Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Xi and Say have their second training session

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on August 3rd, 2013, 8:27 pm


XI smirked as he saw say looking at the picture the glances trailing over it as she sat down in his seat and even managed to catch the small change in her expression over the eyes that were on the drawing. "By the way, in that drawing, when I was drawing it out. Revy fell asleep. So that's why her eyes look a little weird, because they were closed, and i had to try and draw them closed." Xi sighed and lifted his arm to press on the back of his neck lightly. Xi smirked and patted her head as she spoke. "I do the drawing for more than just a hobby, it's a way for me to train my patience, if you don't have a long patience and get wary of just assessing your opponent you can get suckered into to an attack that could possibly be fatal. I want you to draw, to show you that your patience has been lengthened as a fighter whilst I've been teaching you. As much as I've been training your body I've been training your mind. Now anything you want to draw go a head, heck if you wanted to you could even draw me, but I'm using this to test how far your patience has grown as when i first met you you had resolve but not the temperance to wait for an opening. Now let's see how much your temperance has improved."

Xi smirked and folded his arms, everything he did with her was a test, to see how far she'd improved since the day he'd met her. She'd come on a long way, but he wanted to see how far she still had to go.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Sayren WindDancer on August 5th, 2013, 3:07 pm


When Ximal explained why Revy's eyes turned out the way they did, it explained why they had seemed so off. Her eyes were closed. Not open. Then Ximal went on explaining how drawing was more than just his hobby. It was a test to help her patience endure and last longer. Everything he did with her, was a test. He's trained her physically, now came the part of training her mentally. And he granted her full permission to draw whatever she had pleased. He just wanted to test her patience, see how well it has evolved since he has taught her thus far.

Sayren took a deep breath as she thought over and over about what she wanted to draw. She glimpsed over at Revy's drawing once more. The woman was still on her mind. She chewed on her lip as she came to a decision about what she wanted to draw but glanced at Ximal over her shoulder to give him a warning, "This may take a few bells...I want this to be as perfect as I can make it..."

She started working on the drawing. Constantly glancing over at Revy's drawing. Taking a few chimes before sketching a line in here, and another there. Trying to make her patience last as long as it could, though her frustration was building.

About two bells later, she only managed a rough outline of Revy's body. She was gritting her teeth and sweating bullets from the intense thought she was working to put into it...she was hoping to at least make it to the eyes. To replace those closed and dreary eyes with the eyes she remembered. The longing in them. She sighed as she looked over at her master, she blinked, had he been standing in that same spot the whole time? Did he even move at all? If he had, she wouldn't have noticed in the least bit because of how focused she was on her drawing.

"May I take a break? Maybe come back to this another time? My mind is just...exhausted like my body is right now...I'm sorry Ximal."

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Ximal on August 5th, 2013, 3:40 pm


Xi leant back gainst the wall a sayren took up the quill in her hand. saying that it might be a while before she'd completed it or even gotten something down. Xi watched the furrowed brow of say as she sketched out around the outline of racy's form onto the parchment, the slow drawing coming together over a long period of time, the lines rough and jagged however this wasn't a test of skill. it was as he'd said a test of her patience. And he could see how far she had come, the time passed, slowly and with a slow gait. Xi closed his eyes leaning against the wall and letting his mind wander the slow motion of his thoughts passing through he let her. It was at that moment Xi found himself falling into a slow state of calm and revisiting a place he'd not been in a while, his subconscious, and opposite him stood the vision in his mind of the voice that had tormented him for over three seasons. Sat facing the opposite direction the beast before him bored.

Well i thought you'd finally left me alone... Xi lifted and folded his arms in his subconscious. The form of a the lumbering beast perked up it's ears and responded in kind with a slow hissing noise etched into his voice. When did you start talking to me again? I thought you'd wanted time alone. And yes I've left you alone...I can't really afford to make myself known in this city with those damned alvina... Alvina? I forgot how much of a dolt you were...The alvina are the demi gods of the city of nyka...Get with the program. Really...Your insufferable. Look whose talking. I don't know why i put up with you...Oh wait i do it's because i cant get rid of you. Or maybe you just cant get used to the thought of living without me...Ever since i stepped into your life, it's been easier you could blame all your dark urges all your murderous intent upon me...However your chat with "Evalin" showed you that your not the perfect soldier of good, no your human and prone to carnal and primitive urges thoughts of murder and perversions like the rest of us. ...Unfortunately I cannot argue with that assessment...Your just the personification of the depths that I could stoop too... And so now you finally accept the simple truth I've exposed you too...Your not infallible...Your mortal...And as such...You could fall prey to whatever desire overtakes you...Like that curse "wrenmae" once laid upon you... Xi closed his fist both mentally and physically before the voice of sayren snapped him out of his discussion.

Xi snapped his eyes open and glanced across at her to see how much of the drawing she'd pulled off. She'd done a fair amount and as such he could let her take some time away from it. He smiled lightly, a slight secret hidden behind his eyes. "Yeah sure...Take a break. You've one more pose to do than you can go and catch some sleep." Xi helped her up and out of his seat. "Just judging by the amount of detail you got down even though it's only an outline...It shows how much you've progressed. How far has your confidence gone ? How comfortable are you within your own skin however ? You've got bravery, however bravery often leads to foolishness, confidence in ones self however can also lead to over confidence there's a fine line between the two. Judge your opponent like you would yourself and you will be fine. But now i wish to see how much your confidence is grown, can you show yourself off completely ? or must you still hide ?" Xi smirked and sat back down in his chair, the conversation between himself and Liro still resounding in his mind.

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Angle is as important as power. (Sayren)

Postby Abstract on August 25th, 2013, 5:48 pm


Sayren :
Skill Amount
Riding 1
Observation 2
Unarmed Combat 5
Acrobatics 1
Storytelling 1
Running 1
Drawing 1

Lore Lore
Location: The Cursed Bridge Garel doesn't like the cursed bridge...
How to kick Kicks can be fun!
Kicks can be annoying Kick: Ice Blue

Miscellaneous Sore muscles from kicking for the next two days

Comments Ok WHAT??? Xi is just messed up. Just... no. I see what Baldy was saying in his grades... anyways, nice movement descriptions, but not much to give other than some unarmed

Question? Concerns? Think there's something wrong with the grade? Please PM me and we'll work it out!
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