I'm back! I'm alive! LARP Fallon is alive too (though covered in bug bites). Before anyone asks yes it was a successful event, yes we saved the world from the clutches of the puppet master, and yes she is as violent as ever. Oh, and has turned into a faction, but let's not talk about that *just* yet. Let’s talk about other LARP things.
It appears I have lied to you. I did not kill or slay any goblins at this event - I did however become an honorary goblin. I managed to impress other characters enough with my pure disgusting habits and threats to have them dub me as one. That and I think it’s because I’m a higher level than most of said goblins. Anyway, this time round we were fighting humans, demons and angels, which I think has a lot more in awesome points. We were also finishing this saga where we killed the villain that has been taunting us for 6 years. 6 long years! 6 long years of me not paying attention! Gods, where does the time go?
Oh yes, faction stuff. I don’t know anymore, it just happened! Like me obtaining a bunch of werewolves to boss about happened. Why isn’t LARP Fallon dead yet!?
Moving swiftly on. Now, whilst on chat I got asked several questions from various people so here I will try to answer them.
KREIG MESSER:Actually Fallon, I'm wondering... what do you guys do to prepare before the LARP begins? How do the game masters make sure it’s all organized?
Well at the very start before we have an event we have to book a venue. The main group I attend has it run on a scout campsite with trees everywhere. Now, behind the scenes the crew and refs organise a time table as to when there will be monster encounters, miniature quests and missions along with what NPCs will be floating about supplying plot to people – all in costume. When they arrive at the venue – before the player base turns up – they scour the venue for potential hazards and risks, and set up scenery, props, NPC tents and what not.
When the players arrive we have something called ‘set up time’ which is exactly like it sounds, players set up both their IC and OC areas, sort their things, kit up and so on. Once all that is done a player brief is then established where a plot drop is given, a brief weather and health and safety talk is given. Weapons checks are made to well check for damage and that they are indeed LARP safe before promptly we are let free into the fantasy world.
ABSTRACT & KEITH: How heavy are the weapons? AND Of what material are the weapons made?
Well it varies from weapon to weapon. And what they’re made from – hence why I linked the two questions together. There are three types of LARP Weapons; Boffer, latex and polyurethane foam (which looks like injection moulding).
Boffer weapons you can make with a wooden pole, a lot of foam and duct-tape, you can pretty much go home and make them and spend less than £30 on one. How safe they are though, well, I don’t know.
Latex. You see my axe? That’s a latex weapon. They generally have either a carbon or fibreglass core, are surrounded in foam, painted and coated in latex. That axe is a good few years old and only had one repaint on it. They’re generally solid built you can buy them online and for UK LARPs they’re the most common form of larp weapon. The axe itself weighs in at 2 lbs and has a weighted bottom (not a top, a bottom) making it occasionally a bugger to swing about.
Polyurethane foam. My Kukri is an example of that. Carbon cored with foam outside. The foam is pre-coloured, put into a mould and well yeah made into a semi rubber weapon. These hold their shapes indefinitely, are cold resistant and are all round hardy. And among the heavier end of the scale. They’re also generally the most balanced and carry their pivot point at where the hilt joins the blade. And I believe most weapons made of this stuff weigh around 1 lb (size depending of course).
Standard Nonsense:Right, before I digress too much let's focus on Mizahar things - because that's how it roles on here.
When I write I always find I produce better stuff when I 'feel' the thread. I don't want to say "when I'm in the mood for it," for most of the time I am in the mood (I love writing, if I could have my own way I'd be a successful author by now but alas life has other thins for me). I suppose what I'm trying to say is, I can empathise and get right under the character's skin, into their mind set and understand how she would react. Of course, sometimes this takes longer than others more so if it's a dark and frightening thread - however the promise of a tipple ‘award’ afterwards generally helps in getting me going. Along with having a good source of inspiration. And my own sort of zone area – which as I write this does not exist (don’t worry I’m stalking out a new lair).
Anyway, onwards to inspiration;
The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative
Inspiration is pretty vital - in my opinion. If you haven’t got any inspiration or ideas then you're going to end up being stuck in a rut doing the rinse and repeat motif. Hence, alas, why training threads can end up slightly soul draining after a while if you're just swinging a sword about at the air. And perhaps it's also most probably why Fallon get's her backside handed to her on numerous occasions when she does fight.
Guilty pleasures ride again. It does make it slightly more interesting after all.
Is it
mean that I like to unleash a little bit of hell upon Fallon? I mean, not full blown drama, blood, guts and veins. Just small doses where she just keeps getting knocked down and promptly not getting back up any time soon. Or receives a hard time from people. Lots of little things building up, little stresses and strains... Dear readers, I will feel so sorry for you the day Fallon finally looses her temper with another. Be hilarious for me, but for Mr or Ms Smith, well, I suppose I have to use those intimidation points for something.
But how to begin all that? How to work upon it and drag it forth? I think I must just be going through a stage, and maybe I should just set her loose on an adventure. Once… I’ve done more training threads – must get my skillsssss.
Never the less, I need to go find some inspiration and inject myself with it – or drink it if it comes in a caffeinated liquid form.