Completed Shopping and a Little Exploring

Savannah spends her first days in Zeltiva.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Savannah Farstar on August 24th, 2013, 10:21 pm


Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

Savannah smiles and takes Yeven's hand in her slender one, giving it a gentle shake before retracting and returning it to holding the journal. "It's nice to meet you both. I just arrived here yesterday and I was buying a new dress to replace my old ruined one." She swirls the hem a little to show it off. "Can't imagine the necessity, but it does look nice, no?" She tries to avoid looking at the new writing, trying to see if Yeven would say her name to clue Savannah in. She was starting to get embarrassed, thinking the mute girl knows she can't read somehow.

Last edited by Savannah Farstar on August 26th, 2013, 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 24th, 2013, 10:29 pm

90, Summer, 513 AV

Kashrim, to include herself into the conversation as best she could despite the awkwardness, examined the dress. She recognized it from Yvette's Dresses For All Occasions, a clothing store she herself often went to. The style and color of the dress did suit Savannah very well, emphasizing beauty Kashrim could only wish to attain (though she was sure their ages couldn't be too different). She smiled at Savannah and gave her a thumbs-up approval.
Last edited by Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Yeven Brooks on August 24th, 2013, 11:04 pm

Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

Yeven looked at the new scribbles of the sign language girl, her hand writing was defiantly better than his own.

"I see, so you can't speak for another reason. Well Kashrim, pretty name as well I might add, you don't need to worry I can help you out with communicating around town if you need, haha. I know my fair share of the town and the people around here so don't worry about a thing." Yeven assured.

Yeven listened to Savannah as she told more about her doings around West Street. Yeven smiled as he noticed the beautiful dress Savannah was donning, it defiantly had to have been from Yvette's Dresses.

Yeven nodded in approval of the shops work as he questioned, "So I see you got your dress from Yvette's Dresses, yes looks just like her work, and although it looks lovely on you, it seems to be one of the previous season's work. I am going to guess your old clothes where really bad, since they only give out there out of season clothes to people that they believe are worse than common rabble. If you want I can go back into the store and have her get a dress from this season."

Yeven sighs, "Sometimes those girls are just so rude."

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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 24th, 2013, 11:13 pm

90, Summer, 513 AV

Kashrim smiled, glad she was finally understood. Looking again at Savannah, she wondered why Yeven would think the dress out of season. If it was what she could afford, then what was the problem with that? She decided Yeven must be a people-pleaser. She also decided that he liked to talk a lot.

Quickly, she squeezed along the edge of the paper, I live here. What brings you to Zeltiva? She held it up so Yeven could see, then also pointed at Savannah, indicating that the question was for both of them.
Last edited by Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Savannah Farstar on August 24th, 2013, 11:26 pm

Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

Savannah looks down at the dress and shrugs a little, completely unconcerned with fashion. "I really don't mind what season it came from. I liked it and it wasn't very expensive, so it'll fit my purposes. Thank you though." She glances at the paper and fidgets a little, opting to give Kashrim a smile in hopes that whatever is written isn't a question. Savannah has a half formed idea to solve the issue with not being able to read the paper, but it has two draw backs. Going through with it would advertise her inability to read, and it could possibly endanger the people around her if it backfired. She was taught to keep her magic to herself, so why summon a literate creature to help her? She'll just have to blunder through and hope she doesn't come off as a simple girl.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Yeven Brooks on August 24th, 2013, 11:57 pm

Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

Yeven shrugs to Savannah's reply, "If you insist, I do agree it is a lovely dress, and you are very welcome."

Yeven enjoyed the simple people who did not care for class, wealth or esteem. It made things easy to enjoy and kept troublesome topics like politics out of the conversation. Although Yeven was beginning to notice that Savannah was acting very strange with a nervous smile. He looks to where she was viewing and saw Kashrim had written something new on her scrap of paper.

Yeven muttered under his breath as he read the paper and then grinned wide after finishing, "Oh you’re a local, wonderful. Although that does seem odd since I never have met you. Are you from the University? I always wanted to head up there, but I never get to go. Such a shame it seems like a nice place filled with bright and talented folk."

Yeven takes a breath as he points to himself, "As for myself, I am also a local resident of Zeltiva. In fact I just moved from my parents place to West Street. As for what I am doing out on this fine day, well similar to Savannah I am out getting some new clothes. Thought I should start my new life with an equally new wardrobe. What are you ladies planning for the rest of the afternoon?"
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 12:04 am

90, Summer, 513 AV

Kashrim smiled at Yeven, interested that they had a common interest to attend the University. She wrote, Live near docks. Looking for job. Saving for University. Need new shirt. She motioned her own shirt, tattered and stained with blacksmith coal. Her mother would throw a fit if she saw her. Thankfully her mother wouldn't be docking for a while, so Kashrim had plenty of time to look rowdy and not care.

It always irritated Kashrim how she could never speak in good sentences due to lack of space. Adding paper and pencils to her list of things to buy would be a good idea.
Last edited by Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Savannah Farstar on August 25th, 2013, 12:13 am


Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

"I don't have any plans really. I'm just exploring Zeltiva, seeing if I like it for a more permanent home." Savannah shrugs and looks around. "So far I like it quite a lot. It offers a lot for a variety of people for sure." Savannah glances at the new words and after a few heartbeats, she returns to looking around. "I heard about the University, but schooling never really interested me much. I'd rather go on the ships and see what the ocean is like." Savannah shrugs again and looks over Kashrim. "I think a forest green dress would suit you well. But don't take my words seriously. I know about as much about what goes on in person's head as I do matching colors."
Last edited by Savannah Farstar on August 26th, 2013, 1:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 12:24 am

90, Summer, 513 AV

Kashim, guessing Savannah didn't read Common, smiled and silently laughed lightly. Sailing looked like it would suit the girl very much. She was also touched by the compliment about green - no one had ever spoken this long to her, even if it really wasn't a conversation. Truth be told, Kashrim had only ever bought clothing for wearing, not really bothering about what looked good or not. If it was cheap and suitable that was good enough for her.
Last edited by Kashrim Bloodleaf on August 25th, 2013, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shopping and a little Exploring

Postby Yeven Brooks on August 25th, 2013, 1:12 am

Day 90 of Summer, 513 AV

Yeven began to chuckle, "And a new piece of paper by the looks of it." Seeing how the small patch of paper was slowly losing space. Then he put on a little more serious face trying to think of everything he had just heard from them. The city definitely was not built around convenience for it's shoppers. All the different shops they need to head to were in different directions. Yeven thought of an optimal route, but could think of any route that would ensure someone would have something to do while there.

"So I have an idea," Yeven said with a confirmed look on his face, "First we can go to Yvette's Dresses and get Kashrim her new dress.The we head to The Saville so that I can get measured for some new entire. Then we can head to General Store for any other supplies we may need. Although if you are not looking for anything fancy you could also get some clothes from the general store instead."

Yeven swayed his head back and forth until he reluctantly concluded, "Unfortunately I couldn't say where to find a job at the moment, maybe try asking a shop keeper or politician if you could be their secretary. Other then that I couldn't say since I don't know much about you. Hmm... we should probably change that by cruising by World's End Grotto to grab a bite to eat while we share more about ourselves."

"As for the sea I know just the people to talk to," Yeven claims as he faces Savannah, "Although where that will fit into the schedule will be determined when it happens..."
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