Completed [Anthoniuos Fighter's Pit] Punch Punch Punch...OW!

Kreig likes to Punch, what better than Boxing to teach him hiw do so better?

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[Anthoniuos Fighter's Pit] Punch Punch Punch...OW!

Postby Kreig Messer on August 27th, 2013, 2:41 pm


82nd of Summer 513 AV, 14th Bell 30th Chime

Cecil Schneider, A man whose past is know clearly up to a certain point, after which certain aspects became unclear.... rumours cropping up as to what and where he was during those points of his life. The three that were most common were:

The first: he was once a squire of the order whose desire to see the world was too great, leaving the orser to become an adventurer in far off lands.

The second; He became a mercenary travelling far and wide, using his set of skills to earn himself a fair amount of profit.

The last; He became a member of one Sunberths three dominate criminal factions. Somehow leaving the life after being harshly taught and honing most of his skills amongst its anarchic population.

Whether of any or all of them were true, was something that only Cecil ,and most likely the knights, knew. Kre had his own ideas of these rumours.... but the man's life was his own, in the end it was his own choice whether to keep it secret or not. Because there was one truth that became readily apparent as Kreig watched the man give a lesson on combat; Cecil Schneider was a warrior....

Kreig was leaning against the wall as Cecil Schneider was teaching a few youths the basics of knife combat. He could see that each movement he made had a purpose behind it, each movement had him expertly spinning his knife, changing his grip. He would swing or swipe the blade with speed and precision, all the while throwing vicious punches and kicks not unlike Kreig's own.

Kreig supposed it was an inevitiblity, in combat it wasn't enough to simply rely on the weapon. No.... the weapon was only one factor, the person behind it has to be both physically and mentally able to use it effectively, they also had to be varied in skills " The man doesn't seem to be lacking in those departments" He mused aloud as a grin crept up his face.

Anyone who knew the brawler would perhaps assume Kreig was looking for a fight, and of the people here I'm the fighter's pit Cecil was definitely of the few who could perhaps offer a challenge. But in truth, shockingly so, was that Kreig wasn't actually searching for one. Amongst Cecil's repertoire of skills was that he was a fairly skilled boxer... Boxers have a good repertoire of punches....well, actually the only physical attacks Kreig knew they had were punches. Having fought against a few himself Kreig knew that there style of fighting prevented them from using such attacks like elbow and knee strikes, even a kick was not a fair tactic. All they had was their punches and wits, as such most considered its sport rather a practical combat skill...... Kreig partially agreed, but Kreig saw its uses and if he could incorperate its punches into his brawling style he knew he'd be more useful as a fighter.

After perhaps the passing of thirty chimes, Cecil had finished his lesson for the youths and promptly collected his fees from them. He immediately diverted his gaze to the brawler after making sure none of his students shortchanged him. Cecil was aware that the mam was watching him from the very begining,and the brawler made no attempt to hide it.

Beneath that bored looking exterior that Cecil wore, Kreig assumed that he may be curious as to why Kreig was watching, did he believe the brawler would challenge him? Did he have something he wanted? The order wanted?

Kreig approached the man only to have Cecil's hand raised in an open palm " Stop, I need rest before I speak to you" He said in a tone that made it sound like he was a humoreless scholar, a tone that largely contrasted with his appearance, well, other than that perpetual look of apathy he sported on his face.

"But you-"

" If its anything that has to do with fighting or learning how, I need rest. You have been polite enough to no intrude on my lesson and simply wait, you can wait longer, fifteen chimes and I will be back" Lowering his hand, Cecil moved away leaving a flabbergasted Kreig.

'Ye gads, this gent makes Razkar look sociallable' Krieg thought, he looked around this corner of the pit that Cecil made his own and he noticed the varied equipment. Wooden knives and short swords, both light and metal cored, there were weights of varying sizes, a piece of rope that's length made it suitable to be held by both hands and jumped over as it is swung over repeatedly, as long the person was light footed enough and fit enough to do just that. The piece of equipment that caught Kreig's eye the most however was the punching, the reasons obvious enough 'I like punching things'

Kreig approached the bag filled with sand as it hanged in midair by a piece rope comnect to a post. It was like seeing hanged man, a grim thought but it seemed apt enough. He examined the bag, running a hand against the thick leather ' He certainly trains a lot, that or his students' He noted as he saw the stitches and patches that decorated the bag, it was a worn and tired thing, eventually it would have to be replaced. Curiousity getting the best of him he took position before the bag, fists raised and then he pulled the right back then threw it in a straight punch. A satisfying thud sound was emitted as his fist connected with the bag, it swung back and forth lightly then came to a complete halt as he placed his hands on the bag to still it.

" You have not placed all your weight behind the blow" Came the toneless voice, Kreig wondered what he meant as he turned his head with a raised eyebrow, only to be gently pushed aside by the man. " Watch.... Kreig could only oblige, the man said he did something wrong... and Kreig was quite proud of the power behind his punches.

He watched Ceryls stance, his back crouched as his fists were raised and clenched, his face half hidded behind them as they were close to it.He pulled back his right fist "Watch" He repeated, and Kreig was rapt about it. He noted that as he pulled back his fist slowly for Kreig's benefit, that he partially rotated, then slowly he moved the fist forward and imitated a punch as he took a step forward" Watch" He was getting awfully tired of that word, but watched nonetheless as in one swift movement he pulled back his fist, rotating slightly as he then snapped forwards and unleashed am explosive punch that forced the bag to swing back, making Kreig's punch look poor in comparison.

"Well, certainly I have much" Keig allowed a grin to crawl on his face as he muttered those words "Much indeed"
Last edited by Kreig Messer on August 31st, 2013, 1:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Anthoniuos Fighter's Pit] Punch Punch Punch...OW!

Postby Kreig Messer on August 28th, 2013, 2:21 pm


Cecil than looked at him expectantly, Kreig nearly withered at his intense gaze. A grin still plastered on his face, albeit faltering slightly, he spoke up "Um.... yes, actually I was hoping you would teach me punches like that" Kreig said in a nervous tone as his left hand reached the back of his head and scratched lightly.


"Er...why what?

"There are others who can teach you for free, you are a squire, that is your privellage and resource. Why do you ask me?"

Kreig didn't quite have an answer for that as he raised a brow, crossing his arms while Cecil awaited an answer 'Well why the heck are you asking? You'd be getting paid' He wanted to say, but the man had a point; Kreig could easily find someone who could teach hi the same thing.

He simply shrugged as he spoke "You make a fair point, why indeed? Well, I am already taking a part of your time and you have already shown me a proper straight punch. So why not indulge me and allow me purchase of your lessons?" Cecil closes his eyes for a single moment, shaking his head slightly as he then moved behind the punching bag, picking up a cloth sack Kreig failed to notice.

"Extend your arms" He ordered, Kreig hesitated for a moment but obliged, from the sack Cecil pulled a roll of thin white cloth, tore off a strip of it and began circling it over Kreig's finger, then repeated it for the remainder of them. He returned the thin roll into the sack and brought out a wider roll, tearing off a long strip and rolling over half of Kreig's arm and then over the palm of his hand, also repeating it for the the other arm. He then repeated all off that for his own arms.

"The purpose of this is to protect the skin. Powerful along with repeated blows can easily flay one's own skin and keeps the bone still, this helps prevent it. Not full proof, but it helps" Kreig nodded in understanding, he was going to ask but his confusion prevented him from doing so. Kreig usually didn't simply rely on his own fists, and when it came to weapons he usually had his gauntlets ready to protect from and did out blows in equal measures.

When Cecil was done, he motioned for Kreig to stand in front of the bag and the brawler obliged "The punch I showed, you shall repeat....first show it to me slowly, so that I may judge and correct"

'Somewhere, someone is having the time of their lives seeing a squire being thought by an outsider' not that Kreig quite cared, if there is anything that he was sure of was that Sera Natasha and Ser Wade would tell him that some of the best lessons are taught outside the order's walls.

He took position in front of the of the bag, fists raised and his back crouched, trying to emulate the stance Cecil showed him to a degree "Your legs, part then a little farther"

"pardon?" Kregi turned his head curiously as he obliged, increasing he distance between his legs slightly.

"It will make throwing the punch less awkward, gives more space" One would think that the bride and decidedly deadpanned tone the adventurer turned miner spoke in would be quite... ignorable, but Kreig found himself listening intently, perhaps it was because beneath the tone the man knew what he was talking about? He certainly displayed that.

Kreig then continue, pulling his fist back and rotated his torso slightly to follow the movement. He paused for an instant to look back at Cecil, who made no comment and Kreig took that as a sign he was doing well. Finally, he brought the fist forward slowly, his fist rotating as it moved straight till his fist lightly touched the bag.

"Now.... throw a solid one" Kreig needed no more prompt as he pulled the fist back, rotated slightly then in reverse as he threw the fist forward, itself rotating to degree till it connected to the bag and released an explosive kinetics energy that pushed the bag back wildly. It emitted quite the satisfying sound as Kreig stood straight, but quickly frowned a he realized it wasn't as powerful as Cecil's

Cecil noticed the look of confusion, he supposed the crudeness of the motion could have caused the lack of power, but then shook his head. Crude motion or not, it should have been just as powerful as his, then the thought struck him, he approached kreig and suddenly grabbed his arm, the brawler's head suddenly turnend in surprise , brows furrowed in confusion but he made no resistance. Cecil rolled Kreig's sleeves and let an audible "hmmm....'"

"uh, what's wrong?"

"Ah, yes. It is your muscles...."

"er....what about them"

To answer, Cecil raised his own arm and placed it side to side by Kreig's "You have a fair amount, not much compared to mine though" Kreig sighed and saw that he was right, during his time as a squire he had slowly been gaining a fair amount of muscle as a by products, you don't drill a longsword repeatedly without gain in at least a bit. It explained why Kreig's punch was inferior to Cecil's though, the man who had spent a few years of his life as a miner swinging a pickaxe around would certainly gain some, and the weights around his little zone suggested it wasn't simply that.

Cecil then lowered his arm then looked at Kreig " the punch you did is usually referred to as a cross punch done by the dominate hand"

'So quick to jump into explanations' Kreig thought with amusement.

"It is one of the four basic punches in the boxer's arsenal" He then took a small distance away from Kreig and took up a battle position "The other's are...."

His left suddenly snapped forward, a quick punch that quickly snapped back to a hard position all in less than an instant " The Jab..."

He then crouched slightly as he rotated his torso, his right clenched and like a spring snapped up and through perhaps a devastating "...Uppercut."

Finally with his left he brought the arm into a curve, his torso rotating in its direction then rotated back bringing the fist swinging " and finally the hook"

Jab, Cross, Hook and Uppercut, these were the four basic punches "...And they look positively glorious"

Last edited by Kreig Messer on August 31st, 2013, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Anthoniuos Fighter's Pit] Punch Punch Punch...OW!

Postby Kreig Messer on August 31st, 2013, 1:57 pm


"The Jab... it is the most basic of them... before I go deeper into it, however, there are a couple of terms I must explain" Cecil said as he face the brawler, grabbing his fists and raising them "In the world of boxers, we have names for our fists.. You are right handed, are you not?" Kreig nodded in confirmation as he looked down at his own fists, then back to Cecil.

"In boxing, the dominant hand and is called the rear hand while the left is called the lead hand and vice versa if your left handed. To differentiate, right handed fighters are called orthodox while left are called unorthodox or southpaw" Cecil then let go of Kreig's fists , setting himself just outside his own fists strike range as he took a pose.

"The jab is a punch thrown with the lead hand"
He demonstrated the punch once more' Kreig now getting a closer and an in-your-face view of it. He flinched slightly thinking it was about to strike him only for the fist to snap back, Cecil then quickly demonstrated it again.

The Brawler noted that as Cecil threw the quick punch, the left side of his body rotated slightly forward while his fist rotated from a vertical to a horizontal position "It is a light, quick punch,... the weakest but most important of them"

"Why is it the most important?"
Kreig asked, an eyebrow raised as a small grin crept up to his face.

"Because the Jab has multiple roles, with it I can judge the distance between us and adjust myself accordingly. I can also break my opponents preparation for a blow or interrupted the blow midway, breaking their concentration and also prepare my own blows" Kreig nodded with interest, but also amused as it seemed Cecil was exasperated with all this talking "It is essentially the nail for the hammer, the set up"

"Er... one question, can a Jab only be thrown by the lead hand?"

"No, often enough some boxers will mix up their styles to confuse their opponents. If they can develop the ambidexterity in any case, the art of pugilism is a mental game often enough, as well fighting arts if you can get them fighting at your pace you have the upper hand" Cecil said, then throwing another jab " Do you think you can immitate the punch?"

Kreig wasn't quite sure really, he had a good close up of it so he'd likely be able to reproduce the blow. The Brawler raised his fists, his left clenched... he snapped his right fist forward, his left side rotating slightly forward as his fists rotated 90 degrees the moment of 'impact' then snapped back.

He grinned slightly but then noted the look of disapproval in Cecil's eyes "hmm... you made a mistake at the very basis"

'wait... very basis?' Kreig raised brows in alarm, he was quite proud of his punching prowess, to know he made a mistake right the beginning of one.

Cecil seemed to take notice of the brawlers fear and waved his hand dismissively "Don't worry, its the Jab... not the rest of your punches, I have yet to judge them to make that kind of conclusion you're thinking of" Kreig sighed in reliefs as he heard those words, his eyes closing briefly, with all thats happened this summer he certainly did not need anyone telling him is precious punching powers was wrong as a whole.

" The problem with your jab is that its not relaxed"

"Not relaxed?"

"I mean you should not clench your fist, it slows the jab down and practically tells your opponent what your about to do. A jab is supposed to be the opposite, its speed should be unexpected and catch the foe off guard. As a boxer, the jab is again the most important...its the most important offence and defends available" Cecil said as he crossed his arms, scratching his left shoulder.

"In any cases, the lesson ends here...I've taught you a jab and a straight punch. Already I've explained many things to you... anymore and it constitutes as another lesson" Kreig was about to protest but said nothing as he closed his mouth, indeed the man had been generous.

Kreig sighed as he raised a hand to his head and noded "Very well, How much do I owe you for this one?"

"Fifteen Gold Miza's" Kreig nodded as he rummaged through his pouch, pulling them out piece by piece and placing them into Cecil's hands "is it too much to ask for an advice or two?" He asked only for Cecil to ask for two gold pieces. Kreig mumbled a curse but obliged anyway.

"First, excersize; like wielding a weapon one needs the strength to use it effectively. For boxing and any other art really, your body needs to meet the demand. I'm sure the brotherhood has equipment for you to make use off, or perhaps you could purchase your own...jogging can be an effective method for your legs and stamina, a must for a boxer and am effective warmup as well" Cecil said as he counted the money in his hand, making sure he wasn't being shortchanged " the second advice is that you've seen all four punches I had to offer, the last two are easy to immitate. In the end for all of them to be effecfive you must train them constantly" With all the said, Cecil waved a small goodbye. Kreig simply walked away, feeling mixed emotions about the advice... certainly they were sound, but feeling that Cecil could have told him more.

In the end it didn't matter, he learnt what he needed to learn. If he can perfect them then perhaps he could learn more "Heh, I think its time I search out a few opponents"
Last edited by Kreig Messer on December 10th, 2013, 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Anthoniuos Fighter's Pit] Punch Punch Punch...OW!

Postby Radiant on October 29th, 2013, 1:45 pm


Kreig :
Skill XP Earned
Observation +2 XP
Boxing +2 XP

Lore Earned
Cecil: A Man With Rumors
Cecil: Sparring Partner
Unarmed Combat: Gloves To Protect The Skin
Boxing: Proper Stances
Boxing: Cross, Jab, Hook, And Uppercut

-15 GM
+1 Shield Point

Notes :
Solid solo, Kreig! :D Good job.

One thing of note though, there are quite a lot of typing errors in this. Nothing fatal, but noticeable.

My radiance is not bright enough?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, beam me a PM and we can work it out. :)
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