff was aimed at the cage. He narrowed his eyes, and as if playing some sort of table top game, he slammed the end of the staff into the cage where it shoved into the woman's stomach. She coughed and leaned forward on instinct to protect herself and the sly Dhani jerked the staff upward where it smashed into her chin causing her head to snap back as she fell.

The trickster laughed loudly, finding great entertainment in his torture. The other two Myrians were livid, and cursed the Dhani while jumping around inside their cages. One of them made the mistake of reaching his arm out to try and grab Mamoru and the Dhani saw him. He pulled the staff out of the cage and spun it around in his arms and suddenly, he leaped towards the cage on the end and slashed at the arm of the Myrian. The blade sliced into his forearm making a deep gash across the flesh there. The Myrian howled loudly as he shoved himself backwards into the cage protecting his wounded arm.

"You got off easy thisss time. I wasss hoping to take off your arm."

His words were true, the Dhani had attacked with the purpose of separating the Myrian from the limb that he had stretched out through the cage. Luckily for him, the trickster wasn't as skilled with his weapon, and the wild and weak swing had only cut into his arm instead of taking it off. The Myrians were in an uproar now, all three squealing like the monkeys they were. It was comical to watch, but Mamoru wanted to take things to the next level.

"Letsss ssee, who sstall I torment next, hmm?"

The trickster lifted his weapon and pointed the blade end of it towards each Myrian as he thought over what he wanted to do. An idea popped into his mine and a sinister smirk appeared on his features. "Ahh....." Mamoru licked his lips as he moved closer to the third and untested Myrian. He looked him over, as the man glared back at him while keeping both arms inside the cage. Mamoru tilted his head and the gnosis on his shoulder started to glow again as he wielded his magic towards the Myrian. He touched his senses, causing a slight warmth to grow around him. This warmth would grow more and more as the ticks passed, and the Dhani had to wonder, what would happen when the man got too hot.

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How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Kalesserimamoru on August 23rd, 2013, 10:31 pm


The Myrian seemed confused and stared blankly back towards the dhani. He couldn't understand what was happening. At first it was only a sight rise in temperature, perhaps his blood boiling at not being about to kill the snake beast. But then, it continued and he became hotter and more so. The man looked down at his body unable to figure out why he became so hot. Sweat started to pour from his browse, a trigger his brain sent to his body in order to cool him off.

The other two stared at him in confusion as well, even calling out to him as he acted strangely. Mamoru continued to force his will upon the Myrian, who slowly started to stagger, and finally resting against the bars of the cage. The trickster started to cackle until the other two started to yell and curse him. Turning his attention to the woman, Mamoru touched her with the same illusion, one of touch. But unlike the other Myrian, he gave her a different effect. Her bronze skin started to feel cooler, the air surrounding her inside the cage becoming thinner. A chill touched her, and the woman started to hug and rubs her arms as the cool became icy cold.

"Are we having fun yet?"

Mamoru turned his attention now to the third and final Myrian. Two were already under his spells, one slowly sliding down the cage wall, parched from the heat, and the other laying curled up on the floor as if she were freezing to death. For his third illusion, the dhani choose something a little different. It would seem as nothing at first, perhaps a slight inching, something the Myrian was probably used to. But in time it would grow just as the heat had for his brother, and the cold had for his sister.

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How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Kalesserimamoru on August 25th, 2013, 5:19 pm


Loud cries were heard from the prison room containing the gates. Sounds that were loud enough to attract attention. They went on for some time, nearly a bell before the sounds were loud enough for others to notice. Mamoru stood in silence as he observed his magic at work. It was a thing of wonder how the mind worked and what twisted ways it turned against it's own flesh. None of the Myrians were being harmed, but the illusion had convinced them that they were. All three of them laid on the floor of their cages. One laying flat on his back, his mouth open and eyes glazed over from the heat of the Dhani's magic.

The second lay curled up against herself, frantically rubbing her arms to try and create some form of heat to fight back the icy chill forced upon her. The third was by far the worse, rolling on the ground, legs twitching and nails digging into his own flesh. His entire body itched as if he had been covered in a viscous rash or worse. The trickster looked on in mild amusement, if this was the power he wielded, then with more power he could do even more damage.

Now he wanted to know how long would this last. There were only three of them, and a different yet similar illusion cast on each. He could do this for hours at least, but how long until they passed out, or even died? Was it possible for them to die from an illusion? He was ready to find out. Mamoru continued to watch them suffer, observing the reactions each had to their spell. He smiled wickedly having no intention of stopping what he was doing. For the moment, he thought nothing of the others and what wad to be a public torturing, it was all him now.

"What happened to them?" A voice called out from the entrance of the cave. Mamoru slowly turned around, his eyes burning with a sadistic flame and his lips curving upward just as evilly. "Oh...You know Myriansss. They are sssooo sstrange." The trickster let out a short cackle and released them all from their illusion state. It had been a short experiment, but a telling one. "Isss it time for my break, hmm?"

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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How To Spank A Myrian

Postby Traverse on August 31st, 2013, 12:26 pm




  • Intimidation 1 XP
  • Naginata 2 XP
  • Observation 3 XP
  • Rhetoric 1 XP
  • Torture 4 XP


  • Myrians = Monkeys
  • Playing With One's Victims
  • The Power of the Mind

Additional Notes :
A nicely put together and extremely creepy job solo. Dhani are such twisted creatures...Well you got quite a bit for this one, so I hope you're pleased with yourself, but I also feel like Mamuro is always pleased with himself...

If you have any questions, concerns, accolades, complaints, etc about your grade, drop me a PM and we can most certainly talk it out.

As always, Safe Travels!
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